No Man's Sky Wiki
The subject of this article is from the Expeditions update.
The information from this article is up-to-date as of 1 June, 2021.
This article was documented by the Galactic Hub.

Galaxy Euclid
Region The Arm of Vezitinen
Colour Yellow
Spectral class F0p
Distance to centre 671,552 light‑years
Planet(s) 4
Moon(s) 1
Faction Korvax
Economy Ore Extraction
Wealth Failing
Conflict level Unruly
Claimed by Galactic Hub Project
Discovered by Gainsdalf
Discovery platform PS4
Game Mode Normal
Updated Expeditions

HUB1-21 TopOfTheTree3 is a star system.

Summary[ | ]

HUB1-21 TopOfTheTree3 is a star system in The Arm of Vezitinen. It is a landmark system in the Galactic Hub Project, easily navigable by visitors.

Discovered Date[ | ]

By Interloper Gainsdalf on PS4.

Alias Names[ | ]

Original: Rastand-Ink
Current: Rastand-Ink
Official: HUB1-21 TopOfTheTree3

Planets & Moons[ | ]

Planet Name Type Extreme
Esen Prime Gain’s Folly Corrosive Planet YES NO
Copper, Sodium, Fungal Mould, Magnetised Ferrite, Ammonia. 100% Zoology Bonus: 600 Notes: Ringed toxic planet with large mountain formations. Lacks liquid water.
Isengard Isengard Decaying Nuclear Planet YES NO
Pure Ferrite, Copper, Uranium, Gamma Root 100% Zoology Bonus: 300 Notes: Dry, radioactive planet with abundant Uranium minerals.
Mordor Mordor (HUB1-21 TopOfTheTree3) Verdant Planet NO YES
Pure Ferrite, Copper, Paraffinium, Star Bulb, Albumen Pearl, Gravitino Ball. 100% Zoology Bonus: 450 Notes: Lush planet with grass, trees, lakes, and oceans. Aggressive sentinels.

Location Information[ | ]

Coordinates[ | ]


Navigation Images[ | ]


Locating [HUB1-21] TopOfTheTree3[ | ]

TopOfTheTree3 is located at the peak of the “tree” structure in The Arm of Vezitinen.

Space Station[ | ]

Multitool Technology Merchant[ | ]

Modules for Sale Price (Nanite Clusters)
Mining Beam Module (C) 66
Scanner Module (C) 71
Boltcaster Module (C) 69
Plasma Launcher Module (C) 72
Geology Cannon Module (C) 71
Blaze Javelin Module (C) 69
Scatter Blaster Module (C) 70
Pulse Spitter Module (C) 72
Pulse Spitter Module (A) 302
Mining Beam Module (B) 164
Mining Beam Module (S) 407
Scatter Blaster Module (S) 455
Scanner Module (B) 162

Starship Technology Merchant[ | ]

Modules for Sale Price (Nanite Clusters)
Pulse Engine Module (C) 70
Hyperdrive Module (C) 70
Starship Shield Module (C) 71
Photon Cannon Module (C) 71
Phase Beam Module (C) 70
Positron Module (C) 73
Infra-Knife Module (C) 75
Positron Module (S) 442
Positron Module (B) 172
Photon Cannon Module (A) 286
Cyclotron Module (B) 161
Photon Cannon Module (S) 462
Starship Shield Module (S) 438
Pulse Engine Module (A) 285

Exosuit Technology Merchant[ | ]

Modules for Sale Price (Nanite Clusters)
Life Support Module (B) 171
Movement Module (C) 70
Shield Module (C) 70
Underwater Protection Module (B) 165
Radiation Protection Module (B) 169
Toxic Protection Module (B) 168
Thermal Protection Module (B) 169
Thermal Protection Module (A) 282
Scatter Blaster Module (A) 296
Life Support Module (S) 433
Toxic Protection Module (A) 305
Movement Module (A) 294
Scatter Blaster Module (B) 169
Shield Module (A) 284
Thermal Protection Module (A) 287
Movement Module (B) 163
Radiation Protection Module (S) 429

External links[ | ]

Galactic Hub Emblem small

This page is part of the Galactic Hub

Galactic Hub Project subreddit


Galactic Hub Interloper Handbook
