No Man's Sky Wiki
The subject of this article is from the Adrift update.
The information from this article is up-to-date as of 16 July, 2024.

This page fills the role of Embassy for The Qitanian Empire Civilized space community.
The information found here represents a user-created civilization hub that is a creative addition to the game.

The Qitanian Empire
The Qitanian Empire
Galaxy Euclid
Quadrant Alpha
Region Oefergia Boundary
Capital system Qitand-Tus
Capital planet Hemiti Q35
Coordinates 07FA:0081:07F9:0036
Portal Glyphs 003602FFAFFB003602FFAFFB
Size Hub-R
Founded by EdVintage
Federation member Yes
Platform PS4/PC/Xbox
Release Adrift

The Qitanian Empire is a civilized space community.


What is the Qitanian Empire

The Qitanian Empire is a pacifistic and charitable civilization in the universe of No Man’s Sky.

Our goal is to spread the spirit of charity, kindness, peace and reason by actively contributing to the togetherness in the No Man's Sky community with help, advice, support and security.

Canonized by the developers of the game with our emblem available as a personal banner and decorative decal, we are open to all players that want to help spread this spirit and be part of a friendly and welcoming group of dedicated and experienced interlopers.

Emanating from the Qitand-Tus system near the center of Euclid, we have colonized numerous planets, systems and regions in many galaxies; regardless of where in the universe you are, there'll always be some of us to back you up.

Legend has it that our Empire was founded by and named after Qitan, a legendary figure who was reportedly born as the son of a humanoid mother called Yelah, and a mysterious entity referred to as “The Good Light of the Galactic Core”.

The teachings of Qitan empowered the Qitanians to become a wealthy, advanced and modern society focused on science, exploration, architecture and arts, and paved the way for leaving their footprints all throughout the universe.

Our lore, legends and traditions are an important part of our history and identity, and everybody's invited to contribute to it.

Qitanian Empire Promo Video by Qitanian Advisor Xostir:

What are Qitanians?

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Qitanians dressed in their traditional colors

You can recognize Qitanians by the looks of their ships, suits and bases; we fly, dress and build in the color combination of white, gold and black, with white resembling the clarity of thought, gold resembling the Good Light of the Galactic Core and black resembling the unknown that is yet to explore.

Qitanians dedicate their existence to sharing their wealth and knowledge with everyone in need, be it in form of help and advice, resources and goods, or shelter and security.

Although we never demand a compensation for our services, we will not deny even the smallest donation of anything a fellow traveler considers appropriate to give in return.

We deeply believe in the power of creativity and support any contributions to No Man's Sky related art like virtual photography, base building, fan fiction, poetry, music and many more.

The Qitanian Empire is the first No Man's Sky ingame civilization with an own language that is used for naming discoveries and creations, and has lead the way in the realization of many seminal activities like ingame live concerts and ByteBeat music publishing services in association with NMSFM, the first radio station exclusively playing music created by travelers, for travelers.

A true Qitanian showing our banners, flags and decals will never approach another person or entity with bad intentions; instead, they will show interest and respect for all opinions, philosophies, play- and lifestyles, and gather inspiration and knowledge from every encounter. If you should ever feel harrassed, trolled or griefed by someone pretending to be Qitanian, be assured, they are fake.

We take our rules and traditions very serious, and expect all members to respect and obey them.

The Qitanian Empire is a proud member of the United Federation of Travelers, an alliance of player-created ingame civilizations; members are encouraged to contribute to the Federation’s main goals “To document, to, aid, to create, to communicate”.


Our mission is to gather as much knowledge as possible about the universe we live in, and share our wealth and knowledge with all other entities. We run and support several supply farms in the Euclid galaxy and are known to be patient and helpful advisors regarding any topic related to traveling, exploring, aviation, base building, and technologies.


The official emblem of The Qitanian Empire was created by PC Qitanian Shruik/Kappa-Spock and introduced on Feb 21, 2020.

