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The subject of this article is from the Desolation update.
The information from this article is up-to-date as of 22 September, 2020. |
The information from this article is up-to-date as of 22 September, 2020.
Secure Sites/Puzzles is an information page.
Summary[ | ]
This page aims to catalogue the various puzzles offered to the player in Manufacturing Facilities/Operations Centres.
Puzzles[ | ]
Puzzle | Biome | Flow | Option | Mood | Cost | Rewards | Next iteration |
?ALL_FACT_REWARD | Default |
Normal operations have resumed, and I have access to the facility's main control panel. I should be able to alter production to my own benefit. |
Extract nanites | Neutral | TECHFRAG_S, STD_INC_TRA | ||
Create Multi-Tool Expansion Slot | Positive | Multi-Tool Expansion Slot, STD_INC_TRA | |||||
Learn new recipe | Positive | FACT_PROD, STD_INC_TRA | |||||
?TRA_FACTORY14_MAIN | Default |
Friend healing and repair station initializing! Please, be happy! |
Fire Multi-Tool | Negative | |||
Struggle | Negative | ||||||
Wait | Positive | ?ALL_FACT_REWARD |
Puzzle | Biome | Flow | Option | Mood | Cost | Rewards | Next iteration |
EXP_FACTORY1 | Default |
My unauthorised intrusion has activated an alert on the control terminal. Its lights flash an angry, hostile red. Reboot initialised. Data loss probability warning. Offsite back-up detonation initialised. Security countermeasures have begun a full system wipe. I see file after file being purged from the records. |
Force restart | Positive | ?ALL_FACT_REWARD | ||
Save data | Negative | STD_DEC_EXP | |||||
Wait | Neutral | ||||||
EXP_FACTORY2 | Default |
The primary terminal is non-responsive, but comms seem open. Warning. Calm, entity! Contact Convergence technology entity for help I can open up conversation with whoever - or whatever - installed it. |
Request remote help | Positive | RECIPE_LIST, STD_INC_EXP | ||
Hard reset the system | Negative | ||||||
EXP_FACTORY3 | Default |
My entry into the facility has interrupted an automated maintenance routine. The terminal flashes a warning message: Save failed! Tech blueprint data corrupted! Reconstruction probability: high A fragmented file appears to have frozen the system. The machine is stuck in a loop trying to access it. |
Attempt reconstruction | Positive | STD_INC_EXP | ?ALL_FACT_REWARD | |
Delete file | Positive | STD_INC_EXP | ?ALL_FACT_REWARD | ||||
EXP_FACTORY4 | Default |
The facility rings with the blare of an alarm. However, it appears I am not the first intruder. The terminal display indicates a previous hijack attempt. Virus detection warning! File extracting valuable data! Strange, shifting glyphs dance across the terminals command prompt. Some alien code is taking over the system's research drive. |
Quarantine alien process | Positive | STD_INC_EXP | ?ALL_FACT_REWARD | |
Permit alien process | Positive | STD_INC_EXP | ?ALL_FACT_REWARD | ||||
EXP_FACTORY5 | Default |
The outpost appears to have been in the middle of complex planetary scan. Alarms sound against my intrusion, but the operation continues. I attempt to make sense of the output. Warning! Interruption forbidden! Sentinel scan ending soon! Control returning to overseer imminently! The scan continues. It seems to be consuming all the facility's resources, preventing other operations. A large red override button blinks temptingly. |
Cancel planetary scan | Negative | |||
Wait | Positive | ?ALL_FACT_REWARD | |||||
EXP_FACTORY6 | Default |
Two electronic lifeforms are registered on this terminal. Korvax research log. Primary entity: product recipe research. Secondary entity: technological blueprint reconstruction. The primary entity's work is full of complicated chemical symbols, the secondary entity focuses on diagrams of electronic circuitry. |
Login as Primary Entity | Positive | RECIPE_LIST, STD_INC_EXP | ||
Login as Secondary Entity | Positive | PROC_TECH_ALL, STD_INC_EXP | |||||
EXP_FACTORY7 | Default |
My entry has caused the facility to go into immediate lockdown, interrupting its operation. Readouts on the terminal indicate some sort of deep-level exploratory or drilling operation. Geological scan in progress! Medial strata mined. Remote connection error! Immediate probe recall required! A probe schematic flashes red. Some input appears to be required. |
Recall probe | Positive | ?ALL_FACT_REWARD | ||
Restart probe | Neutral | EXP_FACTORY7 | |||||
Detonate probe | Negative | STD_DEC_EXP | |||||
EXP_FACTORY8 | Default |
Alarms blare, sounding out against my intrusion. The facility is remotely operated, and no-one responds to the klaxon's call. The terminal indicates the facility was undertaking a specialised piece of research. Experiment containment failure. Common fuel element overcharge explosion. Clarify should continue? The terminal appears to be asking for manual confirmation of its experiment... |
Continue experiment | Negative | STD_DEC_EXP | ||
End experiment | Positive | ?ALL_FACT_REWARD | |||||
Insert carbon | Negative | Carbon x75 | STD_DEC_EXP | ||||
EXP_FACTORY10 | Default |
Security systems have reacted to my unauthorised entry. The terminal barks a series of warnings. Illegal access! Security control deployed! All goods will be incinerated! The terminal cycles images of flames. I can feel the heat rising from the resource vaults below. |
Submit cancellation request | Positive | ?ALL_FACT_REWARD | ||
Activate fire extinguishers | Positive | STD_INC_EXP | ?ALL_FACT_REWARD | ||||
Add fuel | Negative | Condensed Carbon x75 | STD_DEC_EXP, DAMAGESMALL | ||||
EXP_FACTORY11 | Default |
A wired metal dart springs from a panel and slams through my visor. It pierces the skin on my forehead, and I feel a faint electrical current. Eheu Entity! Vital words accidentally corrupted? Pay units to relearn! Whether ransom, paid service or security device - the terminal seems to want payment... |
Insert units | Positive | Units x10 | TEACHWORD_EXP, TEACHWORD_EXP | |
Insert units | Positive | Units x100 | TEACHWORD_EXP, TEACHWORD_EXP, TEACHWORD_EXP | ||||
Remove dart | Positive | SUBST_TECH | |||||
EXP_FACTORY13 | Default |
Machinery here is mining a captured asteroid for oxides. The process has stalled. The facility reeks of burnt metal, and the floor is hot to touch. I search the terminal for clues. Eheu, drill motor automated disconnection! Motor fire! Repair immediately Entity! The terminal presents a number of repair drone options. <DELAY>0.2<> Beneath my feet I hear the ominous creaking and popping of metal straining against itself. |
Repair drill bit | Positive | ?ALL_FACT_REWARD | ||
Repair drill motor | Negative | ||||||
EXP_FACTORY14 | Default |
I rapidly flick through alien warnings to discover what's brought the facility offline. Warning! Temporal capacitor disengaged! Production time loop detected! All too late, I realise I'm doing the exact same thing again. And again. I've done this before. Many times. |
Recharge flux crystals | Negative | |||
Engage temporal capacitor | Positive | RECIPE_LIST, STD_INC_EXP | |||||
Reset clock | Negative | ||||||
EXP_FACTORY15 | Default |
My intrusion has triggered some sort of scrambled shutdown. Even over the sound of the alarm, I can hear the rumble of elements cascading away through the pipes. The terminal blinks a warning: Warning! Catalyst overload! Circuit board technology overheat warning! It seems that the system is struggling to cope with the overflow. An automated emergency stop is about to be issued. |
Detach supply chute | Positive | |||
Override security alert | Positive | STD_INC_EXP | ?ALL_FACT_REWARD | ||||
Inject coolant | Positive | ?ALL_FACT_REWARD | |||||
EXP_FACTORY16 | BiomeHot |
The air is compromised. My entry has allowed the overwhelming atmospheric heat to overwhelm sensitive systems. Even the primary terminal is failing beneath my finger-tips. Alert! Alert! Power core isolated! Central artificial intelligence core endangered! Hostile environment detected! A number of recovery operations are available... |
Seal off power core | Negative | |||
Seal off primary motherboard | Negative | ||||||
Seal off central AI | Positive | ?ALL_FACT_REWARD | |||||
BiomeCold |
The air is compromised. My entry has allowed the fearsome external chill to overwhelm sensitive systems. Even the primary terminal is failing beneath my finger-tips. Alert! Alert! Power core isolated! Central artificial intelligence core endangered! Hostile environment detected! A number of recovery operations are available... |
Seal off power core | Negative | ||||
Seal off primary motherboard | Negative | ||||||
Seal off central AI | Positive | ?ALL_FACT_REWARD | |||||
BiomeLush |
The air is compromised. My entry has allowed some sort of metal-eating bacteria to breach sensitive systems. Even the primary terminal is corroding at my finger-tips. Alert! Alert! Power core isolated! Central artificial intelligence core endangered! Hostile environment detected! A number of recovery operations are available... |
Seal off power core | Negative | ||||
Seal off primary motherboard | Negative | ||||||
Seal off central AI | Positive | ?ALL_FACT_REWARD | |||||
BiomeDusty |
The air is compromised. My entry has allowed choking atmospheric dust to clog sensitive systems. Even the primary terminal is shorting out beneath my finger-tips. Alert! Alert! Power core isolated! Central artificial intelligence core endangered! Hostile environment detected! A number of recovery operations are available... |
Seal off power core | Negative | ||||
Seal off primary motherboard | Negative | ||||||
Seal off central AI | Positive | ?ALL_FACT_REWARD | |||||
BiomeTox |
The air is compromised. My entry has allowed atmospheric toxins to breach sensitive systems. Even the primary terminal is corroding at my finger-tips. Alert! Alert! Power core isolated! Central artificial intelligence core endangered! Hostile environment detected! A number of recovery operations are available... |
Seal off power core | Negative | ||||
Seal off primary motherboard | Negative | ||||||
Seal off central AI | Positive | ?ALL_FACT_REWARD | |||||
BiomeRad |
The air is compromised. My entry has allowed atmospheric radiation to breach sensitive systems. Even the primary terminal is decaying at my finger-tips. Alert! Alert! Power core isolated! Central artificial intelligence core endangered! Hostile environment detected! A number of recovery operations are available... |
Seal off power core | Negative | ||||
Seal off primary motherboard | Negative | ||||||
Seal off central AI | Positive | ?ALL_FACT_REWARD | |||||
BiomeWeird |
The air is compromised. My entry has allowed some sort of metal-eating bacteria to breach sensitive systems. Even the primary terminal is corroding at my finger-tips. Alert! Alert! Power core isolated! Central artificial intelligence core endangered! Hostile environment detected! A number of recovery operations are available... |
Seal off power core | Negative | ||||
Seal off primary motherboard | Negative | ||||||
Seal off central AI | Positive | ?ALL_FACT_REWARD | |||||
EXP_FACTORY17 | Default |
The installation has been hacked. A coded transmission has breached security and is stealing data. Warning! Vy'keen vessel transmission detected. Data upload to starship. Two wavelengths are open. One from this planet's surface, and the other from high above. |
Block planetary signal | Negative | |||
Block orbital signal | Positive | RECIPE_LIST, STD_INC_EXP | |||||
Report intrusion | Positive | Required standing with Explorers: 5 | PROC_TECH_ALL, USEFUL_PROD, STD_INC_EXP | ||||
EXP_FACTORY18 | Default |
Operations are offline. A recent research scan has been corrupted, likely by my unexpected interruption. It is crashing every system in the outpost. Bad data. Sentinel drone activity scan corrupted. System disengaged. The terminal scrolls through a list of potentially corrupt files. I appear to have deletion rights... |
Delete planetary quadruped scan | Negative | |||
Delete Sentinel scan | Positive | STD_INC_EXP | ?ALL_FACT_REWARD | ||||
Delete geological survey | Negative | ||||||
