No Man's Sky Wiki
No Man's Sky Wiki
The subject of this article is from the Waypoint update.
The information from this article is up-to-date as of 21 February, 2023.

The Quick Menu allows certain commands to be executed rapidly.

Summary[ | ]

The Quick Menu can be accessed by pressing Psbutton.dpaddown/KEY.X/Xboxbutton.dpaddown (PS4/PC/Xbox) and allows execution of certain actions such as recharging, or perform repairs without interrupting the flow of gameplay. Photo Mode is accessed through the Quick Menu. It is also used to change from first to third person camera modes.

On Foot[ | ]

The Quick Menu can be used to quickly recharge and repair hazard protection, life support, and multi-tool technologies.

  • You may also summon your exocraft if it is nearby, useful for getting it out of caves and pits.
  • Your Freighter can be summoned in space above you.
  • You many summon a Trade Rocket if you own the applicable technology.
  • Your current and other owned Starships can be summoned.
  • Toggle your suits light on and off.
  • Switch between multi-tools.
  • Summon Pets.

In Ship[ | ]

In Exocraft[ | ]

Additional Information[ | ]

Photo Mode is always available.

Change camera mode is always available.

Gallery[ | ]
