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The subject of this article is from the ExoMech update.
The information from this article is up-to-date as of 10 June, 2020. |
The information from this article is is up-to-date as of 10 June, 2020.
Recurring Space Encounters are a subclassification of space encounters.
Summary[ | ]
Recurring Space Encounters are space encounters which can be repeatedly and predictably encountered in a specific system.
Not all space encounters are recurring, as some are truly random, but every system has a unique list of encounters which trigger at specific times after entering the system. As they can be reliably and repeatedly encountered by reentering their system, they are considered recurring for that system.
How To Find Them[ | ]
As with all space encounters, recurring ones trigger only when travelling between planets while using your Pulse Engine. The timer starts when entering the system, either by warping from another system, or by loading a saved game file that was saved in the target system.
A system's timer moves forward at a constant pace while pulsing. Direction of travel does not affect results, nor does relative proximity to planetary bodies. A system's timer appears to slow rather than pause when in normal space and even when the game is paused, although more testing is needed in this area to confirm early findings.
In order to properly judge if a particular encounter is recurring in a system, one must use a stopwatch and accurately record several pulse runs through the system. For consistent note keeping, it is suggested to swift return to pulsing after each encounter and avoid pausing the game. If the same encounter can be seen at the same approximate time across several pulse runs, it is recurring. While ascertaining the status of a particular encounter, please keep in mind the following observations:
- Every system's timed encounter list is unique.
- If not currently pulsing when a specific event's time is reached, it will be skipped.
- In rare circumstances, a specific timed encounter may be skipped. If it is otherwise usually present in other pulse runs, it is still considered recurring.
- In rare circumstances, an additional and truly random encounter may be added. It can be identified as being truly random by not being present in other pulse runs in the same system.
- In rare circumstances, a Trader may change their trader type (normal, repairs, or artifact), or be replaced by a Hostile Sub-space Scan for a specific encounter.
- In rare circumstances, Fugitive Starship Detected may be replaced by a fugitive starship of lesser rank and bounty value, or by a Hostile Sub-space Scan for a specific encounter.
- When piloting a Living Ship, some Traders and Derelict Freighters will be replaced by Void Eggs. This will affect some, but not all, of a system's specific timed space encounters, and those affected will have a high chance of conversion when encountered, but will not always be converted.
- At higher times (10 min+) Hostile Sub-space Scans have been observed to occasionally become out of sync with normal space encounters; sometimes enough that it will alter their order of encounter.
- Due to inconsistent pulse reentry times after an encounter and other unknown variables, encounters times may vary by several seconds between pulse runs. This variance can increase the farther one gets from their time of system entry.
Resetting a System's Timer[ | ]
A system's timer restarts each time the system is initially entered. This can be done by warping to the system from another system, or by loading a saved game file. These are the only reliably known methods of resetting the system timer.
Landing on a planet, leaving and reentering your starship, then reentering space will often, but not reliably, reset a system's encounter timer. This method is particularly handy when farming a system encounter with a spawn time of less than one minute.
Documenting Recurring Space Encounters[ | ]
Due to the slight variance shown between pulse runs in any given system, it is suggested to average the results of each specific encounter and round it to the nearest five seconds.
When adding a recurring space encounter example to a space encounter page, please include its system's name and the event's specific time of occurrence to show testing and verification was performed. Entries which do not include a spawn time should be removed from lists of recurring encounters as they show verification of the event's recurrence was not performed, making them more likely to be mere random encounters. It is suggested that only those with a spawn timer of five minutes or less should be included on space encounter pages as higher timers are not as useful.
If wishing to record recurring space encounters on a system's page, it is suggested to add a "Recurring Space Encounters" header following the Location Information section using the format of "MIN minutes, SEC seconds, ENCOUNTER NAME" for each encounter. Following is an example of planet Kadmon's recurring space encounter list.
Example: Recurring Space Encounters[ | ]
- 1 minute, 45 seconds, Gaseous Sentience
- 2 minutes, 20 seconds, Trader (Normal)*
- 4 minutes, 5 seconds, Fugitive Starship Detected (Mostly Harmless, 100k U)
- 5 minutes, 15 seconds, Trader (Repairs)
- 9 minutes, 15 seconds, Trader (Normal)
Utilizing Recurring Space Encounters[ | ]
Recurring space encounters can be quite useful when wishing to farm a particular type of encounter. Systems with a high occurrence of Traders in need of repairs can be used to quickly raise one's standing with their faction. Some, like the Grave of the Ocean King can be used to quickly farm valuable artifacts. By knowing when Hostile Sub-space Scans occur in a particular system, they can be completely avoided by disengaging the Pulse Engine before they start. Some even provide more specific benefits (such as Rogue Black Holes) as any encountered in a particular system will always have the same exiting system, which provides a reliable transportation option.
Rare space encounters with a system spawn time of less than a minute are particularly valuable as they are frequently encountered when traveling between worlds in a system.
Additional information[ | ]
Initial testing to verify the existence of space encounters occurring according to a set schedule unique to each system was performed by the Grand Conjunction and included 12 systems, each with several ten minute pulse runs performed to ensure consistency of results between runs. Testing for some systems was performed over the course of two months to ensure consistency of results over time. Every system tested showed consistent and predictable results. Only a few outlying cases existed of an extra or missing encounter specific test runs, with such outliers being attributed to failing to reengage pulse drive quick enough after the previous encounter or possibly the existence of a few truly random encounters existing in each system.
Testing to see if recurring space encounters are consistent across platforms has not yet been performed.
Gallery[ | ]
Rogue Black Holes in Sudhr-Stjarna were the first recurring space encounter documented.
(3 min. 25 sec.,
7 min. 25 sec.)Samnadhr sja'Gulr's quickly occurring Grave of the Ocean King allows for swift farming of artifacts.
(0 min. 45 sec.)Relic Gate in Endalr will transport you ~710,000 ly away from Euclid Galaxy Centre.
(~3mins, not timed)