No Man's Sky Wiki
The subject of this article is from the Waypoint update.
The information from this article is up-to-date as of 21 February, 2023.
Disambig01 This article is about the current version of Tradeables. For the Atlas Rises version, see Trade commodity.

Tradeables are a type of product.

Summary[ | ]

Tradeables are a type of product that can be traded for units with alien races or at the Galactic Trade Terminals. Some of these products are also used in Base building.

Sources[ | ]

  • They can be found as naturally occurring on planet surfaces or within caves such as Albumen Pearls, Vortex Cubes and Gravitino Balls. Gathering these items on the surface (but not in caves) will alert the Sentinels.
  • Tradeables can also be found in Cargo Drops, found by Frigate expeditions, given to players for the duration of Mission Board delivery missions, or awarded upon handing in certain missions to the Mission Board.

List of tradeables[ | ]

Advanced Agricultural Product[ | ]

Icon Name Craftable Buy In Sell In Tier Value Units
NmsTech Acid Icon 13 Acid Yes 188,000.0
FARMPROD.9 Circuit Board Yes 916,250.0
FARMPROD.3 Glass Yes 200.0
NmsTech Heat Capacitor Icon 13 Heat Capacitor Yes 180,000.0
FARMPROD.7 Liquid Explosive Yes 800,500.0
NmsTech Living Glass Icon 13 Living Glass Yes 566,000.0
FARMPROD.2 Lubricant Yes 110,000.0
FARMPROD.5 Poly Fibre Yes 130,000.0
NmsTech Unstable Gel Icon 13 Unstable Gel Yes 50,000.0

Trade Goods (Construction)[ | ]

Icon Name Craftable Buy In Sell In Tier Value Units
TRADEPROD.ALLOY4 5D Torus No AdvancedMaterialsStar Adv. Materials ScientificStar Scientific 2 30,000.0
TRADEPROD.ALLOY1 Nanotube Crate No AdvancedMaterialsStar Adv. Materials ScientificStar Scientific 5 1,000.0
TRADEPROD.ALLOY3 Optical Solvent No AdvancedMaterialsStar Adv. Materials ScientificStar Scientific 3 15,000.0
TRADEPROD.ALLOY2 Self-Repairing Heridium No AdvancedMaterialsStar Adv. Materials ScientificStar Scientific 4 6,000.0
TRADEPROD.ALLOY5 Superconducting Fibre No AdvancedMaterialsStar Adv. Materials ScientificStar Scientific 1 50,000.0

Advanced Crafted Product[ | ]

Icon Name Craftable Buy In Sell In Tier Value Units
PRODUCT.CRYOCHAMBER Cryogenic Chamber Yes 3,800,000.0
MEGAPROD.1 Portable Reactor Yes 4,200,000.0
MEGAPROD.2 Quantum Processor Yes 5,200,000.0

Alloy Metal[ | ]

Icon Name Craftable Buy In Sell In Tier Value Units
Product.metallic.1 Aronium Yes 25,000.0
Product.metallic.2 Dirty Bronze Yes 25,000.0
Product.metallic.6 Grantine Yes 25,000.0
Product.metallic.3 Herox Yes 25,000.0
Product.metallic.4 Lemmium Yes 25,000.0
Product.metallic.5 Magno-Gold Yes 25,000.0

Compressed Mineral[ | ]

Icon Name Craftable Buy In Sell In Tier Value Units
PRODUCT.VENTGEM Crystal Sulphide No 7,410.0

Enhanced/Enriched Products[ | ]

Icon Name Craftable Buy In Sell In Tier Value Units
REACTION.2 Enriched Carbon Yes 50,000.0
Reaction.3 Nitrogen Salt Yes 50,000.0
REACTION.1 Thermic Condensate Yes 50,000.0
PRODUCT.METALLIC.7 Geodesite Yes 150,000.0
PRODUCT.IRIDISITE Iridesite Yes 150,000.0

Highly Refined Technology[ | ]

Icon Name Craftable Buy In Sell In Tier Value Units
ULTRAPROD.1 Fusion Ignitor Yes 15,600,000.0
ULTRAPROD.2 Stasis Device Yes 15,600,000.0

Horrific Sample[ | ]

Icon Name Craftable Buy In Sell In Tier Value Units
PRODUCT.FISHCORE Hadal Core No 92,625.0
PRODUCT.EYEBALL Hypnotic Eye No 57,000.0

Trade Goods (Industrial)[ | ]

