No Man's Sky Wiki
The subject of this article is from the Expeditions update.
The information from this article is up-to-date as of 1 June, 2021.
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Galaxy Euclid
Region Rocedonn Shallows
Colour Yellow
Galactic coordinates 045A:0085:0DD3:019B
Planet(s) 3
Moon(s) 1
Waterworld Yes
Faction Vy'keen
Economy Power Generation
E-Sell 63.5%
E-Buy -27%.3%
Wealth Balanced
Conflict level Medium
Claimed by Grandi Poolyee
Discovery platform PC
Game Mode Survival
Updated Expeditions

Sokamino is a star system in No Man's Sky.

Summary[ | ]

Sokamino is a star system in the No Man's Sky universe.

It is considered the heart of the Grandi Poolyee systems and the Rocedonn Shallows. The Vy'keen have settled into this system to hunt Sentinels on Kiyoto and Fakk-2 Gawa. Terra Mino is considered the colony planet of the system, while Kurystor Mino has hazardous mining outposts. This system is most well known for Exo-Races.

Alias names[ | ]

Original: Sokamino
Current: Sokamino
Other: Nal Soka

Discovered[ | ]

By PC explorer Dreadhawk on <???, ???, 2018>

Planets & Moons[ | ]

Planet Image Planet Name Planet/Moon Type Weather Aggressive
Kiyoto Spaceview Kiyoto Abandoned Moon Heated Atmosphere with the occasional Wall of Fire Yes (Zealous)
Resources: Pyrite, Copper, Silver, Cactus Flesh, Gravitino Ball Notes: The canyons of this moon are breath taking. All creatures uploaded.
Fakk-2 Gawa Spaceview Fakk-2 Gawa Dead Planet Silent Yes (Frenzied)
Resources: Rusted Metal, Salt, Copper, Gravitino Ball Notes: White Dead Planet
Kurystor Mino Spaceview Low Hiemal Planet Raging Snowstorms and Tornadoes (extreme) No
Resources: Ancient Bones, Frost Crystal, Activated Copper, Dioxite, Storm Crystal Notes: Very pretty mountains, and triceratops like creatures. This planet was added in Origins. It's original name was Kurystor Minow. It is the only water planet in the system. For a while, the planet was named Kurystor Mino on PC, but is now officially named Low since discoveries went cross platform.
Terra Mino Spaceview Terra Mino Temperate Planet Pleasant No
Resources: Star Bulb, Cobalt, Paraffinium, Copper Notes: You could sell this planet as a walking simulator of its own. Helix Fae are so pretty to look at. All creatures uploaded.

NOTE: Low added to this system during the Origins update.

Location Information[ | ]

System Location[ | ]

Sokamino is located in the Rocedonn Shallows region of the Euclid galaxy. It is roughly 703885.104 ly away from the galactic core and it could take anywhere between 500-900 jumps to reach the Galactic Center. Owdzangm XV, the Galactic Hub Capital, is 53130.784 ly away from Sokamino. To reach Galactic Hub Capital follow this direction from Sokamino: Looking at the center, turn 51.00 degrees to your left. Sokamino is about 13 Regions 'above' Galactic Hub Capital.

Coordinates[ | ]


Glyphs[ | ]


Navigation Images[ | ]


Star System Information[ | ]

  • Sokamino has a singular sun.
  • The space colour is reddish with no highlights.

Space station[ | ]

The space station merchants offer the following items for sale:

Galactic Trade Terminal[ | ]

  • Buy:
Item Name Price Modifier Price in Units
Spark Canister -29.4% 740
Industrial-Grade Battery -23.8% 4800
Ohmic Gel -14.9% 13404
Wiring Loom -15.1% 46678
Life Support Gel -3.2% 232
Unstable Plasma -1.1% 6826
Ferrite Dust -0.9% 17
Cobalt +0.9% 249
Oxygen +6.0% 45
Sodium +4.1% 53
Lemmium -3.5% 34987
Amino Chamber +1.0% 14903
Metal Plating -0.6% 953
Ion Battery -2.8% 233
Microprocessor +0.0% 19000
Gold +1.1% 446
Platinum -0.4% 628
Chromatic Metal +1.2% 309
  • Sell (Items in demand)
Item Name Price Modifier Price in Units
Decommissioned Circuit Board +67.4% 1751
Welding Soap +55.3% 9785
Ion Capacitor +39.1% 21903
Autonomous Positioning Unit +25.6% 39563
Quantum Accelerator +19.2% 62555


Multi-tool Technology Merchant[ | ]

Module Type Class Price in Nanites
Mining Beam C 70
Scanner C 75
Bolt Caster C 74
Plasma Launcher C 70
Geology Cannon C 72
Blaze Javelin C 73
Scatter Blaster C 71
Mining Beam B 162
Pulse Spitter A 362
Plasma Launcher S 582
Pulse Spitter S 546
Scatter Blaster A 365
Plasma Launcher A 368
Geology Cannon A 353
Scanner B 163
Geology Cannon S 563

Starship Technology Merchant[ | ]

Module Type Class Price in Nanites
Pulse Engine C 72
Hyperdrive C 71
Starship Shield C 71
Photon Cannon C 69
Phase Beam C 71
Positron C 73
Infra-Knife C 74
Cyclotron C 68
Cyclotron S 568
Positron A 369
Starship Shield B 171
Phase Beam B 165
Infra-Knife S 598
Pulse-Engine A 387
Hyperdrive A 361
Positron B 172

Exosuit Technology Merchant[ | ]

