The Rentocniijik Expanse is a region of the Euclid galaxy.
It's often said to be shaped like a Christmas tree/pine tree with a "cloud" on top, or a mushroom cloud. The "tree" portion of the region is highly organized. Star systems in the "tree" are arranged into 10 flat layers of stars (including HUB-V-15D TopOfTheTree, the peak), with some occasionally falling between two layers.
On PS4, every system in this region has been explored and uploaded (although not every planet has yet, as some people upload systems without exploring every planet).
It was the original main region for the Galactic Hub Project in the Pathfinder era, and is located at the following coordinates in the Euclid galaxy.
After Atlas Rises, the Rentocniijik Expanse was renamed to Rentocnii Conflux, and the region's planets had massive changes, forcing the Galactic Hub to move to the Shungka Void
Note: Pre-Expedition pages that have an updated Expeditions or later page for the same systems/planet/moon etc. are NOT counted in the pre-Expedition columns.
Discovered star systems[ | ]
The following star systems are documented in the Rentocniijik Expanse region:
The following Regions can be found surrounding the Rentocniijik Expanse. Refer to this Reddit thread for a detailed explanation of each region's location related to each other.