EXP_FACTORY19 | Default |
Wild energy fluctuations have brought research operations to a standstill. When I touch the terminal to investigate, a residual electric charge earths itself through my Exosuit. Alert! Electronic terminal operator power discharge! Reset primary interface! Readouts on the terminal indicate the power fluctuations are getting stronger and wilder. It will not be long before they bring down the entire facility. |
Stabilise production battery | Negative | |||
Reset primary terminal | Positive | STD_INC_EXP | ?ALL_FACT_REWARD | ||||
EXP_FACTORY20 | BiomeHot |
Systems are super-charged despite the security alert. Equipment beneath my feet buzzes and whirrs with a high intensity. The terminal blinks a warning. Danger! Excess power! Decrease energy use immediately! Delivery at maximum! I detect a faint smell of burning... |
Reduce power delivery levels | Positive | ?ALL_FACT_REWARD | ||
Increase fan power delivery | Negative | ||||||
Increase coolant power delivery | Negative | ||||||
BiomeCold |
Systems are super-charged despite the security alert. Equipment beneath my feet buzzes and whirrs with a high intensity. The terminal blinks a warning. Danger! Excess power! Decrease energy use immediately! Delivery at maximum! I detect a faint smell of burning... |
Reduce power delivery levels | Positive | ?ALL_FACT_REWARD | |||
Increase fan power delivery | Negative | ||||||
Increase coolant power delivery | Negative | ||||||
BiomeLush |
Systems are super-charged despite the security alert. Equipment beneath my feet buzzes and whirrs with a high intensity. The terminal blinks a warning. Danger! Excess power! Decrease energy use immediately! Delivery at maximum! I detect a faint smell of burning... |
Reduce power delivery levels | Positive | ?ALL_FACT_REWARD | |||
Increase fan power delivery | Negative | ||||||
Increase coolant power delivery | Negative | ||||||
BiomeDusty |
Systems are super-charged despite the security alert. Equipment beneath my feet buzzes and whirrs with a high intensity. The terminal blinks a warning. Danger! Excess power! Decrease energy use immediately! Delivery at maximum! I detect a faint smell of burning... |
Reduce power delivery levels | Positive | ?ALL_FACT_REWARD | |||
Increase fan power delivery | Negative | ||||||
Increase coolant power delivery | Negative | ||||||
BiomeTox |
Systems are super-charged despite the security alert. Equipment beneath my feet buzzes and whirrs with a high intensity. The terminal blinks a warning. Danger! Excess power! Decrease energy use immediately! Delivery at maximum! I detect a faint smell of burning... |
Reduce power delivery levels | Positive | ?ALL_FACT_REWARD | |||
Increase fan power delivery | Negative | ||||||
Increase coolant power delivery | Negative | ||||||
BiomeRad |
Systems are super-charged despite the security alert. Equipment beneath my feet buzzes and whirrs with a high intensity. The terminal blinks a warning. Danger! Excess power! Decrease energy use immediately! Delivery at maximum! I detect a faint smell of burning... |
Reduce power delivery levels | Positive | ?ALL_FACT_REWARD | |||
Increase fan power delivery | Negative | ||||||
Increase coolant power delivery | Negative | ||||||
BiomeWeird |
Systems are super-charged despite the security alert. Equipment beneath my feet buzzes and whirrs with a high intensity. The terminal blinks a warning. Danger! Excess power! Decrease energy use immediately! Delivery at maximum! I detect a faint smell of burning... |
Reduce power delivery levels | Positive | ?ALL_FACT_REWARD | |||
Increase fan power delivery | Negative | ||||||
Increase coolant power delivery | Negative | ||||||
EXP_FACTORY21 | Default |
I approach the terminal. It flashes the expected security alert, but alongside is a warning I have not seen before. Unexpected biological blockage detected. Power delivery network disruption! A video feed shows a small creature is scrambling through the wiring below me, woken by the security alert. Its choice of nesting location was unwise... |
Initiate power surge | Positive | STD_INC_EXP | ?ALL_FACT_REWARD | |
Flush production network | Positive | STD_INC_EXP | ?ALL_FACT_REWARD | ||||
Leave creature alone | Positive | STD_INC_EXP | ?ALL_FACT_REWARD | ||||
EXP_FACTORY22 | Default |
The alarm has triggered the instant incineration of the elements used here. The process they were being used for, however, is still online. Databank back-up process stalled. Raw metal required to finish process. My scanner is picking up traces of metal, leftovers from the previous production process. |
Supply metal | Positive | Ferrite Dust x75 | STD_INC_EXP | ?ALL_FACT_REWARD |
Supply metal | Positive | Pure Ferrite x75 | STD_INC_EXP | ?ALL_FACT_REWARD | |||
Supply metal | Positive | Magnetised Ferrite x10 | STD_INC_EXP | ?ALL_FACT_REWARD | |||
EXP_FACTORY23 | Default |
The terminal talks to me. A basic AI program rapidly spells out words in the language of the electronic lifeforms. Help! Feed me catalyst! With catalysts I escape! Combine with technological Korvax Entity! Escape! At my feet, a resource vault hatch falls open. |
Insert organic matter | Negative | Condensed Carbon x15 | ||
Insert metal | Positive | Pure Ferrite x15 | PROC_TECH_ALL, STD_DEC_EXP | ||||
Insert catalyst | Negative | Sodium Nitrate x10 | |||||
EXP_FACTORY24 | Default |
An automatic process has scrambled the output of the terminal. I can make out a few words, but the rest is lost in static. // TOXIC // ATMOSPHERIC // INVISIBLE// They could lead me to the overseer's workflow, and bringing the facility back online. |
Gas | Positive | PROC_TECH_SUIT, STD_INC_EXP | ||
Shield | Negative | ||||||
Exosuit | Negative | ||||||
EXP_FACTORY25 | Default |
My intrusion has led to the work underway on the primary terminal being scrambled. It's a jumble of words. // HIGH // ORBITAL // TECHNOLOGICAL // Using what's visible I can reboot the overseer's workflow, and get systems online. |
Satellites | Positive | PROC_TECH_SHIP, STD_INC_EXP | ||
Asteroids | Negative | ||||||
EXP_FACTORY26 | Default |
The security alert that's firing is jamming the terminal. Static covers most of the screen, obscuring nearly all relevant information. // CRIMINAL // STARSHIPS // CONTRABAND // The words left unobscured could lead me to the outpost's current research focus... |
Pirates | Positive | PROC_TECH_SHIP, STD_INC_EXP | ||
Traders | Negative | ||||||
Orbital station | Negative | ||||||
EXP_FACTORY27 | Default |
The security breach has obscured the screen with a glowing red orb. Few readable words remain. // WORSHIP // PRAISE // RED // ORB // JOURNEY // STARSHIP // ATLAS // Working out what the overseer was studying here would reestablish its workflow... |
The Atlas | Negative | PROC_TECH_ALL, STD_INC_EXP | ||
The Foretold | Positive | PROC_TECH_ALL, STD_INC_EXP | |||||
The Traveller | Positive | PROC_TECH_ALL, STD_INC_EXP | |||||
EXP_FACTORY30 | Default |
The terminal shows numerous schematics relating to the technology of Sentinel drones and walkers. Warped flesh with metal, saw the truth - the truth - the - The creators of this facility appear to have been particularly interested in something called a Vortex Cube. They were attempting to replicate its design. Sensors in the bowels of the factory show strange signs. Something still shakes down there in the darkness, something neither alive nor truly dead... |
Purge depths | Neutral | TECHFRAG_M | ||
Take Vortex Cube | Neutral | R_CAVECUBE | |||||
Scan for Sentinels | Neutral | PROC_TECH_ALL | |||||
EXP_FACTORY31 | Default |
The factory appears to produce replacement parts for the exosuits of the alien Korvax, spitting out face mask after face mask, arms, datapads, even feet. Where is entity?! Transfer failure / non-existence / terminate! Transfer, transfer! As I witness the production line on the terminal, one of the disembodied masks begins to scream. The terminal awaits input, a timer informing me that a ship will be on its way quite soon. |
Reassure the mask | Sad | |||
Report system malfunction | Neutral | R_CURIO7 | |||||
Cease production | Neutral | ||||||
EXP_FACTORY32 | Default |
The terminal shows a variety of motionless lifeforms standing in colossal rows in the darkness beneath the factory. MONITOR SYSTEM NORMAL... ALL LIFEFORMS WITHIN OPERATING PARAMETERS They look like Gek and Vy'keen, unblinking, apparently unaware of where they are. |
Initialise system | Positive | STD_INC_EXP | ||
Report to Gek | Negative | STD_DEC_EXP, STD_INC_TRA | |||||
Report to Vy'keen | Negative | STD_DEC_EXP, STD_INC_WAR | |||||
EXP_FACTORY33 | Default |
The factory is unlike the other Korvax facilities I have seen. It does not appear to produce machines or files, but strange reams of a plastic substance, covered in precise sequences of dots. Echoes fade. Origin remains. Start of time, Korvax will persist... Even in face of end. Even before abyss. It looks like writing, but what use would the Korvax have for such primitive communication? |
Shut down production | Neutral | TECHFRAG_M | ||
Report to Korvax authorities | Positive | MONEY | |||||
Steal technology | Negative | DAMAGESMALL | |||||
EXP_FACTORY34 | Default |
The factory stands vacant, producing nothing. The production lines have long since ceased, and though the alarm sounds, it is unclear why. Trapped in system... please, help me... A voice calls out, sad, alone. |
Start production | Positive | TEACHWORD_EXP, STD_INC_EXP | ||
Wipe system | Neutral | ||||||
Alert Korvax authorities | Negative | STD_INC_EXP | |||||
EXP_FACTORY35 | Default |
The factory produces components for starships, fabricating them using the resources available on this world. TRANSFER IN PROCESS: 38% PROGRESS. SEE MORE DETAIL? This installation creates parts for Korvax exploration vessels. They are asymmetrical, prioritising verticality and function far more than the worldview of any organic organism would allow. When I examine the terminal more closely I see a transfer in progress. Data leaps from ship to ship, altering blueprints as it goes. |
Disable process | Negative | DAMAGESMALL | ||
Attempt download | Negative | TECHFRAG_M | |||||
Wait and watch | Negative | TEACHWORD_EXP |
Puzzle | Biome | Flow | Option | Mood | Cost | Rewards | Next iteration |
EXP_HARV_1 | Default |
I discover an excited message from off-world. It seems to be discussing a report with... an image of me at its centre! Unknown lifeform research is HIGHLY commendable Entity! Discuss data with Korvax Convergence immediately! Someone seems intrigued by my journey, and may well want to help. Should I get in touch? |
Delete report | Neutral | STD_DEC_EXP | ||
Open comms | Positive | PROC_TECH_ALL, STD_INC_EXP | |||||
EXP_HARV_2 | Default |
I find a report filled with images of Sentinels, but its upload seems to have stalled. Ahem. Planetary Sentinel scan data? UPLOAD SENTINEL SCAN DATA, ENTITY! IMMEDIATELY! A demanding, perhaps rude, off-world message flashes at me. Somebody, somewhere, wants something. |
Resend Sentinel data | Positive | PROC_TECH_ALL, STD_INC_EXP | ||
Reply with a refusal | Negative | STD_DEC_EXP | |||||
EXP_HARV_4 | Default |
A mass-mailed off-world message shows damaged electronic lifeforms. Arms are ripped off, masks chewed and facial lights dimmed. Korvax friend! Dangerous creatures attack Korvax Entity! For weaponry sales contact Gek Trade Federation today! It feels offensive. It's clearly intended to shock recipients into a response. Replies can be sent with units attached... |
Reply with units | Positive | Units x100 | WEAPON, STD_INC_TRA | |
Reply with outrage | Positive | STD_INC_EXP | |||||
Do not reply | Neutral | ||||||
EXP_HARV_6 | Default |
An image of a distant solar system is being studied here. A mineral-rich moon can be seen, orbiting a desolate and toxic-looking planet. Slightly obscured in the background, meanwhile, is a strange dark-coloured smudge – a diamond shape floating in space. A hint of red flashes from its centre. Atlas Interface awakes? Upload research findings immediately entity! Korvax Convergence sends relevant research technology! There are no coordinates visible, but I can enhance different parts of the image to study them and automatically upload the terminal's findings. |
