No Man's Sky Wiki

Ring Asteroids Drop Nothing[]

So I noticed that the page says that the asteroids in rings are mineable, yet in my own experiments in-game whenever I have gone into a planetary ring and shot the asteroids inside it, no actual items are gained. The asteroids explode and chunks of rock are sucked towards your ship as per usual, but there is no 'X# Item' popup and nothing in either my exosuit or spaceship inventory no matter how many asteroids I kill.

That said, sometimes it seems like the 'normal' asteroid fields spawn sort of intersecting the rings, which do provide resources when exploded. However, if you are in such a spot, simply boost laterally (without leaving the ring) for a few seconds to leave the asteroid field and only the resourceless 'ring' asteroids will keep spawning.

I've reproduced this behavior multiple times across different star systems, planets and galaxies, and it seems to be the same everywhere. Am I just imagining things or is the page wrong about ring asteroids being mineable? 11:49, 16 June 2020 (UTC)