The emblem represents the Empire and the Qitanian spirit with the use of a clean and pure white/gold color scheme, precious crests, and the official ship of the Qitanian Knights of the Good Light as a reference to our will to both explore the new and defend the known. The ship's jet trail forms a line that turns the Good Light's eternal circle into a golden “Q”. The diplos, the Geknip symbol, and the Atlas stand for our love and appreciation to all the known and yet-to-discover wonders and mysteries of our universe, and the image of our beautiful capital planet Hemiti Q 35 in the center shall remind us that although there is an almost infinite universe to explore - there’s no place like home, and no feeling like coming back to it.

Qitanian Culture

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An example for a depiction of an Ayath'em entity, found in an ancient scroll.


The Qitanian Empire is the first player-created civilization in the universe of No Man's Sky with an own language. A basic Qitanian dictionary can be found here.


The Qitanian Empire proudly supports and practices the growing and harvesting of NipNip Buds as well as the production and consumption of GekNip, for example at the Dapper Diplo Dough Depot's La Hacienda 96 NipNip farm and leisure area.

Qitanian Starjuice

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Barrels with Qitanian Starjuice in the destillery at the Qitanian Capital Base

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Star Bulb on Hemiti Q35, with the Qitanian Capital Base visible in the distance

An important part of the Qitanian culture is the production and consumption of Qitanian Starjuice, a sickly sweet beverage brewed from Star Bulb and Fireberry. The Qitanian Starjuice is rumoured to create awareness and strengthen the metabolism for the challenges of deep space travel.


Ancient Qitanian chant "Ye yoo Qitand-yoom", audio and slide show of pictures from the capital planet Hemiti Q35:

Ship Hunting

The Qitanian Empire is home to a large number of avid and dedicated ship hunters that are always on the search for new and interesting combinations of ship parts and colors. See The NMSGlyphExchange subreddit for "Kash Karoon's Krazy Kollektibles", "Wayfinder Kestrel's Favourite Finds" and interesting discoveries by other members of the community.

Qitanian Knights of the Good Light

The Qitanian Knights of the Good Light (KOTGL) are the Qitanian Empire's security service and welfare organisation.

The Shadow Squad

The Shadow Squad is the Qitanian X-Files department; the Qitanian MIB; those who investigate where no one else dares to go.


The Qitanian civilization was established by and named after Qitan, a legendary demigod who is said to be the son of Yelah, a woman of Hemitian descent, and a supernatural entity which is referred to as “The Good Light of the Galactic Core”.

Naming Conventions

Members are encouraged to name star systems with the prefix "Qitand - ", which will declare the suffix as "owned/claimed by Qitan" in the Qitanian language. After the hyphen, one can fill in the default system name or create one with the help of the Qitanian Dictionary. Planets are usually uploaded to the discovery services with their default names unless a specific feature or attribute legitimates a custom name (ideally in Qitanian language). Bases can be named after their purpose (farm, capital, bar etc.) and by using both Qitanian and "human" language.

The Colors of The Qitanian Empire

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More Qitanians dressed in their traditional colors

The official colors of The Qitanian Empire are gold and white. Qitanians are encouraged to use these colors for base building (see The Qitanian Capital Base), character design and when choosing a starship.

There are two officially recognized color combinations to be used for representing the Qitanian Empire:

  • "Modern Qitanian": white and yellow/dark yellow
  • "Retro Qitanian": dark grey/black and yellow/dark yellow

The Ayath'em Totem


The Temple of Ahet-Roons with Ayath'em Totems

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Ayath'em Totem at the Qitanian Capital base

The Ayath'em Totem depicts members of an ancient, pre-Qitanian civilization which are called "Ayath'em (the old ones)". Ancient cave paintings depict them as the first sentient species that ever inhabited Hemiti, but it is unclear if they were humans/animals/hybrids or even travelers from distant corners of the universe or an alternate reality.

Qitanians use that Totem as a spiritual decoration for their bases, especially when they want their builds to be recognized as of Qitanian origin in non-Qitanian space.

The oldest known Ayath'em Totems are found at the "Temple of Ahet-roons" on the Qitanian capital planet Hemiti Q35, a base owned by Qitanian council member Jean_Jester.