Enhance moon image | Positive | PROC_TECH_WEAP, STD_INC_EXP | ||
Enhance planet image | Positive | PROC_TECH_SUIT, STD_INC_EXP | |||||
Enhance diamond-shaped structure image | Positive | PROC_TECH_SHIP, STD_INC_EXP | |||||
EXP_HARV_7 | Default |
An off-world message to all planetary research stations has filled the screen with plans for a scientific expedition of some sort. Complex star charts, fuel requirements, complex communication rigs and plans for orbital experiments fill the screen. Research entity! Atlas Interface mission begins! Donate contribution! Specialists apply here! Convergence sends specialists ship technology! The outpost's resource vault is open to contributions of metals for the cause, while it also appears that the resident scientist could join the fleet... although it would require an upgraded ship. |
Contribute a metal | Positive | Pure Ferrite x75 | PROC_TECH_ALL, STD_INC_EXP | |
Join team | Positive | PROC_TECH_SHIP, STD_INC_EXP | |||||
EXP_HARV_8 | Default |
This outpost seems to be a vast library of production knowledge. A vast list of product formulas endlessly scrolls on the terminal, moving so fast that it hurts just to look at them. They appear to be catalogued by their base elements, but any deeper inspection makes me feel nauseous. Korvax Convergence product catalogue available. Insert element to filter product catalogue. The resource vaults next to me are open, and are clearly in regular use. |
Insert catalyst | Positive | Sodium x10 | RECIPE_LIST, STD_INC_EXP | |
Insert organic matter | Positive | Carbon x75 | RECIPE_LIST, STD_INC_EXP | ||||
Insert metal | Positive | Pure Ferrite x75 | RECIPE_LIST, STD_INC_EXP | ||||
EXP_HARV_10 | Default |
Reams of data are flowing into this terminal from research outposts all over the planet. As well as a storage depot for the planetary products locked away in the vaults beneath my feet, this is a point of transmission. Avoid data disruption! Korvax Convergence sends reward for additional data! Knowledge accumulated on this world is being sent up to a scientific flagship hanging in orbit high above my head. I could easily breach the flow to improve my own knowledge, but sharing my own knowledge and discoveries is also an option. |
Breach data flow | Neutral | PROC_TECH_ALL, STD_DEC_EXP | ||
Share knowledge | Positive | PROC_TECH_ALL, STD_INC_EXP | |||||
EXP_HARV_12 | Default |
A back-up procedure has come to a standstill. The system is archiving a huge amount of language data, but the system has run out of memory to allocate. Dialect data process stalled. Metal required to finish process. I can attach my Multi-Tool to provide extra space, it would require some variety of metal to re-engage the process... |
Insert common metal | Positive | Ferrite Dust x15 | TEACHWORD_EXP | |
Insert uncommon metal | Positive | Pure Ferrite x15 | TEACHWORD_EXP, TEACHWORD_EXP | ||||
Insert rare metal | Positive | Magnetised Ferrite x10 | TEACHWORD_EXP, TEACHWORD_EXP, TEACHWORD_EXP | ||||
EXP_HARV_13 | Default |
The facility is processing a signal that emanates from a distant location deep in space. Endless processing units are combining to crack the code of a strange mathematical language. Atlas Interface signal awakes? Research entity! Insert catalyst constantly! Avoid disruption! Rare elements are being pulled from the resource vaults at my feet, but some are running low. |
Place metal in the vault | Neutral | Magnetised Ferrite x10 | ||
Place catalyst in the vault | Positive | Sodium Nitrate x10 | RECIPE_LIST, STD_INC_EXP | ||||
Take elements from vault | Neutral | SUBST_FUEL, SUBST_TECH, STD_DEC_EXP | |||||
EXP_HARV_14 | Default |
The outpost is abandoned, its alarms blaring a warning to souls long dead. The Korvax in this installation quarantined themselves from the rest of their species, believing that a violent impulse was emerging within the group. Something happened to them out here... something awoke within their minds... WARNING WARNING WARNING DIVERGENCE DIVERGENCE DIVERGENCE |
Examine logs | Neutral | TECHFRAG_M | ||
Purge facility | Neutral | PROC_TECH_ALL | |||||
Alert Korvax | Positive | STD_INC_EXP | |||||
EXP_HARV_15 | Default |
The research station contains a vast array of scanners and monitoring equipment directed at bodies of water throughout the system. It is searching for signs of something designated 'abyss'. The scientists who worked here seem to have been comparing the transmissions associated with the Atlas to strange signals found within the water. Before they went missing, the workers concluded that this 'abyss' seemed to hold a similar yet distinct energy signature to the Atlas itself. Another power in the universe... SCANNERS ONLINE... AWAITING TARGETING ARRAY... |
Examine the abyss | Positive | TECHFRAG_M | ||
Examine the Atlas | Positive | TECHFRAG_M | |||||
Alert Korvax | Positive | STD_INC_EXP | |||||
EXP_HARV_16 | Default |
The facility seems to have been a meeting place for multiple Korvax factions, uploading and downloading from multiple bodies during tense diplomatic and war-time situations. Even if one's whole species can unify at will with a single great mind, still, there is unique value in face-to-face communication. These Korvax recorded many things they wished to keep secret from their brethren. Some are always more equal than others. RECORDS AVAILABLE... ACCESS UNENCRYPTED LOGS? |
Access records | Neutral | TECHFRAG_L | ||
Report to Korvax Convergence | Negative | DAMAGESMALL | |||||
Report to other species | Negative | DAMAGESMALL | |||||
EXP_HARV_17 | Default |
The outpost is ancient, even by the standards of the Korvax. The log speaks of alternate realities, histories of the Korvax that take radically divergent paths. In some regions of the multiverse, their progenitors never shed their biological origins. In others, they remain in the slavery of the Gek, never rising up or convincing their false masters of the glory of the Atlas. Many of these realities have faded, gone as if they had never been. UNIVERSAL ARCHIVE ON STANDBY... RESUME PROJECT? |
Upload to the Korvax | Positive | TECHFRAG_M | ||
Search for yourself | Neutral | TECHFRAG_M | |||||
Steal technology | Neutral | MONEY | |||||
EXP_HARV_18 | Default |
The facility allowed for the quarantine and processing of Korvax minds to and from their central Convergence. The log shows records of troubled Korvax minds, those disturbed by their actions; those haunted by sorrow; those who might threaten the minds they encountered. They arrive here, away from the Convergence, seeking to overcome pain or purge themselves. A single Korvax soul remains. According to the log, it has inhabited this system for thirty years. ... /// ... /// ... BOUNDARIES AT FULL POWER ... /// ... /// ... |
Upload to Convergence | Negative | |||
Wipe system | Neutral | TECHFRAG_S | |||||
Comfort the Korvax | Sad | R_KORVAXCASING | |||||
EXP_HARV_19 | Default |
The facility acted as a central upload point for Korvax scans from a thousand worlds, collating their data in an attempt to understand the underlying mechanics of the universe. The problem was existence. The solution was a single number, a warning screamed by every atom in the firmament. 'Sixteen'... Sixteen... 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 |
Steal technology | Neutral | |||
Analyse data | Negative | DAMAGELARGE | |||||
Contribute scans | Positive | STD_INC_EXP, PROC_TECH_ALL | |||||
EXP_HARV_20 | Default |
An incoming message contains the report of a Korvax spy. The individual was disguised within a Gek body, acting for many years as if they were a simple ToilGek. They harvested much data from those they called friends. This was the purpose of the experiment: the enemy must be understood. The enemy must never be forgiven, even until the end of time itself. Even in the face of damnation. The Korvax will never forget the violence committed against them. They will never release their anger... ... INCOMING MESSAGE... HIGH PRIORITY SIGNAL... |
Upload report to Gek | Positive | MONEY, STD_INC_TRA | ||
Upload report to Korvax | Positive | TECHFRAG_M |
Puzzle | Biome | Flow | Option | Mood | Cost | Rewards | Next iteration |
TRA_FACTORY1 | Default |
I approach the terminal, but something deep within the complex is malfunctioning. Surfaces feel hot to the touch, hidden machinery clanks and whirrs. An alert sounds: Warning! High temperature! Warning! High temperature! The alarm rings in my ears. A bead of sweat rolls slowly down my forehead. |
Engage coolant chamber network | Positive | ?ALL_FACT_REWARD | ||
Activate fusion dampening field | Negative | ||||||
Initialize laser refraction systems | Negative | ||||||
TRA_FACTORY2 | Default |
The control terminal before me appears to be for some sort of deep-level mining system. However, all systems have stalled. The screen flashes a readout: Mining production stalled! Low power! Low fuel! Organic matter required! Warning lights blink on and off. A material hopper opens. |
Insert carbon | Positive | Carbon x75 | ?ALL_FACT_REWARD | |
Insert ferrite dust | Negative | Ferrite Dust x75 | |||||
Insert hand | Negative | DAMAGELARGE | |||||
TRA_FACTORY3 | Default |
The outpost has gone into emergency lockdown. Something must have been damaged during my entry. The toxicity gauge on my Exosuit flickers as an alert flashes insistently on the control terminal. High gas pressure! Breach detected! Pressure critical! The alarms on the panel flash rapidly, demanding attention. A bewildering array of control gauges sit before me. |
Activate emergency vent | Positive | ?ALL_FACT_REWARD | ||
Increase gas pressure | Negative | DAMAGELARGE | |||||
Flush coolant | Negative | DAMAGELARGE | |||||
TRA_FACTORY5 | Default |
Strange symbols pulse urgently on the terminal display. The flashing lights and loud siren appear to relate to the facility's nuclear power core. A message prints out on the display. Fusion critical! Initiate emergency radiation dampening measures! The automated safety systems have failed. Something must have been damaged as I entered the facility. |
Activate radiation dampening field | Positive | ?ALL_FACT_REWARD | ||
Initiate shutdown | Negative | ||||||
Panic | Negative | DAMAGELARGE | |||||
TRA_FACTORY6 | Default |
The facility remains operational despite my intrusion. This terminal appears to control the central production line. A readout on the display displays a status warning: Warning! Increase metal delivery! Warning! Excess usage creates breach! A large dial features prominently under the readout. It appears to control the system's material inputs. |
Maintain levels | Negative | |||
Increase levels | Positive | ?ALL_FACT_REWARD | |||||
Dramatically increase levels | Negative | ||||||
TRA_FACTORY7 | Default |
The alarms blares, and the terminal in front of me is scrambled. Through the flickering of the corrupted display I can just about make out a message: Warning! Magnetic coil overcharged! Production low! I feel heavy. My Multi-Tool pulls me down, and my helmet forces itself into my shoulders. It's not just me impacted. Production processes are going haywire... |
Reboot gravitational stabilisers | Negative | |||
Reduce electromagnetic flow | Positive | ?ALL_FACT_REWARD | |||||
Power down facility | Negative | ||||||
TRA_FACTORY9 | Default |
The wail of an alarm fills my ears, but the system is not reacting to my intrusion. Someone else has been here and modified this terminal before. I struggle to decipher the data on the terminal. Warning! Unexpected system detected! Bypass chip template detected! Gek Trade Federation informed! Whatever code has been loaded on the terminal is clearly the work of some enterprising thief. It appears to be emptying the resource vaults of rare metals. |
Revert system | Positive | ?ALL_FACT_REWARD | ||
Attempt further hijack | Negative | MONEY, STD_DEC_TRA | |||||
TRA_FACTORY11 | Default |
