No Man's Sky Wiki
No Man's Sky Wiki
The subject of this article is from the Aquarius update.
The information from this article is up-to-date as of 22 October, 2024.
Shell Greaser
Shell Greaser
Category Multi-tool - Weapons
Type Scatter Blaster Upgrade
Stats -15% Reload Time
Updated Aquarius

Shell Greaser is a technology.

Summary[ | ]

Shell Greaser is a Projectile technology that augments the Scatter Blaster, a Multi-tool weapon. Its effects stack with those provided by Scatter Blaster Upgrades, but this technology does not count toward the three-upgrade limit, making it useful for triggering stronger upgrade bonuses on those upgrades.

The blueprint can be purchased from Iteration: Eos.

Game Description[ | ]

Advanced self-lubricating components decrease friction within the Scatter Blaster, offering significant improvements to reload times.

Crafting[ | ]

Shell Greaser can be built using a blueprint and the following ingredients:

Shell Greaser can be repaired using the following ingredients:

Shell Greaser can be dismantled after construction, returning the following ingredients:

Additional Information[ | ]

Release History[ | ]

Gallery[ | ]
