No Man's Sky Wiki
The subject of this article is from the Living Ship update.
The information from this article is is up-to-date as of 6 April, 2020.
Galaxy Euclid
Region Savenix Instability
Star system HUB10-6A Icarus Sun
Terrain Pangean
Biome Dead - Empty planet
Weather No atmosphere
Resources Cu, Jn, Na
Sentinels Isolated
Flora Undetected
Fauna Lacking
Discovered by Peacebomb
Discovery platform PC
Game Mode Normal
Updated Living Ship

Tavis is a planet in No Man's Sky.

Summary[ | ]

Tavis is a planet in the star system HUB10-6A Icarus Sun on the PC version of the No Man's Sky universe.

Alias names[ | ]

All Original: Tavis
PC Current: Tavis
PS4 Current: Dylan

Planet type[ | ]

This planet is Biome - Dead .

Geology[ | ]

The land mass is mainly rocky/hilly/mountainous. It features waterless/pangean terrain.

Environment Conditions[ | ]

The surface has no atmosphere weather conditions.

Scenario Temp Radiation Toxicity Notes
Daytime XX°C 1.5 Rad 15.0 Tox
Night time -13.7°C 1.5 Rad 15.0 Tox

Moons[ | ]

There are no moons.

Notable Bases[ | ]

Sequence Latitude Longitude Base Notes
B01 xx yy Oxygen extraction post by Watanka
B02 xx yy Army of Cats Base TBD
B03 xx yy Tavis Spaceport by MegaMecaSaru

Notable locations / Waypoints[ | ]

Sequence Latitude Longitude POI Type Area Name Gallery (Y/N) Notes
01 xx yy POI TBD Y TBD

Life[ | ]

Fauna[ | ]

No species of fauna are known to exist.

Flora[ | ]

Minerals[ | ]

Sentinels[ | ]

Sentinel activity is isolated.

Resources[ | ]

The following resources can be found here:

Raw Ingredient[ | ]

The following Raw Ingredients can be found here:

  • TBD

Special Items[ | ]

The following can be found here:

  • TBD

Additional Information[ | ]

It was explored on 20-Mar-2020 by InExCor. Documentation services by CELAB Galactic Industries.

Gallery[ | ]

Information[ | ]

Notable locations[ | ]

Scenery[ | ]

External Links[ | ]

Galactic Hub Emblem small

This page is part of the Galactic Hub

Galactic Hub Project subreddit


Galactic Hub Interloper Handbook

Navigator[ | ]
