No Man's Sky Wiki
The subject of this article is from the Visions update.
The information from this article is up-to-date as of 13 August, 2019.
Salvage Container
Salvage Container
Category Container
Type Artifact
Updated Visions

Salvage Container is a container.

Summary[ | ]

Salvage Container is a container and the central part of the Salvageable Scrap. It is invulnerable as long as it is interconnected with Protective Casings.

When destroyed, it rewards the player with a random Salvaged Scrap.

Additional information[ | ]

  • It is located underground and will require the Terrain Manipulator to excavate it.
  • The number of Protective Casings interconnected with a Salvage Container defines the rarity of the Salvaged Scrap: 2 → Common, 3 → Uncommon, 4 → Rare.

Release history[ | ]

Gallery[ | ]