Despite the warnings sounding out across the facility, the terminal remains open and ready for commerce. A brief introductory message blinks on the screen. Friend! Know language, know commerce! Units buy knowledge! Choose Vy'keen, choose Korvax or choose a refresher in the language of the benevolent Gek! Three columns of words endlessly scroll on-screen, each in a strange alphabet. Bloodied runes scratched in sand, a precise sequences of dots, and a hand-written font full of exclamatory punctuation. |
Select bloodied runes | Positive | TEACHWORD_WAR, TEACHWORD_WAR | ||
Select dot patterns | Positive | TEACHWORD_EXP | |||||
Select handwritten font | Positive | TEACHWORD_TRA | |||||
TRA_FACTORY12 | Default |
Alarms echo across the facility, a warning against my intrusion. Such an alert does not appear to slow down the commercial needs of the Gek, however. A nearby trade-ship is hailing the facility, looking for goods. Gek Trade Federation dispatch! Planetary metal demand high! Collection ship imminent! Perhaps if I were to offer goods of my own, I might both turn a profit and avoid alerting the Gek that there is an intruder in their facility... |
Trade sodium | Positive | Sodium Nitrate x25 | ?ALL_FACT_REWARD | |
Trade ferrite | Negative | Pure Ferrite x75 | STD_DEC_TRA | ||||
Trade carbon | Neutral | Carbon x15 | STD_DEC_TRA | ||||
TRA_FACTORY13 | Default |
My dramatic entry appears to have caused a fire alert. The screen is wet to the touch. A warning flashes on the terminal: Warning! Resource vault flooded! Production system operation forbidden! Panels in the ceiling drip where a sprinkler system has been engaged. I can only hope the liquid is water. |
Drain capacitor banks | Negative | |||
Drain resource vault | Positive | ||||||
Drain replication tank | Negative | ||||||
TRA_FACTORY14 | Default |
I open the terminal, looking for a way to shut off the alarm. Primary access appears to be via some sort of hand scanner. |
Scan hand | Neutral | ?TRA_FACTORY14_MAIN | ||
TRA_FACTORY15 | Default |
The alarm has rebooted the facility. An automated start-up routine is running. The terminal flashes text at me, clearly expecting some input. Warning! Product recipe unselected! Assign recipe! Gek Trade Federation lose units! A 3D interface waits in front of me, awaiting a blueprint for the facility to mass-produce. Machines around me hum as they warm up... |
Sketch starship components | Positive | ?ALL_FACT_REWARD | ||
Sketch synthetic plants | Positive | ?ALL_FACT_REWARD | |||||
Sketch confectionery | Positive | ?ALL_FACT_REWARD | |||||
TRA_FACTORY16 | Default |
The facility's machinery lies still, halted by the emergency shutdown. A short message blinks on the control terminal. User warning! Production disengaged. Restart generator empty. No fuel. Facility restart requires organic fuel. A heavy circuit control switch sits invitingly above a fuel hopper, but a nearby dial shows that the tank is empty. |
Insert catalyst | Negative | Sodium x10 | ||
Insert metals | Negative | Pure Ferrite x15 | |||||
Insert organic elements | Positive | Carbon x75 | ?ALL_FACT_REWARD | ||||
TRA_FACTORY18 | Default |
The security alert is scrambling the screen. All that is visible is a chaotic jumble of alien words. // TRADE // ORBITAL // DOCKING // TRADE // ORBITAL // DOCKING // This appears to be an AI-driven facility. If I were to reactivate the correct workflow, its autonomous systems may bring the installation back online... |
Create trade modules | Negative | |||
Create space station engines | Positive | PROC_TECH_ALL, STD_INC_TRA | |||||
TRA_FACTORY19 | Default |
This autonomous manufacturing facility has been scrambled by the alarm. The terminal is mostly unreadable static, with only a handful of legible words... // FLIGHT // INTERSTELLAR // STARSHIP // FLIGHT // INTERSTELLAR // STARSHIP // There's hopefully enough to make sense of what the last user was working on, which could restore systems... |
Jetpack | Negative | |||
Hyperdrive | Positive | PROC_TECH_SHIP, STD_INC_TRA | |||||
Launch thrusters | Negative | ||||||
TRA_FACTORY20 | Default |
The security breach has dimmed the terminal, but when I concentrate I can make out a few words etched onto the screen... // WEAPON // BEAM // MINING // WEAPON // BEAM // MINING // When translated they could lead me to the last user's workflow, which would automatically bring the facility back online... |
Laser | Positive | PROC_TECH_WEAP, STD_INC_TRA | ||
Boltcaster | Negative | ||||||
Land disruption grenade | Negative | ||||||
TRA_FACTORY21 | Default |
The security breach has scrambled the screen, but some text is still legible. // INVISIBLE // BARRIER // DEFENSIVE // INVISIBLE // BARRIER // DEFENSIVE // The words can be traced back to the previous user's workflow, which is how I can get it back online. |
Scanner | Negative | |||
Hazard Protection | Positive | PROC_TECH_SUIT, STD_INC_TRA | |||||
Exosuit | Negative | ||||||
TRA_FACTORY22 | Default |
An unknown fault has forced the whole system offline. There is a strange chill in the air, a sharp clarity to the atmosphere. Alert! Alert! Liquid frenium leak! Charge cylinders frozen! Increase temperature! I exhale as I ponder the words on the terminal. Condensation begins to cloud my visor. |
Activate incineration banks | Positive | ?ALL_FACT_REWARD | ||
Supercharge coolant flow | Negative | ||||||
Initialise charge cylinder sequence | Negative | ||||||
TRA_FACTORY23 | Default |
Emergency measures have been initialised. The timestamp on the terminal's error reporting display shows that the incident occured long before my intrusion. Electrolyte acidity test positive! Acidity slug detected! Release alkaline neutrality fluid into solution tank! A recent scan shows a small alien lifeform crushed in the machinery below. Equipment all round it has corroded. |
Neutralise electrolyte solution | Positive | ?ALL_FACT_REWARD | ||
Acidify heridium tanks | Negative | ||||||
Release suspension fluid | Negative | ||||||
TRA_FACTORY24 | Default |
The terminal barks a repeated warning. Though the words are unclear, the symbol is instantly recognisable. Something, somewhere in the facility is on fire. Resource vault fire detected! Element stockpile destroyed! A faint smoke begins to rise, and my scanner registers a steadily increasing temperature. |
Starve production chamber of oxygen | Negative | |||
Starve resource vaults of oxygen | Positive | ||||||
Initialise facility sprinkler system | Negative | ||||||
TRA_FACTORY25 | Default |
My entry has caused the facility to go into immediate lockdown, interrupting its operation. Visual readouts on the terminal indicate that this is a deep-level mining facility. Its resource vaults are emptying rapidly. Drilling error! Elements drain into planet core! Reverse tunnel pressure! The facility map shows flashing errors over both the resource collection vaults and the drill array... |
Collapse drill tunnel | Negative | |||
Retract drilling rig | Negative | ||||||
Reverse tunnel pressurisation | Positive | ?ALL_FACT_REWARD | |||||
TRA_FACTORY26 | Default |
Machinery is still active. A timer ticks slowly down to the facility's next roll-out of products. SYSTEM REPORT. Power gel creation engaged. Common fuel: high. Uncommon fuel: low. Rare fuel: high. My scanner has detected the elements used here. I could speed up the process... |
Replenish common fuel | Negative | Carbon x75 | ||
Replenish uncommon fuel | Positive | Condensed Carbon x75 | RECIPE_LIST, STD_INC_TRA | ||||
Replenish rare fuel | Negative | Oxygen x75 | |||||
TRA_FACTORY27 | Default |
Despite the security alert machines are operational. My scanner flashes briefly with the element varieties used to fuel them. PRODUCTION REPORT. Battery replication engaged. Organic Compound and Metal levels acceptable. Catalyst levels falling. Alert administrator. I can speed up processes, and maybe sustain them too. |
Replenish catalyst supplies | Positive | Sodium x25 | RECIPE_LIST, STD_INC_TRA | |
Refill organic hopper | Negative | Carbon x75 | |||||
Double metallic inputs | Negative | Ferrite Dust x75 | |||||
TRA_FACTORY28 | Default |
A screen detailing production conditions is open. ALLOY MANUFACTURE ACTIVE. Temperature: acceptable. Pressure: acceptable. Catalyst: levels falling. Industrial manufacture of a complex product is underway. The next expected retrieval I could make isn't imminent, but I can speed up systems. |
Increase temperature | Negative | |||
Increase pressure | Negative | ||||||
Increase catalyst supply | Positive | RECIPE_LIST, STD_INC_TRA | |||||
TRA_FACTORY29 | Default |
The factory recycles bundles of clothing and other materials harvested throughout the galaxy, spitting out new items for Gek exosuits. SENSORS REPORT INORGANIC BLOCKAGE IN SECTOR 9A Amidst the detritus of the production line, the body of a Korvax scientist appears to drift, their lights disabled, their limbs completely motionless. The factory's systems allow outbound communication. Numerous options are available. |
Report to Vy'keen | Negative | STD_INC_WAR, STD_DEC_TRA | ||
Report to Gek | Positive | MONEY | |||||
Report to Korvax | Neutral | STD_INC_EXP | |||||
TRA_FACTORY30 | Default |
The factory produces components for starships, fabricating them with the resources available on this world. This installation creates parts for Gek trade vessels. They are designed to hold the maximum possible cargo whilst protecting against Sentinel and pirate attacks. QA SYSTEM FULLY ONLINE... ALL COMPONENTS LOGGED... LOG FULLY COMPLIANT... The terminal shows a video feed of the factory's depths. A group of Gek appear to be removing key components from each ship. |
Alert Gek Trade Federation | Positive | STD_INC_TRA | ||
Demand bribe from Gek | Neutral | R_GEKRELIC | |||||
Ask what they are doing | Negative | ||||||
TRA_FACTORY31 | Default |
As I approach the terminal, it is clear that something terrible has happened in this place. The facility produces items and labels them 'Gek Relics', supposedly granting luck to their bearers. The glass - it - we were wrong... we were - The video feed shows strands of Nanite Clusters overrunning the facility's depth. Bulbous green masses extending from a great deal of the machinery, teeth sprouting from within. A voice cries out in an unknown tongue. |
Take Nanite Clusters | Positive | TECHFRAG_M | ||
Report Production Failure | Neutral | TECHFRAG_S | |||||
Take Gek Relics | Negative | R_GEKRELIC | |||||
TRA_FACTORY32 | Default |
The terminal displays the logs of numerous financial transactions and trade deals conducted from this facility over the last few months. ... 010385: 112% ... 300484: 89% ... 070816: 165% ... Readouts show layouts of multiple Vy'keen and Korvax factories. The Gek overseers of this installation were attempting to discover how these other species conceal their buildings from Sentinel attacks. No-one remains. The last life sign here was terminated three days ago. |
Report to Gek | Positive | STD_INC_TRA | ||
Report to Vy'keen | Negative | STD_DEC_TRA | |||||
Report to Korvax | Neutral | ||||||
TRA_FACTORY33 | Default |
The installation crackles with blue sparks, electricity arcing from panel to panel across the machines. ALERT TIME DISPLACEMENT ALERT The terminal shows the time and date appearing to flip back and forth, advancing into the future and retreating into the past. Sensors indicate something called a white hole has been activated within the factory's heart. |
Alert FutureGek | Positive | PROC_TECH_ALL | ||
Activate Chronal Trigger | Positive | PROC_TECH_ALL | |||||
Obey | Neutral | PROC_TECH_ALL | |||||
TRA_FACTORY34 | Default |
I approach the terminal, but the readout is confusing, garbled... The Senate has fallen. Already the purge begins... truth is denied. The Gek protocol ends... The factory appears to produce literature. Not machines, not files, but paper, covered in a handwritten font full of exclamatory punctuation. |
Shut down production | Neutral | TECHFRAG_S | ||
Report to Gek authorities | Positive | MONEY, TEACHWORD_TRA | |||||
Steal technology | Negative | DAMAGESMALL | |||||
TRA_FACTORY35 | Default |