Since Update 3.60 ("Frontiers"), the Ayath'em Totem can no longer be built because of the altered snapping points for Pipes and Curved Pipes. The existing pre-3.6 Ayath'em Totems are therefor considered architectural rarities and have been declared Historic Qitanian Monuments.


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A T3 TIE wing barrelnose fighter in Qitanian colors

If you want to join the Qitanian Empire, please contact a Qitanian Advisor via NMS_QitanianEmpire and express your wish.

Although Qitanians are originally humanoid anomaly characters, it is not mandatory to be one yourself. All members of any race as well as all entities and beings that feel like they should be a Qitanian and are willing to follow and identify with the Qitanian directives of being friendly, peaceful, reasonable, and helpful people can join the Qitanian Empire and benefit from being part of it.

Once approved, you are free to officially call yourself a member of the Qitanian Empire and discover, colonize, name, document, speak, and act in its name. You will also be part of the Qitanian trade and exchange system and have advanced and unlimited access to the Qitanian supply farms.


If you wish to join the Empire, sign up on our Census page.

Systems Discovered

The following systems have been claimed for colonization:

System Region Color Economy Faction Planets Moons Platform Release
Qitand-Hester IV Amitys Blue Korvax 1 0 PS4 Crossplay
Qitand Gracetus Gaquang Yellow Shipping Gek 4 2 PS4 Origins
Qitand Hedem-Fahut Gaquang Blue Commercial Vy'keen 6 0 PS4 SentinelUp
Qitand Hedem-Fahut (PC) Gaquang Blue Trading Vy'keen 4 0 PC Living Ship
Qitand-Anyima-Jav Gaquang Yellow Research Gek 1 0 PS4 Crossplay
Qitand-Benxoisa Gaquang Red Data Unavailable Uncharted 4 0 PS4 Living Ship
Qitand-Exiezh-Ekamb Gaquang Blue Material Fusion Gek 5 1 PS4 Living Ship
Qitand-GenBra Wayhe Hedem Gaquang Yellow Engineering Vy'keen 1 0 PS4 Living Ship
Qitand-Glongbo Gaquang Yellow Manufacturing Korvax 4 1 PS4 Living Ship
Qitand-Kehaanh-Tizan Gaquang Yellow Research Vy'keen 5 Endurance
Qitand-Nogdeqi-Ingi XIX Gaquang Blue Data Unavailable Uncharted 4 2 PC ExoMech
Qitand-Weihari Gaquang Yellow Technology Korvax 3 Endurance
Qitand-Wuzhic Gaquang Red Data Unavailable Uncharted 4 0 PC ExoMech
Qitand-Zat Gaquang Green Construction Vy'keen Abandoned 6 0 PS4 Crossplay
Qitand-Zat (PC) Gaquang Green Manufacturing Korvax 6 0 PC Living Ship
Mario Piccardi Memorial System Kepler Yellow Mineral Vy'keen 5 1 Endurance
Qitanopolis Kepler Green Ore Processing Gek 3 Endurance
Qitand-Geisee Menacaro Yellow Commercial Korvax 3 0 PS4 Crossplay
Qitand-Bal Manyur Minifl Yellow Trading Vy'keen 3 PS4 Crossplay
Qitand-Shat Yutul Naqangdank Conflux Yellow Prospection Korvax 4 PS4 Crossplay
Qitand-Yan Naqangdank Conflux Yellow Shipping Vy'keen 6 PS4 Outlaws
Cogourd-Imoda VIII Oefergia Boundary yellow Engineering Korvax 5 1 Interceptor
Qitand-Kouth Oefergia Boundary Yellow Prospection Vy'keen 5 PS4 NextGen
Qitand-Tus Oefergia Boundary Yellow Manufacturing Gek 5 Echoes
Qitand-Tyr Oefergia Boundary Yellow Manufacturing Gek 4 0 PS4 Crossplay
Qitand-Ving Denta Oefergia Boundary Yellow Mining Korvax 5 0 PS4 Beyond
Qitand Shat-Heem Toyushul Blue Metalworking Vy'keen 4 2 PS4 Crossplay



The rules and laws of the Qitanian Empire, according to the teachings of Qitan as bequeathed in “Yereh ed-bal (The Book of The Good Light)”:

