No Man's Sky Wiki
The subject of this article is from the Echoes update.
The information from this article is up-to-date as of 13 February, 2024.

Milestone icon

The Cleanse is an expedition milestone.

Summary[ | ]

The Cleanse is a milestone of Expedition 9: Utopia.

Walkthrough[ | ]

When you select this milestone and enter your starship, a Utopia Overseer (or the Utopia Project) will communicate with you, telling you that progress has exceeded expectations and that you must purge the harmful lifeforms.

Next, you will receive the location of an Abandoned Building. There, you will have to eliminate 5 Biological Horrors. After that, you will use a Terminal to get the location of an Abandoned Space Station.

You have to access a Galactic Trade Terminal to purchase an item called Construction History for 31 Units.

Log[ | ]

Utopia Local Overseer[ | ]

Utopia Project progress has exceeded expectations.
Excellent work, settler!

However, local parasites continue to cause manufacturing inefficiencies. Please proceed to your assigned site and purge the harmful lifeforms.

Accept coordinates

Recorded Message: Utopia Settler #205256411F[ | ]

// Utopia protocol initiated: assessing facility safety //

Biohazard levels... acceptable.
Restore facility power?

Restore Power

Power restoration...failed.

Site reassigned to Utopia electrics division.

Thank you, settler. This cleansing assignment is complete.


Completed restoration - kzztkz - facility - kzztkz - schedule.

Power routed - kzztkz - all Quality Assurance checks - kzztkz -

- kzztkz - cleansed. Facility rebuilt to 97% of - kzztkz -

Submitted - kzztkz - Space Station - kzztkz -

The log is barely audible. I have the uneasy sense I have accessed something off-limits.

Though the recording has paused here, there seems to be just a little more on the track...


- kzztkz - Utopia - kzztkz -

- kzztkz - we - kzztkz - dug too deep - kzztkz -

- kzztkz - I am not - kzztkz - nor the last - kzztkz -

The Space Station - kzztkz - evidence for - kzztkz - remember me - kzztkz -

The degraded recording hisses, then fizzes, then there is only silence.

Trace signal echo

My suit registers a very faint echo from elsewhere in the system, beyond any terrestrial surface. The space station?

Additional Information[ | ]

Gallery[ | ]
