No Man's Sky Wiki
The subject of this article is from the Waypoint update.
The information from this article is up-to-date as of 21 February, 2023.
Suspicious Packet (Arms)
Suspicious Packet (Arms)
Category Curiosity
Type Contraband
Used for Upgrading
Updated Waypoint

Suspicious Packet (Arms) is a curiosity.

Summary[ | ]

Suspicious Packet (Arms) is a curiosity. It gives one weapon-related Suspicious Module when opened.

Game description[ | ]

A suspicious looking parcel, acquired via an unusual transaction. The seller indicated it contained some sort of weapon-based technology.

Select in the Inventory (KEYWIDE.TAB/PSBUTTON64.TOUCHPAD/XBOXONEBUTTON.BACK (PC/PS/XB)) and use KEY.E/PSBUTTON.SQUARE/XBOXBUTTON.X (PC/PS/XB) to examine the contents. No refunds.

Acquiring[ | ]

Suspicious packets can be purchased as follows:

Contents[ | ]

  • Lost Artifact
  • Suspicious Cyclotron Module
  • Suspicious Infra-Knife Module
  • Suspicious Positron Module
  • Suspicious Phase Beam Module
  • Suspicious Photon Cannon Module
  • Suspicious Pulse Spitter Module
  • Suspicious Scatter Blaster Module
  • Suspicious Blaze Javelin Module
  • Suspicious Geology Cannon Module
  • Suspicious Plasma Launcher Module
  • Suspicious Boltcaster Module
  • Suspicious Neutron Cannon Module

Use[ | ]

Open with KEY.E/PSBUTTON.SQUARE/XBOXBUTTON.X (PC/PS/XB) key to receive a random Suspicious Module.

Other types[ | ]

Additional Information[ | ]

  • Contents extracted from the 3.75 version of the REWARDTABLE.MBIN game file.

Release History[ | ]

  • Origins - Added as a curiosity.
  • Outlaws - Pirate systems introduced as a source.
  • Waypoint - Renamed, formerly "Suspicious Packet (Weaponry)".

Gallery[ | ]