Icon Name Craftable Buy In Sell In Tier Value Units
TRADEPROD.COMPONENT1 Enormous Metal Cog No ManufacturingStar Manufacturing TechnologyStar Technology 5 1,000.0
TRADEPROD.COMPONENT5 Vector Compressors No ManufacturingStar Manufacturing TechnologyStar Technology 1 50,000.0
TRADEPROD.COMPONENT4 Holographic Crankshaft No ManufacturingStar Manufacturing TechnologyStar Technology 2 30,000.0
TRADEPROD.COMPONENT2 Non-Stick Piston No ManufacturingStar Manufacturing TechnologyStar Technology 4 6,000.0
TRADEPROD.COMPONENT3 Mesh Decouplers No ManufacturingStar Manufacturing TechnologyStar Technology 3 15,000.0

Manufactured Gas Product[ | ]

Icon Name Craftable Buy In Sell In Tier Value Units
COMPOUND.6 Cryo-Pump Yes 1,500,000.0
PRODUCT.FUSIONACCELERANT Fusion Accelerant Yes 1,500,000.0
COMPOUND.3 Hot Ice Yes 320,000.0
COMPOUND.1 Organic Catalyst Yes 320,000.0
COMPOUND.2 Semiconductor Yes 400,000.0
COMPOUND.5 Superconductor Yes 1,500,000.0

Trade Goods (Scientific)[ | ]

Icon Name Craftable Buy In Sell In Tier Value Units
TRADEPROD.EXOTICS1 De-Scented Bottles No ScientificStar Scientific TradingStar Trading 5 1,000.0
TRADEPROD.EXOTICS3 Instability Injector No ScientificStar Scientific TradingStar Trading 3 15,000.0
TRADEPROD.EXOTICS5 Neural Duct No ScientificStar Scientific TradingStar Trading 1 50,000.0
TRADEPROD.EXOTICS2 Neutron Microscope No ScientificStar Scientific TradingStar Trading 4 6,000.0
TRADEPROD.EXOTICS4 Organic Piping No ScientificStar Scientific TradingStar Trading 2 30,000.0

Semi-Conscious Gemstone[ | ]

Icon Name Craftable Buy In Sell In Tier Value Units
PRODUCT.CLAMPEARL Living Pearl No 4,797.5

Smuggled Goods[ | ]

Icon Name Craftable Buy In Sell In Tier Value Units
PRODUCT.SMUGGLING7 Banned Weapons No Outlaw systems Non-outlaw systems 83,000.0
PRODUCT.SMUGGLING1 Blood Salt No Outlaw systems Non-outlaw systems 2,000.0
PRODUCT.SMUGGLING6 Counterfeit Circuits No Outlaw systems Non-outlaw systems 68,000.0
PRODUCT.SMUGGLING8 First Spawn Relics No Outlaw systems Non-outlaw systems 98,000.0
Product.grahgrah GrahGrah No Outlaw systems Non-outlaw systems 58,000.0
PRODUCT.SMUGGLING3 Moon Ether No Outlaw systems Non-outlaw systems 18,000.0
PRODUCT.SMUGGLING4 Prismatic Feathers No Outlaw systems Non-outlaw systems 32,000.0
PRODUCT.SMUGGLING2 Stolen DNA Samples No Outlaw systems Non-outlaw systems 9,000.0

Starship Subcomponents[ | ]

Icon Name Craftable Buy In Sell In Tier Value Units
TRADEPROD.ENERGY3 Compressed Indium Scraps No 3,000,000.0
TRADEPROD.TECH2 Handful of Cogs No 10,000.0
TRADEPROD.TECH1 Once-Useful Springs No 1,000.0
TRADEPROD.TECH1 Recycled Circuitry No 600,000.0
TRADEPROD.TECH3 Reinforced Piping No 50,000.0
TRADEPROD.COMMIDITY2 Spool of Nano-Cables No 400,000.0
TRADEPROD.TECH3 Starship AI Valves No 12,000,000.0
TRADEPROD.TECH2 Subatomic Regulators No 800,000.0
TRADEPROD.TECH2 Tank of Coolant No 200,000.0
TRADEPROD.TECH1 Thermal Panels No 100,000.0

Trade Goods (Technology)[ | ]

