No Man's Sky Wiki

I'm making an edit to the page because there's no source cited for the claim that using the portal is valid for the "reach the center of the galaxy" achievements, and after doing so (literally twenty minutes ago), my experience falsifies the claim. 14:10, 26 August 2019 (UTC)


Wiki says "Before the player has a chance to perform their first warp, they must decide whether to pursue The Atlas Path, explore the galaxy, or head for the final interface. This decision has no effect on the mission's progress --- it merely alters the player's tracked mission."

However, The Atlas Path disappeared from my log. I'm nervous. Is this reversible? -BowiQC (talk) 16:28, 29 February 2020 (UTC)

Oh... Found the answer myself. Seems like warping to the closest Atlas Station brings back the mission. -BowiQC (talk)