No Man's Sky Wiki
No Man's Sky Wiki
The subject of this article is from the Adrift update.
The information from this article is up-to-date as of 16 July, 2024.
Sputtering Starship Trail
Sputtering Starship Trail
Category Starship Exhaust Override
Updated Adrift

Sputtering Starship Trail is a Starship enhancement.

Summary[ | ]

Sputtering Starship Trail is a Starship Exhaust modifier.

It changes the appearance of the engine exhaust trails of the Pulse Engine.

Game Description[ | ]

NmsShip SputteringInGame

In-game use

An exclusive Starship Exhaust Modifier.

A ramshackle ship exhaust nozzle, hand-assembled in an emergency by an outlaw. Has an occasional propensity to explode, but with no adverse effect on flight handling.

Install this technology in your starship inventory to change the appearance of the engine exhaust trails.

Upgrade Properties[ | ]

  • Boost: +1%

Build[ | ]

Sputtering Starship Trail can be built using a blueprint and the following ingredients:

Additional Information[ | ]

  • Starship Trail family, ranked according to the highest prioritization. If more than one Trail is installed, the one with the highest priority will be seen.
  1. Chromatic Starship Trail
  2. Cadmium Starship Trail
  3. Emeril Starship Trail
  4. Golden Starship Trail
  5. Stealth Starship Trail
  6. Sputtering Starship Trail
  • Artemis and Polo figurines receive an Upgrade bonus
  • Ship boost receives a 1% bonus if installed
  • It was awarded as part of The Blighted expedition as a reward for completing all milestones in Phase 1
  • It is installed in the Iron Vulture expedition reward from Expedition 13: Adrift by default

Release History[ | ]

Gallery[ | ]
