No Man's Sky Wiki
The subject of this article is from the Echoes update.
The information from this article is up-to-date as of 13 February, 2024.
Disambig01 This article is about the current Starship Catalogue for Exotics. For the archived versions, see Archive:Starship Catalogue - Exotic.
Exotic Class


The following is a list of various Exotic-Archetype starships discovered by different players during the Echoes through current eras.

(For a list of all ship types, refer to the Starship Catalogue)


All exotic ships are part of the S-class and will have top tier bonus values in all three categories. Their values range between 35-50% DMG, 55-60% Shield and 50-65% Hyperdrive range. Since the price is multiplied by slotsize and the exotic ships normally lack in that regard, their price range is a fair 10M-15M units. This makes them deadly specialists if one is lucky enough to find one.

While there are only two distinct types of exotic ships based on their cockpit, the community has come to differentiate visual classes with varying names. All of these classifications stem from the ship's nose instead or its additional ornaments. While there seems to be no real consensus how to name them, there is a broad basis in each group.


The inventory for Exotic ships are all in the small range of 15-20 (update to 25). Their tech limit is 4-6 slots.

Exotic Types

All exotic ships are part of one of two designs, either the squid or the ball (see below). Due to the equal chance of spawning an exotic and with only one per system, the many variations of the ball design seem to have caused the squid variant to be rather rare. With several special ornaments for the ball design, resulting in the Type-7 variant of either exotic type, the chance to find a squid type exotic is reduced even more.

NOTE: In some groups, the ship with tall upper fin also counts as its own "Tall" type.


The tables below are alphabetically sorted by galaxy, region, and ship name. If a ship lacks coordinates, enter them if possible. Ships that cannot be found and bought only serve a historic purpose.


Nuyama's Transporter

Royal Type-7

The Royal exotic ship is one of three ball cockpit ships and is known for its prominent double nose. This ship design is presumable more common in Vy'keen systems.

It is available in limited colours of blue, red, orange, yellow and white/grey. Ships with golden or silver ornaments and the famous print of 7 on their top fin are also referred to as the elite Type-7. When seen on a Royal they are known as Royal Type-7.

Additional information

The front fuselage of the Royal (its long angular nose and ventral mounted lance) bears a resemblance to Spike Spiegel's Swordfish II from the iconic anime Cowboy Bebop.

Galaxy Region Coordinates Ship Exotic Slots TechSlots CargoSlots
Euclid Ziraeci 0E7B:0084:0590:003D Geometric Niihara VI Royal 24 20

Ball Cockpit: Guppy

JZ1 Guror


The Guppy is one of three ball cockpit ships and its main feature is the lack of any nose.

While there are many variations of the Guppy, some more than others have gathered a following among No Man's Sky players due to the elongated rear and other parts making it more closely resemble a fish. It doesn't matter which one. It is available in limited colours of blue, red, orange, yellow and white/grey. Accent colours are either gold or silver.

Guppy ships are tied with some interceptor ships as the smallest ships in the game.

Galaxy Region Coordinates Ship Exotic Slots TechSlots CargoSlots
Euclid YC2 Rayosek Guppy 20 16
Euclid Loeilag Nebula 016A:0077:0652:0058 The Forge of Perfection Guppy 25 28

Ball Cockpit: Mosquito



Mosquito Nose

Small needle nose

A Mosquito has the ball cockpit of the Guppy, but its main defining feature is a simple, small, needle-shaped nose.

Like the Guppy, it is available in limited colours of blue, red, orange, yellow and white/grey. Accent colours are either gold or silver.

No results


Exotic squid AgorideraS42


Unlike the many variations of the ball cockpit, the squid only comes with its signature tentacle nose and a wide array of colours and some shades. Despite this lack of customization, in regard to the many additions to the ball cockpit, this has become a rather rare design. Getting one in a desired colour makes this all the more valuable. The tentacles are telescopic, and fold when landed. To better see the accent colour on tip of the tentacles, it's best to view the ship during flight.

Galaxy Region Coordinates Ship Exotic Slots TechSlots CargoSlots
Euclid Toaltu Void 08E3:0077:0EBA:0001 Deadly Sarasawa IV Squid 30 27

Missing/Undocumented Location

Exotic Variations

Exotic ships of ball cockpit type have several other features in addition to the three main types of no nose (guppy), small nose (mosquito) and big nose (royal).


The ball cockpit ships come with no wings or two wings. A combination of two wings and a large top fin is often called a tri-wing. The underside of the wings covered in solar panels can be seen while the ship is landed and its wings stand up in an angle. During flight the wings fold under the ship resembling a keel. There are mods to alter the position of the wings during flight, and even to animate them to flap like wings of a bird.

Boosters and bottom fins

The ships with no wings have big, thick boosters or bottom fins with solar panels on both sides. The boosters open up in two halves when used and during hyperdrive. The bottom fins open their lids when the ship is landed, to charge their solar panels (no real effect in game, unlike solar ships).

Top Fin

On top of the ball cockpit there's either no fin, small fin or a large fin. Large fin resembles a wing in size and shape. The fin has decorations in either gold or silver, including circles, hexagons/honeycomb, double chevrons, acanthus ornament, and a small geometric picture plate with number 7 and perhaps a rising sun. The fin also has an underlined number 7 painted in red, which might make it hard to see in red ships.


Ball cockpit type exotics may have a large tail to completely encase its thruster, a narrow hood above the thruster, or no tail at all. The large tail opens up like a bird beak during flight.

Ships have two types of thrusters, big and small and they come in single or double sets. The big type of thruster is roughly thrice as long as the small one, and has a decorative ring in the accent colour of the ship, either gold or silver. The small thrusters are always black.
