No Man's Sky Wiki
No Man's Sky Wiki
The subject of this article is from the Worlds Part I update.
The information from this article is up-to-date as of 3 September, 2024.
SE Pod

Space Encounters are a type of game event.

Summary[ | ]

Space encounters are unusual space encounters that occur while pulsing in space, each with different rarities and appearances.

Space encounters are introduced in the Living Ship updates. They have different interactions, ramificcations, and rewards.

Finding[ | ]

Space Encounters occur randomly while the Pulse Engine is activated. Most of these Space Encounters occur very rarely, but Alien Traders are very common. Each Space Encounter has a frequency rating, ranging from 1-12. The lower it is, the longer it takes to encounter. If a Space Encounter is found, you will receive a HUD and mission alert. Disengaging the Pulse Engine while a Space Encounter is found will cause the Space Encounter to spawn in front of your starship. Boardable Derelict Freighter have a rarity ratting of 0.25 which is very rare.

Reported Encounters[ | ]

NOTE: Update the list or notify someone to update the list as more information becomes available.

Encounter Image Encounter Name Known System Types Relative Frequency Interaction Required Rewards
NPC repair Alien Repair Inhabited 4 Offer Resources NANITES and increased Faction standing
Ramifications: None
Trader Alien Trader Inhabited 12 Trade Items for Purchase
Ramifications: None
Trader Offer Alien Trader Special Offer Inhabited 2 Trade Rare artifact for purchase / barter
Ramifications: None
20200221221621 1 Anomalous Numbers Station Any 1 Use communicator Gives 5 numbers of up to 3 digits (847 ... 471 .... etc)
Ramifications: None
Asteroid Larvae Asteroid Larvae Any 1 Unknown None
Ramifications: Engages in combat when shot, but cannot be killed
20200220225541 1 Child of Helios Any 1 Use communicator Living Water during Starbirth mission, nothing otherwise
Ramifications: None
Condensed stellar ice Condensed Stellar Ice Any 1 Shoot down Quicksilver, Dioxite, Uranium, Condensed Carbon, Di-hydrogen, NANITES
Ramifications: None
Derelict Freighter Ship Derelict Freighter - Space Encounter Any 4 Chromatic Metal or other resource
Cannot be interacted with directly, but a small cargo pod may spawn, allowing the player to destroy them to get resources. However, doing so will occasionally cause Pirates to ambush. Also a chance for destructible doors to spawn on the derelict & a storage container behind it that awards items when shot.
20200720115110 1 Derelict Freighter Any 0.25
Can be explored fully and features procedurally generated rooms. Introduced during the Desolation update.
SE Pod Dyson Lens Any 1 Shoot down A large number of Nanites NANITES
Ramifications: Instantly sets your Wanted level to 5 if shot at unless you use the rocket launcher. This destroys it in one shot with no consequences.
SE Emergency Civilisation Shelter Pod Emergency Civilisation Shelter Pod Any 2 Use communicator Message stating current Pod status.
Ramifications: None
Emergency Containment Unit Emergency Containment Device Any 2 Shoot down Terrifying Sample
Ramifications: Drops Terrifying Sample (Keeping this item in your inventory is said to cause this Space Encounter to stalk you / keep occurring; pulling you out of pulse drive without the usual warning).
SE OrbEntity Gaseous Sentience Any 1 Use communicator NANITES
Ramifications: None, but they may appear in different colours
SE Skull Grave of the Ocean King Any 1 Enter and exit Fossil Sample or Excavated Bones
Ramifications: None
Hazard Containment Field Hazard Containment Field Any 1 Shoot down

Note: Rockets may destroy the field and give no items.

Terrifying Sample, Biological Sample, Magnetised Ferrite
Ramifications: Drops Terrifying Sample (Keeping this item in your inventory is said to cause this Space Encounter to stalk you / keep occurring; pulling you out of pulse drive without the usual warning).
Hyperspace Navigation Station Hyperspace Navigation Station Any 1 Use communicator Gives 16 hexadecimal digits code
Ramifications: None. Transmitted code can be converted into a usable portal address by dropping the first two and the seventh and eighth digits. See Universal Address for more information.
SE Ironbound Relic Ironbound Relic Any 1 Shoot down Platinum / Gold / Silver / Ancient Bones / Fossil Sample / Terrifying Sample
Ramifications: Drops Terrifying Sample (Keeping this item in your inventory may cause this Space Encounter to stalk you / keep occurring; pulling you out of pulse drive without the usual warning).
Jettisoned Storage Silo Jettisoned Storage Silo Any 1 Shoot down Any in-game resource or item (which ever one is listed when you look at it)
Ramifications: None
Living Metalloid Living Metalloid Any 1 Shoot down Carbon, Silver, Salvageable Scrap, Upgrade Modules (Always for normal ships & almost always S-Class)
Ramifications: Unknown
Messenger of Atlas Messenger of Atlas Any 2 Use communicator Gives an Atlas word
Ramifications: None whether accepting or rejecting the message of Atlas.
Encountered having different shapes.
Pirate Controlled Monitoring Station Pirate-Controlled Monitoring Station Inhabited 1 Shoot down NANITES and then Increased Faction standing after defeating pirates
Ramifications: Triggers pirates once destroyed
SE Plasmic Accident Plasmic Accident Any 1 Shoot down Terrifying Sample / NANITES / Mordite
Ramifications: Drops Terrifying Sample (Keeping this item in your inventory will cause this Space Encounter to stalk you / keep occurring; pulling you out of pulse drive without the usual warning)
Relic Gate Relic Gate Any 1 Fly through None
Ramifications: Teleports you to another system, over a much longer distance than Black Holes can teleport you. Unlike a black hole, you may end up further from the galactic core.
Black Hole Rogue Black Hole Any 1 Fly through Long-distance travel
Ramifications: Teleports you to other system and breaks a single upgrade
Rubbleofthefirstspawn Rubble of the First Spawn Any 1 Unknown Unknown
Ramifications: Unknown
Secret Listening Post Secret Listening Post Inhabited 2 Use communicator None
Ramifications: None, allows you to intercept messages between Aliens
Stellar Intelligence Stellar Intelligence Any 1 Use communicator POSSIBLY Coordinates to an Ancient Ruin
Ramifications: None, but damages you when shot
Space Void Egg Void Egg Any 7 Shoot down A Living Ship upgrade.
Does not appear if you have any parts needed to create a Living Ship
Ramifications: None, however requires flying Living Ship to encounter

Information Requiring Further Investigation[ | ]

The following information must still be assessed:

  • What interactions can be taken
  • What the rewards and ramifications are for interacting with the encounters

Additional information[ | ]

Most star systems have Recurring Space Encounters which can be reliably found after entering the system. For example, in the Samnadhr sja'Gulr system, the Grave of the Ocean King rare deep space object will be encountered 45 seconds after entering the system. Similarly in Sudhr-Stjarna ei'Blar, Rogue Black Holes are encountered 3:25 and 7:25 minutes after entering the system. All known recurring space encounters have been listed on their respective system pages.

All six living ship upgrades can be farmed from any system by finding space void eggs, and the class of the upgrades can vary in that same system.

References[ | ]
