No Man's Sky Wiki
The subject of this article is from the Living Ship update.
The information from this article is is up-to-date as of 6 April, 2020.
This planetary article was catalogued by the Grand Conjunction of Aligned Systems.

Sol-Baka mid'Eldr
Sol-Baka mid'Eldr
Galaxy Euclid
Region The Arm of Zavatiu
Star system Sudhr-Stjarna ei'Blar
Moon(s) Eng-Blodh lid'Skogr
Biome Scorched - Incandescent
Weather Sunny
Resources So, In, P, Fe++
Sentinels Ever-present
Flora Abundant
Fauna Average
Claimed by Grand Conjunction
Discovered by Ertosiangel
Discovery platform PC
Game Mode Normal
Updated Living Ship

Sol-Baka mid'Eldr is a planet in No Man's Sky.

Summary[ | ]

Sol-Baka mid'Eldr is a planet in the star system Sudhr-Stjarna ei'Blar in the No Man's Sky universe.

It was discovered by scouts of the Grand Conjunction on March 28, 2020.

Alias names[ | ]

PC Current: Sol-Baka mid'Eldr
PC Other: Sol-Baka

Planet type[ | ]

Sol-Baka mid'Eldr is a Scorched world, specifically Incandescent. The weather is Sunny, meaning that storms are infrequent and mild.

Moons[ | ]

This planet has one moon, Eng-Blodh lid'Skogr.

Notable locations / Waypoints[ | ]

Life[ | ]

Fauna[ | ]

Creature Image Creature Name/Environment Gender(s) Height/Weight Diet Genus   Brief description
Footprint Icon X. Rotguae
Common, Ground
Rational 1.1 m
74.2 kg
Ungulatis Inflates when stressed
Footprint Icon Sailback Snigilldyr
Uncommon, Ground
Exotic 1.7 m
97.6 kg
Tetraceris Eyes regrow after damage
Sol-Baka Jabberwocky Sol-Baka Jabberwocky
Rare, Ground
Asymmetric 3.0-3.1 m
0.4-0.5 kg
Tyranocae DANGEROUS CREATURE Poor hearing
Footprint Icon Sol-Baka Villrfotr
Uncommon, Ground
Prime 1.5 m
92.8 kg
Tyranocae Can change colour
Footprint Icon Sol-Baka Drapklo
Uncommon, Underground
Non-uniform 0.8 m
59.9 kg
Footprint Icon Sol-Baka Grashundr
Uncommon, Ground
Asymptotic 1.7 m
82.1 kg
Felidae Carries symbiotic fungus
Sol-Baka Vollrraett Sol-Baka Vollrraett
Uncommon, Ground
Indeterminate 1.5-1.6 m
80.0-92.4 kg
Vegetation Procavya Cannot see colour
Banded Drekikleggi Banded Drekikleggi
Common, Flying
Indeterminate 0.4-0.5 m
58.1-61.8 kg
Small trees Rhopalocera Elaborate mating displays
Footprint Icon ???
Common, Flying
Footprint Icon ???
Uncommon, Underground
Footprint Icon ???
Uncommon, Underground

All Fauna Discovered bonus: 550 NANITES

Flora[ | ]

Sentinels[ | ]

Sentinels perform regular patrols on this world. Caution is advised when mining.

Resources[ | ]

The following resources can be found on this world.

Gallery[ | ]
