No Man's Sky Wiki
No Man's Sky Wiki
The subject of this article is from the Worlds Part I update.
The information from this article is up-to-date as of 3 September, 2024.
Spikey Tart
Spikey Tart
Category Consumable
Type Edible Product
Total Value 40,000.0 Units
Updated WorldsOne

Spikey Tart is a consumable.

Summary[ | ]

Spikey Tart is a consumable and one of the Edible Products.

Game Description[ | ]

A highly refined food product, created in the Nutrient Processor. It has both the identifying shapes and aromas of an actual food item, in stark contrast with conventional nutrition paste or pellets.

Food such as this can be highly valuable.

Source[ | ]

Spikey Tart can be cooked using a Nutrient Processor with the following ingredients:

  • PRODUCT.REFINED.EMPTYPIE Pie Case x1  +  PRODUCT.PLANT.DUSTWILD Aloe Flesh x1  →  PRODUCT.REFINED.TART Spikey Tart x1  ("Assemble Pie", 2.5 sec./unit output)
  • PRODUCT.REFINED.EMPTYPIE Pie Case x1  +  PRODUCT.PLANT.DUSTFARM Cactus Nectar x1  →  PRODUCT.REFINED.TART Spikey Tart x1  ("Assemble Pie", 2.5 sec./unit output)

Recipes[ | ]

Spikey Tart is not used as an ingredient for cooking using a Nutrient Processor.

Additional Information[ | ]

Exosuit nutrient system will power 15 seconds sprint overload when consumed.

Release History[ | ]

  • Beyond - Added as a consumable.
  • SentinelUp - Effect on consuming added to an info panel.

Gallery[ | ]