Module Type Class Price in Nanites
Lifesupport B 161
Movement C 70
Shield C 72
Underwater Protection B 170
Radiation Protection B 173
Toxic Protection B 169
Thermal Protection B 176
Shield A 367
Toxic Protection S 560
Thermal Protection A 362
Life Support S 619
Thermal Protection S 562
Movement A 172
Thermal Protection S 573

Vehicle Shop Merchant[ | ]

Module Type Class Price in Nanites
Exocraft Cannon C 60
Exocraft Engine C 60
Exocraft Laser C 60
Exocraft Boost C 60
Nautilon Cannon C 60
Humboldt Drive C 60
Minotaur Engine B 140
Minotaur Laser B 140
Minotaur Cannon B 140
Exocraft Laser S 480
Exocraft Laser B 140

Aliens[ | ]

Multi-Tools[ | ]

Multi-Tool Image Name Multi-Tool Type Slots Class Value in Units
DestroyerofSupplication Destroyer of Supplication Pistol 10 A 775000
ImperfectAtmosphereTranslator Imperfect Atmosphere Translator Rifle 13 C 885000
ImprovedAmurmaviScoop Improved Amurmavi Scoop Alien 16 A 3450000
TheHandof Peace The Hand of Peace F2/2/Z Rifle 19 B 1865000
Yenkan's Mass Translator Sokamino2 Yenkan's Mass Translator Pistol 7 C 129000
SongOfTheSky53SSK4 Song of the Sky 53S/SK4 Rifle 24 A 3450000

Starships[ | ]

Ship Image Name Ship Type Inventory Class Value in Units
IY6Bukab IY6 Bukab Exotic (Guppy) 20+6 S 12000000
HN2Oakeg HN2 Oakeg Fighter 29+5 A 15450000
GravityNemesisQE51 Gravity Nemesis QE5 Fighter 18+4 B 1430000
Luminous Hoshibu XVI1 Luminous Hoshibu XVI Explorer 16+4 C 590000
Speedy Mother PO7 Speedy Mother PO7 Shuttle 20+5 C 850000
RL7Shimasa2 RL7 Shimasa Shuttle 25+7 B 2780000
Aegisofthe Uonuma Aegis of the Uonuma Shuttle 24+7 B 2280000
AomorofBeauty1 Aomor of Beauty Fighter 16+2 C 720000
FinalInjosXIII1 Final Injos XIII Hauler 45+7 B 69500000
TheVoiceofSouls1 The Voice of Souls (Sokamino) Fighter 18+4 B 1430000
TranquilHammerAY1a Tranquil Hammer AY1 Explorer 17+4 B 845000
TheReflectionOfInevitability The Reflection Of Inevitability Shuttle 22+6 B 1490000
RuthlessFocusUU1a Ruthless Focus UU1 Hauler 28+3 C 7250000
Ragiump'sVictoryWF3a Ragiump's Victory WF3 Fighter 16+2 C 720000
TranquilDefeatMF52 Tranquil Defeat MF5 Shuttle 23+6 C 1680000
OnagifofFreedom2 Onagif of Freedom Hauler 27+3 C 6200000
Gaoka'sStellarCoup Gaoka's Stellar Coup Fighter 24+4 C 3400000
MeyameRE1a Meyame RE1 Shuttle 19+4 C 660000
TheDefeatoftheEther The Defeat of the Ether Shuttle 26+7 B 3350000
EshisoRA9a Eshiso RA9 Fighter 18+4 B 1430000
LuminousRigusuVI1 Luminous Rigusu VI Explorer 21+5 C 1935000

Derelict Freighter[ | ]

The Derelict Freighter for this system is SV Star of Akyotome.

  • It has 8 Rooms.
  • It gives C-class technology upgrades
  • It has 82 Salvageable Containers
  • 25 Green Jellyfish infest this vessel.

History[ | ]

This section is Fan Fiction. The information found here is not an actual part of the released game, but a user-invented addition to the wiki.

The Vy'keen first settled this star in their conquests against the sentinels, believing it to be the source of sentinel activity in other near-by systems. The wars against the sentinels raged on endlessly, even to this day. Kiyoto, the once ocean moon of Gawa, is now a flaming desert moon due to the destruction of these conflicts. In an attempt to bolster their forces, the Vy'keen bought biologically engineered creatures to use as weapons against the sentinels. The biological horrors also sometimes referred to as the 'Xeno' quickly began infesting the planet and turning on the Vy'keen. Fearing the infestation would spread to Terra Mino the local military forces shelled the surface of Gawa for 40 sols with explosives. It was then given the Fakk-2 designation that it holds to this day. (Federation Assigned Ketogentic Killzone). Military and mercenary operations are often carried out on Fakk-2 Gawa's surface to eliminate the xeno nests.

When the traveler known as Dreadhawk (now known as Kodi Sky) came to Sokamino, he decided to make Sokamino the central hub of his Great Systems also known as Grandi Poolyee with Terra Mino dubbed 'The Paradise of the Rocedonn Shallows' and plans to build exocraft races on Kiyoto.

Additional information[ | ]

This system is the civilized heart of the Region, despite two planetary bodies being overrun by aggressive sentinels. The Exo-Races on Kiyoto and the serene colonies of Terra Mino serve as a major attraction in the region. It is the second star the Grandi Poolyee decided to build their colonies on.

The information on this page is mainly sourced from Survival mode. Some things may vary depending on game mode and the differences are yet to be confirmed.

Gallery[ | ]
