No Man's Sky Wiki
The subject of this article is from the Aquarius update.
The information from this article is up-to-date as of 22 October, 2024.
Re-latticed Arc Crystal
Re-latticed Arc Crystal
Category Tradeable
Type Trade Goods (Minerals)
Total Value 50,000.0 Units
Updated Aquarius

Re-latticed Arc Crystal is a tradeable.

Summary[ | ]

Re-latticed Arc Crystal is a 5th tier tradeable.

Game Description[ | ]

A neatly wrapped parcel of re-latticed arc crystals.

Extremely rare mineral formations, arc crystals are in high demand in manufacturing economies, where their hardness and conductivity is vital to several industrial processes. They also make alluring (if dangerous) jewellery.

Source[ | ]

It can be purchased from Galactic Trade Terminals in all high-wealth Mining Economy star systems.

It can also be obtained via the completion of missions.

Usage[ | ]

  • It can be sold for a profit in any Manufacturing Economy star system.
  • 3 can be traded to a space station Merchants Guild envoy to increase your rank.
  • It is not usable by the player in Crafting or Base building.

Additional Information[ | ]

Release History[ | ]

  • Atlas Rises - Added as a trade commodity.
  • NEXT - Stack size in Exosuit general inventory raised from 1 to 5.
  • Waypoint - Type changed, formerly "Tradable Minerals".

Gallery[ | ]