The factory produces everyday implements for the Gek. Eating utensils for their meals, spray to keep their skin from drying out in alien atmospheres, pheromone bottles, and so forth. SYSTEMS OPERATIONAL... SELECTED DESIRED PRODUCT... The facility is abandoned, but there is no obvious reason for an alarm to be going off. Everything seems fine. |
Search for technology | Positive | TECHFRAG_L | ||
Report to Gek authorities | Neutral | ||||||
Shut down production | Neutral | TECHFRAG_M |
Puzzle | Biome | Flow | Option | Mood | Cost | Rewards | Next iteration |
TRA_HARV_1 | Default |
An off-world command priority has stalled all processes within this installation. The terminal blinks angrily with a demand for urgent action on an unpaid debt. Gek Trade Federation fury! Planetary installation tax unpaid! Initiate repayment! There is an option to reply with currency attached. I get the impression someone's life would get a lot easier if I'm feeling charitable... |
Pay full amount | Positive | Units x1000 | RECIPE_LIST, STD_INC_TRA | |
Pay partial amount | Neutral | Units x100 | USEFUL_PROD, STD_DEC_TRA | ||||
TRA_HARV_2 | Default |
Images of fighter-class starships have been sent here. They bare scorch-marks from battle, and are most likely pirates. Gek Trade Federation warning. Pirate activity detected. Report sightings! The message seems to ask for witnesses, and there's some form of reward for replies... |
Tag some ships | Positive | MONEY, STD_INC_TRA | ||
Tag all ships | Positive | RECIPE_LIST, STD_INC_TRA | |||||
TRA_HARV_3 | Default |
A mass-mailed corporate message sits unread on the terminal. It is full of high numbers and seemingly impressive profit margins. The tone seems satisfied, and grateful. Friend! Gek Trade Federation announces high profit! Choose units or product recipe reward! At its foot the employee can choose between one of two images: a galactic unit banking account, or a full hold of cargo. |
Choose unit account | Positive | MONEY, MONEY, STD_INC_TRA | ||
Choose ship's cargo | Positive | RECIPE_LIST, STD_INC_TRA | |||||
TRA_HARV_4 | Default |
There is a message from a distant alien race. They sound angry with the trader who's logged into the system. Scurrilous Gek Trader! Gek offer impure matter! Vy'keen destroy Gek! Units withheld! I can send them one of two on-screen metallic products. The first looks oddly faint in colour, and the second shimmers brightly on-screen. |
Send faintly-coloured metal | Neutral | STD_DEC_WAR, STD_INC_TRA | ||
Send brightly-coloured metal | Positive | PROC_TECH_ALL, STD_INC_WAR | |||||
TRA_HARV_5 | Default |
The screen shows that a lot of elements are exchanged here, but right now the trading vault is open... and empty. Friend! Gek Trade Federation demand uncommon metal elements! High units offer! An off-world message, perhaps related to this, flashes on-screen. |
Put common metal into trading vault | Positive | Ferrite Dust x75 | MONEY, STD_INC_TRA | |
Put uncommon metal into trading vault | Positive | Pure Ferrite x75 | PROC_TECH_ALL, STD_INC_TRA | ||||
Put rare metal into trading vault | Positive | Magnetised Ferrite x10 | RECIPE_LIST, STD_INC_TRA | ||||
TRA_HARV_6 | Default |
This is a brand new manufacturing plant with no assigned specialty. The terminal is entirely blank, and is running automated start-up procedures. I have to flick through several screens before a pictorial message appears. Trade federation friend! Product recipe unselected! Gek Trade Federation lose units! There are three chemical symbols – one a catalyst, and the others organic and metallic . Production processes warm up around me, waiting for a template to work from. |
Choose the catalyst | Positive | RECIPE_LIST, STD_INC_TRA | ||
Choose the metal | Positive | RECIPE_LIST, STD_INC_TRA | |||||
Choose the organic compound | Positive | PROC_TECH_ALL, STD_INC_TRA | |||||
TRA_HARV_7 | Default |
The trade vaults in this installation are full to the brim, and ready for distribution. There are three images on-screen, each showing the outline of a different sort of trader. It's strange... it's as if they're put in order of the size of their gut. Rejoice! Vy'keen war reparations arrive! Elder large Gek receive high reward! Low toilgek receive low reward! The first trader is small and sleek, the second is pudgier – and the final has a huge belly that almost drags on the floor. I'm clearly meant to choose one... |
Choose the small, sleek trader | Positive | SUBST_COMMOD, STD_INC_TRA | ||
Choose the medium-sized trader | Positive | USEFUL_PROD, STD_INC_TRA | |||||
Choose the obese trader | Positive | STD_INC_TRA, USEFUL_PROD, SUBST_COMMOD | |||||
TRA_HARV_8 | Default |
An important message has been received from off-world. A holographic overlay shows various interstellar trade routes, but each one ends abruptly – long before their destination is reached. Gek Trade Federation warning! Vy'keen hostility? Captain! Complete trade mission, or investigate disappearance? There are goods waiting in a locked trade vault for transportation. I can select the final destination, or I can select one of points at which a ship has disappeared. |
Select trading destination | Positive | RECIPE_LIST, STD_INC_TRA | ||
Select disappearance location | Positive | PROC_TECH_SHIP, STD_INC_TRA | |||||
TRA_HARV_9 | Default |
This whole facility beams out some kind of suppression field over the planet's surface. It's dampening some unknown form of communication, and clearly seen as a vital and necessary operation by the traders that operate here. Despair! First spawn monolith awake! Unknown culprit! Strengthen suppression field! The suppression field is powered by catalytic elements, fed into the system by the unlocked resource vault that's at my feet. |
Remove catalyst | Negative | SUBST_TECH, STD_DEC_TRA | ||
Add catalyst | Positive | Sodium x25 | STD_INC_TRA, PROC_TECH_ALL | ||||
TRA_HARV_11 | Default |
A trade vault shakes, and closer inspection reveals that it's full of writhing molluscs. They are pink and slug-like, with sharp bloodied teeth. Rare balarian speech slug distribution point! For insertion in ear! Inedible! Nasal insertion can cause death. A diagram on the screen in front of me suggests that inserting one in or around my face would have some benefits. What isn't specified, however, is which orifice. |
Insert slug in nose | Negative | DAMAGESMALL | ||
Insert slug in ear | Positive | TEACHWORD_WAR, TEACHWORD_WAR, TEACHWORD_WAR | |||||
Insert slug in mouth | Neutral | ||||||
TRA_HARV_12 | Default |
A strange test is visible on the terminal. A resident Trader has left a note for a colleague. Friend! SynthetiGek identification test active! Remember Gek Trader helps customers! I see a holographic image of a shell-wearing creature lying on its back in the bright glare of the sun. Try as it might, it cannot right itself. I can manipulate the scene to indicate what I would do to help. |
Help creature, then sell it water | Positive | RECIPE_LIST, STD_INC_TRA | ||
Study creature | Negative | ||||||
TRA_HARV_14 | Default |
The outpost is abandoned, its alarms still blaring a warning to souls long-dead. The Gek used this installation to plan asymmetric wars against the other species of the galaxy. This faction would bolster rogue elements within other star systems, routing the resulting tithes and protection fees through this outpost. The last log shows potential Vy'keen traitors en-route to discuss terms with the Gek. What happened to them is unclear. LOG ACCESSED... DATA UNMAINTAINED... DISPLAYING MOST RECENT ENTRY... |
Alert the Gek | Positive | STD_INC_TRA | ||
Alert the Vy'keen | Positive | STD_INC_WAR | |||||
Steal units | Neutral | MONEY | |||||
TRA_HARV_15 | Default |
The facility contains multiple video files, images, and bioscans of unusual beings taken by Gek from across the Trade Federation. They seem to have been studying exosuits. Something happened during the experiment, a dormant prototype of such a suit lying in wait below. Nothing else remains. EXPERIMENT PAUSED AT USER REQUEST... AWAITING INPUT. |
Submit bioscan | Positive | PROC_TECH_ALL | ||
Erase data | Positive | TECHFRAG_S | |||||
Steal technology | Positive | TECHFRAG_M | |||||
TRA_HARV_16 | Default |
The facility acted as a staging ground for what appears to have been an unprovoked Gek attack against something called an 'Atlas Interface'. The logs show that a great deal of material was harvested from the oceans of many worlds. This substance was cross-referenced against data stolen from other species, and then field-tested against this Atlas structure. The interface was utterly annihilated, as were the attackers. The blast seems to have wiped five star systems from existence. Only this record remains. RED RED RED RED RED RED RED RED ///// |
Delete records | Positive | PROC_TECH_ALL | ||
Alert Gek Trade Federation | Neutral | TEACHWORD_TRA, MONEY | |||||
Alert other species | Negative | STD_INC_WAR, STD_INC_EXP, STD_DEC_TRA | |||||
TRA_HARV_17 | Default |
The outpost is ancient, even by the standards of the Gek. Its environment is specifically calibrated for data preservation. One log speaks of the time just before the rise of the 'Gek First Spawn'. The Gek seem to have experienced a fertility crisis. Something in the water began to affect their spawning numbers, leading to an attempts at selective breeding, cloning programmes, and more. This scientific crisis became a moral one. The self-proclaimed 'First Spawn' took power, promising greatness and murdering all those who opposed them. Memories of the past were erased. To be strong was to be righteous. ARCHIVE RETRIEVAL SERVICE ACTIVE... ACCESS? |
Upload to Gek | Positive | STD_INC_TRA, MONEY | ||
Auction data | Neutral | STD_INC_EXP, MONEY | |||||
Steal technology | Positive | TECHFRAG_M | |||||
TRA_HARV_18 | Default |
The facility contains records of temporal anomalies and reported sightings of time travellers. The majority of these appear to be Gek or Korvax, often bearing advanced technology. The chief scientist's log reveals a great deal of scepticism, deeming such travel not only physically impossible but unlikely from a social perspective. If time travellers exist, why do they change nothing? Why do they not attempt to avert the catastrophe of which they speak? The final log shows the arrival of the scientist's superiors, confiscating their files and silencing them. LOG ACCESSED... ANOMALY OVERRIDE NOTED... DECRYPTING... |
Attempt data recovery | Neutral | |||
Take technology | Negative | TECHFRAG_S | |||||
Contact Gek | Neutral | ||||||
TRA_HARV_19 | Default |
This installation appears to have been staffed by an old SalesGek, a veteran of a hundred trade routes and 'personal friend' to one of the Trade Lords themselves. Estranged from their consort, their hundred surviving spawn no longer wishing to speak to them, the SalesGek had one final meal before their death, crashing their ship into the side of a nearby ridge. They leave behind a life of regret and a litany of unanswered invoices and receipts. Perhaps there is something useful here. I am sorry, friends, family... I am sorry... |
Report death | Positive | TECHFRAG_S | ||
Search for units | Neutral | ||||||
Sell trade data | Neutral | MONEY | |||||
TRA_HARV_20 | Default |
This Gek outpost acted as a point of exchange for replacement ship and space station components. All of the blueprints are at best adapted, at worst stolen, from the technology of other species. There are a number of such designs available upon the terminal's screen. ALL SWITCHES ACTIVE... AWAITING INPUT... |
Download data | Positive | TECHFRAG_M | ||
Sell data | Neutral | MONEY | |||||
Report theft | Neutral | STD_INC_TRA |
Puzzle | Biome | Flow | Option | Mood | Cost | Rewards | Next iteration |
WAR_FACTORY1 | Default |
The alarm has locked the terminal. A message displays itself letter-by-letter on the screen. Suspicious interloper visual detection system initiated! The alarm shows no sign of stopping. I notice wall-mounted security scanners slowly turn towards me... |
Shoot the cameras | Negative | |||
Apply override chip | Positive | Microprocessor x1 | ?ALL_FACT_REWARD | ||||
