No Man's Sky Wiki
The subject of this article is from the Orbital update.
The information from this article is up-to-date as of 28 May, 2024.
Stellar Intelligence
Stellar Intelligence
System Types Any
Frequency 1
HUD Alert Anomaly Detected
Mission Alert Rare Deep Space Object Detected
Interaction Use communicator
Ramifications None
Rewards Possibly coordinates to an Ancient Ruin
Notes Can be found in different colours.
Updated Orbital

Stellar Intelligence is a space encounter.

Summary[ | ]

Stellar Intelligence is a space encounter in the No Man's Sky universe.

Appearance[ | ]

Stellar Intelligences appear to be a massive entity resembling a cluster of neurons.

Behavior[ | ]

Upon approach, a Stellar Intelligence will attempt to communicate with a starship pilot. If communicated with, they will speak cryptically, and possibly give coordinates to an ancient ruin.

Firing weapons at Stellar Intelligence will cause damage to the attacker of 0 points. Ramming the Stellar Intelligence will cause it to move; pushing the Stellar Intelligence into a planet's atmosphere will cause it to despawn with no effects or rewards.

Location[ | ]

They can be randomly found in any star system and have a very low frequency of appearance.

Systems Regularly Encountered In[ | ]

The following systems have regularly encountered Stellar Intelligences.

Additional information[ | ]

Gallery[ | ]

Rycempler Travellers Foundation Star[ | ]
