No Man's Sky Wiki
The subject of this article is from the Adrift update.
The information from this article is up-to-date as of 16 July, 2024.
Spark Canister
Spark Canister
Category Tradeable
Type Trade Goods (Energy Source)
Total Value 1,000.0 Units
Updated Adrift

Spark Canister is a tradeable.

Summary[ | ]

Spark Canister is a 1st tier tradeable.

Game Description[ | ]

A crate packed with spark canisters.

Many industrial and mining processes have considerable power demands. A counterpart to the slow release of a battery, spark canisters are able to meet these demands instantaneously.

Source[ | ]

Spark Canister can be purchased from Galactic Trade Terminals in all Power Generation Economy star systems. It can also be found in lockers on Derelict Freighter encounters.

Usage[ | ]

Spark Canister can be sold for a profit in any Mining Economy star system.

It is not usable by the player in Crafting or Base building.

Additional Information[ | ]

Release History[ | ]

  • Atlas Rises - Added as a trade commodity.
  • NEXT - Stack size in Exosuit general inventory raised from 1 to 5
  • Waypoint - Type changed, formerly "Tradable Energy Source".

Gallery[ | ]