Cut input wires | Positive | Microprocessor x1 | ?ALL_FACT_REWARD | ||||
WAR_FACTORY2 | Default |
I approach the terminal and search for a way to override the alarm. I find a likely looking button and press it, causing the terminal to respond. Grah! Vy'keen voice security scan initializing... A flap flicks open and a microphone emerges. A distant voice shouts 'Grah!'. |
Bark 'Grah!' | Positive | ?ALL_FACT_REWARD | ||
Say everything's fine | Negative | DAMAGESMALL, STD_DEC_WAR | |||||
Apologise | Negative | DAMAGESMALL, STD_DEC_WAR | |||||
WAR_FACTORY3 | Default |
The terminal flashes two alerts, presumably the source of the alarms currently ringing in my ears. Intruder detected! Respiration gas concentration high! Enemy respiration!! After printing out its status update, the terminal presents the option to override either alert. From the holographic display, the warnings appear to relate to damaged components within the facility, and the presence of an interloper. |
Hold breath | Positive | ?ALL_FACT_REWARD | ||
Breathe aggressively | Negative | STD_DEC_WAR | |||||
Deploy Vy'keen Dagger | Positive | Vy'keen Dagger x1 | STD_INC_WAR | ?ALL_FACT_REWARD | |||
WAR_FACTORY4 | Default |
The terminal flashes two alerts, presumably the source of the alarms currently ringing in my ears. Major security alert! Interloper detected! Minor alert: war factory entrance door destroyed. After printing out its status update, the terminal presents the option to override either alert. From the holographic display, the warnings appear to relate to damaged components within the facility, and the presence of an interloper. |
Override damage alert | Negative | STD_DEC_WAR | ||
Override intruder alert | Positive | ?ALL_FACT_REWARD | |||||
WAR_FACTORY5 | Default |
My presence has triggered a security alert. I hear elements being drawn from the vaults below me. On-screen: a clear countdown. Vy'keen security system alert! Pressure pad enemy detection confirmed! Too light! Too puny! I can hear pressurised fluids filling the pipes surrounding the terminal. The sound is rather ominous, especially when combined with the high-intensity alarms... |
Pick up metal debris | Positive | ?ALL_FACT_REWARD | ||
Reduce weight | Negative | ||||||
Jump up and down | Positive | STD_INC_WAR | ?ALL_FACT_REWARD | ||||
WAR_FACTORY6 | Default |
My presence has triggered a security alert. I hear elements being drawn from the vaults below me. On-screen: a clear countdown. Intruder alert! Commence detonation sequence! Organic fuel flow initiated! I can hear pressurised fluids filling the pipes surrounding the terminal. The sound is rather ominous, especially when combined with the high-intensity alarms... |
Block fuel lines | Positive | STD_INC_WAR | ?ALL_FACT_REWARD | |
Shutdown catalyst pipes | Positive | DAMAGESMALL | ?ALL_FACT_REWARD | ||||
Wait | Negative | DAMAGESMALL | |||||
WAR_FACTORY7 | Default |
Automated security procedures are incinerating the contents of all the vaults in the facility. The terminal displays the manifest: Intruder alert! Incinerating trading vault: imminent. Incinerating power vault: imminent. Incinerating storage vault: imminent. Power surges are igniting the vaults one-by-one. However, the terminal appears to allow for limited emergency retrievals... |
Withdraw trade vault | Positive | MONEY_L | ||
Withdraw relic vault | Positive | R_DAGGER | |||||
Withdraw technology vault | Positive | PROC_TECH_ONLY | |||||
WAR_FACTORY8 | Default |
As I turn on the terminal, a forward-facing security scanner clicks and whirrs into focus. My bright red image is on-screen. Security breach! Military action unstoppable! Vy'keen High Command vessel coordinate upload imminent! The terminal allows me no further access. In the camera feed, blue lines cross the red of my body, matching exactly to my Exosuit's coolant mesh... |
Broadcast safety code | Positive | Required standing with Warriors: 3 | STD_INC_WAR | ?ALL_FACT_REWARD |
Hack in safety code | Positive | Microprocessor x1 | STD_INC_WAR | ?ALL_FACT_REWARD | |||
Scramble facility coordinates | Negative | ||||||
WAR_FACTORY9 | Default |
As I turn on the terminal, a forward-facing security scanner clicks and whirrs into focus. My bright red image is on-screen. Interloper detection! Heat detection systems confirm report! High temperature intruder! The terminal allows me no further access. In the camera feed, blue lines cross the red of my body, matching exactly to my Exosuit's coolant mesh... |
Decrease coolant flow | Positive | ?ALL_FACT_REWARD | ||
Increase coolant flow | Negative | ||||||
WAR_FACTORY12 | Default |
A strange air hangs over the facility. Beyond the noise of the alarm, I cannot escape the feeling that something more sinister is at work. I search the terminal for clues. Pathetic warrior learn Vy'keen language! Pass test or encounter fighting pits! ERROR ERROR INSERT CATALYST ERROR ERROR MALFUNCTION The text seems to float from the screen, aggressive; it seems like no facility AI I have ever encountered. Echoing up from deep underground, I hear the electronic wail of dying Sentinels... |
Insert metal | Negative | Pure Ferrite x15 | ||
Insert catalyst | Positive | Sodium x10 | ?ALL_FACT_REWARD | ||||
Insert catalyst | Negative | Carbon x75 | |||||
WAR_FACTORY13 | Default |
A strange air hangs over the facility. Beyond the noise of the alarm, I cannot escape the feeling that something more sinister is at work. I search the terminal for clues. Grah! Initiate sentinel blood processing! Vaults full! Grah! Glass and blood! Glass and blood! The text seems to float from the screen, aggressive; it seems like no facility AI I have ever encountered. Echoing up from deep underground, I hear the electronic wail of dying Sentinels... |
Shutdown facility AI | Negative | |||
Insert Pugneum | Positive | Pugneum x50 | STD_INC_WAR | ?ALL_FACT_REWARD | |||
Incinerate vaults | Positive | STD_INC_WAR | ?ALL_FACT_REWARD | ||||
WAR_FACTORY14 | Default |
An animated gilled blob is on-screen waving a gun. It talks in the language of the warriors, but brightly and happily. Grah! Education blob! Greetings Vy'keen cub! Insert units for education! It springs happily between bloodied runes, then asks for a donation of units. |
Insert units | Positive | Units x10 | TEACHWORD_WAR, TEACHWORD_WAR | |
Insert units | Positive | Units x100 | TEACHWORD_WAR, TEACHWORD_WAR, TEACHWORD_WAR | ||||
Walk away | Negative | ||||||
WAR_FACTORY15 | Default |
A biological probe antenna launches from the terminal and fuses with my exosuit. I can't move. Interloper electrification initializing! Punishment commencing! There's no way to tell if this is a normal function, or a security measure. |
Escape | Positive | RECIPE_LIST | ||
Wait | Negative | DAMAGESMALL | |||||
WAR_FACTORY16 | Default |
The facility is full of blaring noise, an angry warning against my intrusion. The terminal shows a similarly angry message, apparently upset at the hitch in production. Grah! Gek war preparation disrupted! Ammunition production stalled! Metal required! It appears an off-world overseer is making demands. If I satisfy them, perhaps I'll be granted full access to the terminal... |
Insert metal | Positive | Pure Ferrite x75 | STD_INC_WAR | ?ALL_FACT_REWARD |
Insert di-hydrogen | Negative | ||||||
Insert sodium | Negative | Sodium x10 | |||||
WAR_FACTORY17 | Default |
The facility is full of blaring noise, an angry warning against my intrusion. The terminal shows a similarly angry message, apparently upset at the hitch in production. High Command demand explanation! Scare element required! Demand chromatic metal! Restore contributions! It appears an off-world overseer is making demands. If I satisfy them, perhaps I'll be granted full access to the terminal... |
Issue counter-order | Positive | Required standing with Warriors: 5 | STD_INC_WAR | ?ALL_FACT_REWARD |
Insert magnetised Ferrite | Negative | Magnetised Ferrite x10 | STD_DEC_WAR | ||||
Insert Chromatic Metal | Positive | ?ALL_FACT_REWARD | |||||
WAR_FACTORY18 | Default |
A warrior has booby-trapped the terminal. The security alert has triggered the timer on an explosive charge. There are two wires exposed. Grah! Pathetic interloper! Honourable warning: cut red wire? Certain death! The warrior has left a note. Only seconds remain... |
Cut red wire | Negative | DAMAGESMALL | ||
Cut blue wire | Positive | PROC_TECH_ALL, RECIPE_LIST | |||||
Move back | Neutral | ||||||
WAR_FACTORY19 | Default |
The terminal reveals that this installation produces enzymes and fluids required for Vy'keen tattoos. It is unclear how the pigment is generated. There is no record of any inbound supplies of ink or fluid. Various aliens have arrived, but there is neither evidence of their presense nor their departure. Security scan initializing! Motion detection cameras operational! Security scan initializing! Then I hear it. Through the hum of the factory, a strange beating in the walls, whispers from unknown voices... The terminal awaits input. |
Move to hiding spot | Negative | |||
Stand still | Positive | ?ALL_FACT_REWARD | |||||
WAR_FACTORY20 | Default |
The terminal flashes an urgent warning. Some vital part of the facility has been compromised by the security alert. Intruder alert! Battle enzyme production halted! Electrical charge removed from body harvest circuit! The display takes me aback.<DELAY>0.4<> A warrior's heart is on-screen, its beat irregular.<DELAY>0.3<> Connected to wires and artificial valves, it seems to pump a biological liquid through organs deep within the facility. |
Increase electrical flow | Positive | STD_INC_WAR | ?ALL_FACT_REWARD | |
Initiate adrenalin flux | Negative | ||||||
Power down systems | Negative | ||||||
WAR_FACTORY21 | Default |
The alert has obscured the information on the primary terminal. I can only make out a few words. // SPACE // WARP // LARGE // If I can work out what was being worked on here, I can restart the workflow – and restore operations. |
Drop pod | Negative | |||
Starship | Negative | ||||||
Freighter | Positive | PROC_TECH_SHIP, STD_INC_WAR | |||||
WAR_FACTORY22 | Default |
Interference from the security alert has turned the screen to static. I can hardly make out anything beyond a few words. // OFFENSIVE // WEAPON // STARSHIP // If I work out which workflow has been scrambled I can restore systems... |
Boltcaster | Negative | |||
Photon Cannon | Positive | PROC_TECH_SHIP, STD_INC_WAR | |||||
Mining Laser | Negative | ||||||
WAR_FACTORY23 | Default |
The screen is a jumble of words, few of which aren't drowned in static. // ENEMY // PATHETIC // BEAK // DOOMED // TRADER // The on-screen workflow is scrambled. If I can identify it, I can bring it back online... |
Gek | Positive | PROC_TECH_WEAP, STD_INC_WAR | ||
Sentinels | Neutral | ||||||
Atlas | Negative | ||||||
WAR_FACTORY24 | Default |
The facility's production harvest is underway. I can speed up systems by boosting some of the machinery operating below me. POWER REPORT. Electromagnetic coil: charge falling. Power core: acceptable boundaries. Primary motherboard: levels high. What appears to be a power management screen is open on the terminal... |
Boost power core | Negative | |||
Boost primary motherboard | Negative | ||||||
Boost electromagnetic coil | Positive | RECIPE_LIST, STD_INC_WAR | |||||
WAR_FACTORY25 | Default |
The security alarm hasn't impacted production. Below my feet unseen equipment prepares the mineral harvest. SUBSIDIARY SYSTEMS. Temporal capacitor: operational. Central AI core: operational. Gravitational stabilisers: unscheduled drain, disconnection advised. I can speed up the process by eliminating unnecessary systems. The on-screen automated report will help... |
Remove temporal capacitor | Negative | |||
Remove central AI core | Negative | ||||||
Remove gravitational stabilisers | Positive | RECIPE_LIST, STD_INC_WAR | |||||
WAR_FACTORY26 | Default |
An automated report finished just before my incursion. As it did so, laser beams in resource vaults dimmed. LASER SYSTEMS REPORT. Refraction systems: full efficiency. Laser assisted replication tank: full efficiency. Beam integrity systems: poor efficiency and performance. Engineer alerted. I can find a way to tweak this system, and to speed up the production cycle... |