  • You are one individual among billions. Unique, but not superior to anyone.
  • All life is sacred, and you will respect and protect it.
  • You defend yourself, but you do not attack.
  • You colonize, but you don’t invade.
  • You help whoever needs help.
  • You share what you own, you gift your excess, and you do not brag about your wealth.
  • You defend those in danger and protect those who seek shelter, but you do not engage in any acts of war.
  • You answer when asked, you’re always honest, and when you speak, your words will weigh more than your silence.
  • The most valuable currencies are knowledge and generosity; earn and spend them wisely, and you will never be short of either.
  • This is a game, and supposed to be fun. Take a break whenever you feel that it’s not that anymore.

History & Achievements

  • October 30, 2018: PS4 player Edvintage (Kash Karoon) lands on planet Hemiti Q35 for the first time. Few days later, he decides to make the planet his permanent home and builds the first Qitanian Capital base on PS4 creative mode. Plans to establish a fictional civilization are made, and parameters for the future Empire framed.
  • December 23, 2018: construction of The Qitanian Capital Base on PS4 normal mode begins and marks the actual founding day of The Qitanian Empire.
  • September 5, 2019: the Qitanian Dictionary is made public to serve as a naming guideline for star systems, planets, points of interest and bases. The United Federation of Travelers confirms that the Qitanian Empire is the first player-created civilization in the No Man's Sky universe with its own language.
  • December 28, 2019: The Qitanian Empire participates in the Unification Day 2019 event on PS4 and PC.
  • In January 2020, The Qitanian Empire reaches Hub status.
  • January 22, 2020: The Qitanian Empire is mentioned in the release notes for development update 6 (Version 2.26) with a video of Qitanian council member Kash Karoon's ByteBeat composition "Nahan-ed (Qitanian lullaby)"
  • May 14, 2020: The Qitanian Empire's founder and council member Kash Karoon performs the first ingame live concert in the history of No Man's Sky at the La Hacienda 96 NipNip farm and leisure area.
  • June 15, 2020: the first crossplay meetup of members of the Qitanian Empire at the throne room of The Qitanian Capital Base on Hemiti Q35 takes place, featuring council members Kash Karoon/Edvintage (PS4) and Beacher1 (PC) as well as KOTGL The_Gek (PC) and master builder Jean_Jester (PS4).
  • June 27, 2020: council members Edvintage and Beacher1 are announced to be among the inductees for the 2020 Hall of Fame and listed as such in the Crossplay section of the Civilized Space History page.
  • Dec 19, 2020: the Qitanian Empire is represented with a number of bases in the Unification Day 2020 system. The base of Qitanian Council Member beacher1 (PC normal mode) is used for a crossplay multiplayer gathering of dozens of players spending two minutes in silence for the victims of the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Feb 5, 2021: the ingame live concerts of council member Kash Karoon/Ed Vintage have been added to the Civilized Space History page (under "Kash Karoon" in the Living Ship - ExoMech section).
  • Feb 12, 2021: the Qitanian-owned Dapper Diplo Dough Depot company announces the foundation of Galaxy Records, the first No Man's Sky ingame record company offering services in recording, editing and publishing music created with the Bytebeat Device by various players.
  • Jun 4, 2021: The Qitanian Empire establishes a themed colony ("Mud Hut Colony") in the Qitand-Kehaanh-Tizan system in Euclid.
  • Nov 4, 2021: The Qitanian Empire announces the Mario Piccardi Memorial System in Euclid and opens it to the community for players to honor and remember their late loved ones with memorial builds. One planet, Bal-Manyur, is dedicated to the memory of the late Mario Piccardi (1972-2021), council member of The Qitanian Empire and Ambassador of the Eissentam Qitanian Empire to the United Federation of travelers.
  • April 18, 2022: The Qitanian Empire establishes the city-themed Qitanopolis colony in the Kepler region of Euclid.
  • August 17, 2022: The Qitanian Empire establishes the "MIQRO BASE" colony in the Gaquang region of Euclid.
  • May 17, 2023: Qitanian Advisor Kestrel is announced as the future third member of the Qitanian Council next to Huldera and founder Kash Karoon.