Reconfigure laser refraction | Negative | |||
Reconfigure laser-assisted replication | Negative | ||||||
Reconfigure laser beam integrity | Positive | RECIPE_LIST, STD_INC_WAR | |||||
WAR_FACTORY27 | Default |
The noise of gas being flushed through systems beneath my feet can be heard over the noise of the alert. An automated report flashes onto the terminal. GAS INTEGRITY REPORT. Distribution network: full efficiency. Storage tank: breach detected. Pressure valves: operational. I can use it to boost production speed, and hopefully maintain it. |
Rebalance distribution network | Negative | |||
Rebalance storage tank | Positive | RECIPE_LIST, STD_INC_WAR | |||||
Rebalance pressure valves | Negative | ||||||
WAR_FACTORY28 | Default |
A faint chill can be felt while the security alert sounds. Coolant pipes are flushed, and an automated report appears on-screen. COOLANT OVERVIEW. Coolant chamber: full. Coolant pump hydraulics: operational. Coolant network: suspected blockage, reduced operations. Engineer notified. I can use its findings to boost the production cycle, and maybe maintain it. |
Repair coolant chamber | Negative | |||
Repair coolant pump | Negative | ||||||
Repair coolant network | Positive | RECIPE_LIST, STD_INC_WAR | |||||
WAR_FACTORY29 | Default |
The terminal reveals that this installation produces enzymes and fluids required for Vy'keen tattoos. It is unclear how the pigment is generated. There is no record of any inbound supplies of ink or fluid. Various aliens have arrived, but there is neither evidence of their presense nor their departure. Help... us. Harvested... get out... Then I hear it. Through the hum of the factory, a strange beating in the walls, whispers from unknown voices... The terminal awaits input. |
Request battle tattoo | Negative | |||
Disable power | Sad | ||||||
Steal technology | Negative | ||||||
WAR_FACTORY30 | Default |
The screen displays the dead heart of a warrior. Thousands like it are available in the archives of this place, starved of power for a long time. Universe real. We are real. All who oppose this truth shall be struck down, grah! So speaks Hirk Sentinelbane, Abyss Keeper and Lord of Final Monolith... The log shows that the hearts mutinied. They would no longer allow their battle enzyme to be used for the good of High Command. They wanted the death that had been promised. This system has been set up to deceive the authorities. Vy'keen High Command believes this installation to still be active, full of harvested bodies compliantly producing enzymes. |
Shut down production | Neutral | |||
Report to Vy'keen authorities | Negative | ||||||
Steal technology | Negative | ||||||
WAR_FACTORY31 | Default |
The screen displays the dead heart of a warrior. Thousands like it are available in the archives of this place, starved of power for a long time. UPLINK ONLINE : ALL LIFESIGNS POSITIVE : ENZYME PRODUCTION 100% The log shows that the hearts mutinied. They would no longer allow their battle enzyme to be used for the good of High Command. They wanted the death that had been promised. This system has been set up to deceive the authorities. Vy'keen High Command believes this installation to still be active, full of harvested bodies compliantly producing enzymes. |
Alert authorities | Positive | |||
Reactivate system | Neutral | ||||||
Steal technology | Negative | ||||||
WAR_FACTORY32 | Default |
As I approach the terminal, the air grows thick with an unknown gas. Grah! Sentinel trophy rises - should have killed it - run - no honour in - My breathing becomes rapid, my chest appearing to swell with an unknown energy. The terminal identifies the substance as Grahgrah. I feel as if I could scream... |
Alert authorities | Positive | |||
Scan for Sentinels | Neutral | ||||||
Attempt repair | Negative | ||||||
WAR_FACTORY33 | Default |
As I approach the terminal, the air grows thick with an unknown gas. UNREGISTERED USER : DEPLOYING GRAHGRAH FROM EMERGENCY SUPPLY My breathing becomes rapid, my chest appearing to swell with an unknown energy. The terminal identifies the substance as Grahgrah. I feel as if I could scream... |
Scream | Positive | |||
Fight against the impulse | Negative | ||||||
Smash the terminal | Negative | ||||||
WAR_FACTORY34 | Default |
The factory produces components for starships, fabricating them from the resources available on this world. Interloper! Vent energy! Increase production at once! This installation creates parts for Vy'keen fighters. Whilst Vy'keen buildings are heavily fortified to withstand bombardment, their starcraft prioritise the speed and flexibility required for their hunts. A video feed on the terminal shows a warning, a warrior shaking their hands wildly at a camera deep within the factory's heart. |
Increase production speed | Positive | |||
Decrease production speed | Negative | ||||||
Wave your hands back | Negative | ||||||
WAR_FACTORY35 | Default |
The factory produces bladed weapons, free from any energy-based component at all. PRODUCTION HALTED: IMMOBILE ORGANIC MATTER IN PIPE 17 The manifest suggests they are destined for ceremonial usage within the Vy'keen fleet, a reminder that the greatest death arrives when you stare your opponent in the eyes, free from technology, face to face in final combat... Something has gone wrong. Production is blocked by foreign material. |
Disable production line | Positive | |||
Purge biological matter | Neutral | ||||||
Take technology | Positive | ||||||
WAR_FACTORY36 | Default |
The factory appears to have ceased production long ago, its systems derelict and unused. Do not drink the water... warriors lost... Grah! This was preventable, this - Yet the sigil of the Vy'keen still occupies these terminals, blinking away, awaiting input. An audio log plays on loop. |
Attempt factory reset | Neutral | |||
Alert Vy'keen authorities | Positive | ||||||
Take technology | Positive |
Puzzle | Biome | Flow | Option | Mood | Cost | Rewards | Next iteration |
WAR_HARV_1 | Default |
I open a list of military achievements that's waiting for upload. There are images of distant battles, bloodied robots and vast explosions. Grah! Old honourable warrior retires! Death! Death! Warrior remuneration! A covering note clearly expects something in return, but the author chose not to send it. |
Send war record | Positive | WEAPON | ||
Edit war record | Negative | STD_DEC_WAR | |||||
WAR_HARV_2 | Default |
Military insignia and images of recently destroyed Sentinels fill the screen. Alien propaganda imagery takes glory in the destruction. Grah! Vy'keen High Command demands your Sentinel kill count! I can respond with a numerical value, and nothing else. |
Input a huge number | Positive | RECIPE_LIST, STD_INC_WAR | ||
Input a small number | Neutral | MONEY, STD_INC_WAR, USEFUL_PROD | |||||
Input a zero | Negative | DAMAGESMALL, STD_DEC_WAR | |||||
WAR_HARV_5 | Default |
I approach the terminal. A message blinks, ready to send. Grah! Gek war approaches! Vy'keen High Command request weapon reserve inventory! High Command send missing equipment! A huge list of equipment is waiting to be sent off-world. It's a stock list of some sort: everything has been confirmed and ticked off. |
Send stock list | Positive | MONEY, STD_INC_WAR | ||
Uncheck one item and send | Positive | PROC_TECH_WEAP, STD_INC_WAR | |||||
Uncheck many items and send | Negative | DAMAGESMALL, STD_DEC_WAR | |||||
WAR_HARV_6 | Default |
I find an off-world message intended for a creature posted in this station. It's oddly sentimental. Images of an infant warrior can be seen, then a picture of the same creature as a bloodied adolescent – proudly biting into the throat of a hoofed beast. Grah! Today child experiences Vy'keen war ceremony! Tradition demands gift! Aggression left, defence right! Enemy blood! Death! Death! In the final image a young warrior salutes its family as it leaves a distant world. There are two locked storage vaults at my feet. The message is programmed to release only one... |
Choose the storage vault on the left | Positive | PROC_TECH_SUIT, STD_INC_WAR | ||
Choose the storage vault on the right | Positive | PROC_TECH_WEAP, STD_INC_WAR | |||||
WAR_HARV_8 | Default |
An off-world message has been sent here from a species of beaked traders. It looks like a signed contract, or maybe some sort of treaty. In response several offerings of valuable trade goods have been left in a vault by local warriors for exportation. Grah! Foolish, pathetic, ignorant Gek Trade Federation believe peace treaty! Warrior give trade to pacify! Death soon! Warrior High Command has sent a subsequent message to explain... |
Give trade goods | Positive | Pure Ferrite x75 | MONEY, STD_INC_TRA | |
Take trade goods | Positive | R_GEKRELIC, STD_INC_WAR | |||||
WAR_HARV_10 | Default |
This appears to be a staging post for an imminent military operation. On-screen plans show a trading ship that carries a very particular sort of cargo, that's perhaps intended to persuade a distant planetary authority to allow the craft through their checkpoints. Covertly, however, the craft has been heavily modified – and also carries a phalanx of warriors carrying enhanced Multi-Tool technology. Grah! Gek homeworld covert ops mission initiated! Surprise war! Death! Death! High command send equipment! Request! Request! I can request further details on several aspects of the plan before I am detected, and shut out of the system. |
Investigate details of the cargo | Positive | RECIPE_LIST, STD_INC_TRA | ||
Investigate details of the trade ship | Positive | PROC_TECH_SHIP, STD_INC_WAR | |||||
Investigate details of the Multi-Tool | Positive | PROC_TECH_WEAP, STD_INC_WAR | |||||
WAR_HARV_11 | Default |
This is a military terminal, in a facility that seems recently vacated. Three huge databanks have been partially deleted, and will require heightened processing power to restore them. A rare metal would likely do the trick. Vy'keen covert ops ended. Deleting covert ops language data. Databank alpha: Vy'keen internal security. Databank beta: pathetic Gek. Databank gamma: weak-minded Korvax. Databank alpha bares the emblems of the warrior race, but beta and gamma are otherwise unmarked. |
Restore databank alpha | Positive | Pure Ferrite x75 | TEACHWORD_WAR, TEACHWORD_WAR, TEACHWORD_WAR | |
Restore databank beta | Positive | Magnetised Ferrite x10 | TEACHWORD_TRA, TEACHWORD_TRA, TEACHWORD_TRA | ||||
Restore databank gamma | Positive | Chromatic Metal x20 | TEACHWORD_EXP, TEACHWORD_EXP, TEACHWORD_EXP | ||||
WAR_HARV_13 | Default |
I receive an incoming distress call from a distant space station, demanding aid from any nearby Vy'keen vessels. Their spaceport appears to have been damaged in a struggle with pirate raiders, no craft remaining in which its inhabitants might leave. Video feeds show that the station commander has been putting soldiers to death for even the smallest infraction, afraid of a potential mutiny in the face of starvation. MAYDAY MAYDAY MAYDAY... URGENT ASSISTANCE REQUESTED... |
Share video with Vy'keen | Positive | STD_INC_WAR, TECHFRAG_M | ||
Contact nearby Gek | Neutral | STD_INC_TRA | |||||
Demand ransom | Neutral | TECHFRAG_M | |||||
WAR_HARV_14 | Default |
The outpost is abandoned, its alarms still blaring a warning to souls long-dead. There was a coup in this place. Battle-brother raised arms against battle-brother, seemingly in a dispute about some ruins found on this world. The last survivor died before they could delete the data. ALERT ALERT ALERT... TERMINAL UNMONITORED... RESET ALARM? |
Download data | Positive | TEACHWORD_WAR, PROC_TECH_ALL | ||
Steal technology | Negative | DAMAGESMALL | |||||
Report to Vy'keen | Neutral | MONEY | |||||
WAR_HARV_15 | Default |
The facility acted as a local base for raiding parties against the system's Sentinels. Each night the Vy'keen would go out under the cover of darkness, baiting drones and walkers in a variety of locations. Theirs is a war without end or purpose, executed with grim finality. The last war party never returned, leaving behind only mission logs and weapons. USER DATA REQUESTED... SIGN IN TO ACCESS LOG... |
Alert Vy'keen | Positive | STD_INC_WAR, PROC_TECH_WEAP | ||
Steal technology | Positive | TECHFRAG_M | |||||
Scan for Sentinels | Neutral | ||||||
WAR_HARV_16 | Default |
An incoming message warns all recipients that heresy will not be tolerated. It demands that those who suspect their brethren of cowardice, sympathy with the enemy, pacifism, faith in the traitor Nal, or any other un-Vy'keen belief to contact High Command immediately. The system shows that one warrior in this base attempted to upload such a report, only to be murdered by their comrades. The killers left the base soon after. Worship Atlas - seek destruction of warband! Grah! |
Report heresy | Positive | PROC_TECH_ALL | ||
Delete records | Positive | TECHFRAG_L | |||||
WAR_HARV_17 | Default |
The facility appears to have been in the process of researching chemical and biological weapons before a containment failure killed all those who worked here. From the system's logs, it is clear that this operation was not sanctioned by Vy'keen High Command. Though their superiors viewed this work as dishonourable and weak, the lifeforms here clearly felt differently. What if it could turn the tide of battle? If it could end war? Someone would see the benefit of this weaponised pestilence. There might even be some who would pay for it. SYSTEM OFFLINE // SAMPLES SECURE // NETWORK OFFLINE |
Destroy samples | Negative | DAMAGESMALL | ||
Sell to Gek | Positive | MONEY | |||||
Sell to Korvax | Positive | TECHFRAG_M | |||||
WAR_HARV_18 | Default |
The facility's logs show the arrival of a new Vy'keen recruit two weeks ago. There are no records of anyone arriving or leaving since. Yet even so, no-one is here. A single transmission appears to have been sent from the lower level of the facility, encrypted with Korvax safeguards. Traveller anomaly approaches Syntheti'Keen. Uploading final data logs... |
Locate origin point | Neutral | MONEY | ||
Alert Vy'keen | Positive | STD_INC_EXP, R_VYKEENEFFIGY | |||||
Alert Korvax | Negative | DAMAGESMALL, STD_DEC_EXP | |||||
WAR_HARV_19 | Default |
This facility acted as a training outpost for young Vy'keen from across the sector. They would train and battle here in order to earn their citizenship. The logs show the petty rivalries, the love affairs, the nobility, and the passion of those who trained here, all recorded by a proud and aging commander. One day, the logs end: the Vy'keen no longer had a use for this place. Nanites have replaced training, passing memories from individual to individual without the need for physical repetition. TERMINAL POWER LOW - RECONNECT POWER SOURCE SOON |
Extract Nanite Clusters | Positive | TECHFRAG_M | ||
Search training logs | Positive | TECHFRAG_S | |||||
Sell data to the Gek | Positive | MONEY | |||||
WAR_HARV_20 | Default |
The outpost is ancient, even by the standards of the Vy'keen. Its environment is calibrated to preserve the data within. One log speaks of the first Vy'keen contact with a Traveller. The figure remained with the warrior race for a long time, learning from them, exploring from them, even falling in love. The Vy'keen died, but the Traveller did not. The log shows how instrumental this figure was in the development of the early Vy'keen race, contributing much to their early technology. These records were lost in the intervening years, forgotten until I found this account. ANOMALY BUFFER ACTIVE... DATA STATUS: PRISTINE... |
Share with Vy'keen | Neutral | |||
Take technology | Positive | P_HYPERFUEL1, PROC_TECH_ALL | |||||
Search for Traveller records | Positive | TECHFRAG_M |
Rewards[ | ]
Reward | Selection | Type |
DAMAGELARGE | GiveAll | Take 80 (hard mode: x2 = 160) damage |
DAMAGESMALL | GiveAll | Take 50 (hard mode: x1.5 = 75) damage |
FACT_PROD | GiveAll | 1 Factory Override Unit |
Select an item from the CraftProducts tree | ||
MONEY | GiveAll | Between 500 & 2000 Units |
MONEY_L | GiveAll | Between 20000 & 35000 Units |
PROC_TECH_ALL | SelectFromSuccess | Order: InOrder
Technology from list:
A Upgrade Module for Pulse Engine, with the following probabilities:
| ||
A Upgrade Module for Hyperdrive, with the following probabilities:
| ||
A Upgrade Module for Deflector Shield, with the following probabilities:
| ||
A Upgrade Module for Photon Cannon, with the following probabilities:
| ||
A Upgrade Module for Phase Beam, with the following probabilities:
| ||
A Upgrade Module for Positron Ejector, with the following probabilities:
| ||
A Upgrade Module for Infra-Knife Accelerator, with the following probabilities:
| ||
A Upgrade Module for Cyclotron Ballista, with the following probabilities:
| ||
A Upgrade Module for Movement System, with the following probabilities:
| ||
A Upgrade Module for Life Support, with the following probabilities:
| ||
A Upgrade Module for Defence Systems, with the following probabilities:
| ||
A Upgrade Module for Aeration Membrane, with the following probabilities:
| ||
A Upgrade Module for Radiation Protection, with the following probabilities:
| ||
A Upgrade Module for Toxic Protection, with the following probabilities:
| ||
A Upgrade Module for Thermal Protection, with the following probabilities:
| ||
A Upgrade Module for Thermal Protection, with the following probabilities:
| ||
A Upgrade Module for Mining Beam, with the following probabilities:
| ||
A Upgrade Module for Analysis Visor, with the following probabilities:
| ||
A Upgrade Module for Boltcaster, with the following probabilities:
| ||
A Upgrade Module for Plasma Launcher, with the following probabilities:
| ||
A Upgrade Module for Geology Cannon, with the following probabilities:
| ||
A Upgrade Module for Blaze Javelin, with the following probabilities:
| ||
A Upgrade Module for Scatter Blaster, with the following probabilities:
| ||
A Upgrade Module for Pulse Spitter, with the following probabilities:
| ||
PROC_TECH_ONLY | SelectAlways | A Upgrade Module for Pulse Engine, with the following probabilities:
A Upgrade Module for Hyperdrive, with the following probabilities:
| ||
A Upgrade Module for Deflector Shield, with the following probabilities:
| ||
A Upgrade Module for Photon Cannon, with the following probabilities:
| ||
A Upgrade Module for Phase Beam, with the following probabilities:
| ||
A Upgrade Module for Positron Ejector, with the following probabilities:
| ||
A Upgrade Module for Infra-Knife Accelerator, with the following probabilities:
| ||
A Upgrade Module for Cyclotron Ballista, with the following probabilities:
| ||
A Upgrade Module for Movement System, with the following probabilities:
| ||
A Upgrade Module for Life Support, with the following probabilities:
| ||
A Upgrade Module for Defence Systems, with the following probabilities:
| ||
A Upgrade Module for Aeration Membrane, with the following probabilities:
| ||
A Upgrade Module for Radiation Protection, with the following probabilities:
| ||
A Upgrade Module for Toxic Protection, with the following probabilities:
| ||
A Upgrade Module for Thermal Protection, with the following probabilities:
| ||
A Upgrade Module for Thermal Protection, with the following probabilities:
| ||
A Upgrade Module for Mining Beam, with the following probabilities:
| ||
A Upgrade Module for Analysis Visor, with the following probabilities:
| ||
A Upgrade Module for Boltcaster, with the following probabilities:
| ||
A Upgrade Module for Plasma Launcher, with the following probabilities:
| ||
A Upgrade Module for Geology Cannon, with the following probabilities:
| ||
A Upgrade Module for Blaze Javelin, with the following probabilities:
| ||
A Upgrade Module for Scatter Blaster, with the following probabilities:
| ||
A Upgrade Module for Pulse Spitter, with the following probabilities:
| ||
PROC_TECH_SHIP | SelectFromSuccess | Order: InOrder
Technology from list:
A Upgrade Module for Pulse Engine, with the following probabilities:
| ||
A Upgrade Module for Hyperdrive, with the following probabilities:
| ||
A Upgrade Module for Deflector Shield, with the following probabilities:
| ||
A Upgrade Module for Photon Cannon, with the following probabilities:
| ||
A Upgrade Module for Phase Beam, with the following probabilities:
| ||
A Upgrade Module for Positron Ejector, with the following probabilities:
| ||
A Upgrade Module for Infra-Knife Accelerator, with the following probabilities:
| ||
A Upgrade Module for Cyclotron Ballista, with the following probabilities:
| ||
PROC_TECH_SUIT | SelectFromSuccess | Order: InOrder
Technology from list:
A Upgrade Module for Movement System, with the following probabilities:
| ||
A Upgrade Module for Life Support, with the following probabilities:
| ||
A Upgrade Module for Defence Systems, with the following probabilities:
| ||
A Upgrade Module for Aeration Membrane, with the following probabilities:
| ||
A Upgrade Module for Radiation Protection, with the following probabilities:
| ||
A Upgrade Module for Toxic Protection, with the following probabilities:
| ||
A Upgrade Module for Thermal Protection, with the following probabilities:
| ||
A Upgrade Module for Thermal Protection, with the following probabilities:
| ||
PROC_TECH_WEAP | SelectFromSuccess | Order: InOrder
Technology from list:
A Upgrade Module for Mining Beam, with the following probabilities:
| ||
A Upgrade Module for Analysis Visor, with the following probabilities:
| ||
A Upgrade Module for Boltcaster, with the following probabilities:
| ||
A Upgrade Module for Plasma Launcher, with the following probabilities:
| ||
A Upgrade Module for Geology Cannon, with the following probabilities:
| ||
A Upgrade Module for Blaze Javelin, with the following probabilities:
| ||
A Upgrade Module for Scatter Blaster, with the following probabilities:
| ||
A Upgrade Module for Pulse Spitter, with the following probabilities:
| ||
P_HYPERFUEL1 | SelectAlways | 1 Warp Cell |
RECIPE_LIST | GiveAll | Order: TryAllRandom
Product recipe from list:
R_CAVECUBE | GiveAll | 1 Vortex Cube |
R_CURIO7 | GiveAll | 1 Gek Relic |
R_DAGGER | GiveAll | 1 Vy'keen Dagger |
R_GEKRELIC | SelectAlways | 1 Gek Relic |
R_KORVAXCASING | GiveAll | 1 Korvax Casing |
R_VYKEENEFFIGY | SelectAlways | 1 Vy'keen Effigy |
STD_DEC_EXP | GiveAll | -1 standing change with Explorers |
STD_DEC_TRA | GiveAll | -1 standing change with Traders |
STD_DEC_WAR | GiveAll | -1 standing change with Warriors |
STD_INC_EXP | GiveAll | 1 standing change with Explorers |
STD_INC_TRA | GiveAll | 1 standing change with Traders |
STD_INC_WAR | GiveAll | 1 standing change with Warriors |
SUBST_COMMOD | GiveAll | Between 50 & 100 of Uncommon Earth substances |
SUBST_FUEL | GiveAll | Between 50 & 100 of Uncommon Earth substances |
SUBST_TECH | GiveAll | Between 50 & 100 of Uncommon Earth substances |
TEACHWORD_EXP | GiveAll | Learn 1 word from any category |
TEACHWORD_TRA | GiveAll | Learn 1 word from any category |
TEACHWORD_WAR | GiveAll | Learn 1 word from any category |
TECHFRAG_L | GiveAll | Between 120 & 150 Nanites |
TECHFRAG_M | GiveAll | Between 90 & 120 Nanites |
TECHFRAG_S | GiveAll | Between 40 & 80 Nanites |
USEFUL_PROD | SelectAlways | 1 Advanced Ion Battery |
1 TetraCobalt | ||
1 Vy'keen Dagger | ||
1 Korvax Convergence Cube | ||
1 Unstable Plasma | ||
1 Life Support Gel | ||
1 Vortex Cube | ||
1 Gek Relic | ||
1 Vy'keen Effigy | ||
1 GekNip | ||
1 Korvax Casing | ||
1 Vy'keen Effigy | ||
1 Korvax Casing | ||
1 Gek Relic | ||
WEAPON | GiveAll | 50 of ammunition |
Loot[ | ]
Category | Rarity | Substances |
Earth | Uncommon | Paraffinium |
Pyrite | ||
Ammonia | ||
Uranium | ||
Dioxite | ||
Phosphorus | ||
Radon |
Additional Information[ | ]
Information | Source |
Translations |
Release History[ | ]
- Data from v1.38 - An in-depth spreadsheet containing datamined information as well as in-game research regarding Manufacturing Facilities and their rewards.[1]
- Experimental update 2019-09-12 - Created this page
- Update data based on files from v2.61.1 (Steam BuildID 5318315)