Icon Name Craftable Buy In Sell In Tier Value Units
TRADEPROD.TECH4 Autonomous Positioning Unit No TechnologyStar Technology PowerGenerationStar Power Gen. 2 30,000.0
TRADEPROD.TECH1 Decommissioned Circuits No TechnologyStar Technology PowerGenerationStar Power Gen. 5 1,000.0
TRADEPROD.TECH3 Ion Capacitor No TechnologyStar Technology PowerGenerationStar Power Gen. 3 15,000.0
TRADEPROD.TECH5 Quantum Accelerator No TechnologyStar Technology PowerGenerationStar Power Gen. 1 50,000.0
TRADEPROD.TECH2 Welding Soap No TechnologyStar Technology PowerGenerationStar Power Gen. 4 6,000.0

Trade Goods (Energy Source)[ | ]

Icon Name Craftable Buy In Sell In Tier Value Units
TRADEPROD.ENERGY4 Experimental Power Fluid No PowerGenerationStar Power Gen. MiningStar Mining 2 30,000.0
TRADEPROD.ENERGY5 Fusion Core No PowerGenerationStar Power Gen. MiningStar Mining 1 50,000.0
TRADEPROD.ENERGY2 Industrial-Grade Battery No PowerGenerationStar Power Gen. MiningStar Mining 4 6,000.0
TRADEPROD.ENERGY3 Ohmic Gel No PowerGenerationStar Power Gen. MiningStar Mining 3 15,000.0
TRADEPROD.ENERGY1 Spark Canister No PowerGenerationStar Power Gen. MiningStar Mining 5 1,000.0

Trade Goods (Minerals)[ | ]

Icon Name Craftable Buy In Sell In Tier Value Units
TRADEPROD.MINERALS3 Bromide Salt No MiningStar Mining ManufacturingStar Manufacturing 3 15,000.0
TRADEPROD.MINERALS1 Dirt No MiningStar Mining ManufacturingStar Manufacturing 5 1,000.0
TRADEPROD.MINERALS4 Polychromatic Zirconium No MiningStar Mining ManufacturingStar Manufacturing 2 30,000.0
TRADEPROD.MINERALS5 Re-latticed Arc Crystal No MiningStar Mining ManufacturingStar Manufacturing 1 50,000.0
TRADEPROD.MINERALS2 Unrefined Pyrite Grease No MiningStar Mining ManufacturingStar Manufacturing 4 6,000.0

Trade Goods[ | ]

Icon Name Craftable Buy In Sell In Tier Value Units
TRADEPROD.COMMODITY3 Comet Droplets No TradingStar Trading AdvancedMaterialsStar Adv. Materials 3 15,000.0
TRADEPROD.COMMODITY1 Decrypted User Data No TradingStar Trading AdvancedMaterialsStar Adv. Materials 5 1,000.0
TRADEPROD.COMMODITY4 Ion Sphere No TradingStar Trading AdvancedMaterialsStar Adv. Materials 2 30,000.0
TRADEPROD.COMMODITY2 Star Silk No TradingStar Trading AdvancedMaterialsStar Adv. Materials 4 6,000.0
TRADEPROD.COMMODITY5 Teleport Coordinators No TradingStar Trading AdvancedMaterialsStar Adv. Materials 1 50,000.0

Trade commodity[ | ]

Icon Name Craftable Buy In Sell In Tier Value Units
Product.abumenpearl Albumen Pearl No 9,025.0
Product.gravball Gravitino Ball No 40,024.0
Product.sacvenom Sac Venom No 60,800.0
Product.vortexcube Vortex Cube No 5,800.0

Marketed tradeables[ | ]

Each star system with an Economy sells up to five tiers of market items based on the system's wealth (system Sell/Buy modifiers are applied to base price, which is 105% of base value for market items):

  • 5th Tier tradeables are always available regardless of system wealth. Their base value is 1,000.0 Units, and system Sell/Buy modifiers have approximately 100% effect on their price in space stations.
  • 4th Tier tradeables are always available in medium and high wealth systems and sometimes available in low wealth systems. Their base value is 6,000.0 Units, and system Sell/Buy modifiers have approximately 80% effect on their price in Space Stations.
  • 3rd Tier tradeables are always available in medium and high wealth systems. Their base value is 15,000.0 Units, and system Sell/Buy modifiers have approximately 60% effect on their price in space stations.
  • 2nd Tier tradeables are always available in high wealth systems and sometimes available in medium wealth systems. Their base value is 30,000.0 Units, and system Sell/Buy modifiers have approximately 40% effect on their price in space stations.
  • 1st Tier tradeables are available only in high wealth systems. Their base value is 50,000.0 Units, and system Sell/Buy modifiers have approximately 20% effect on their price in space stations.

System Sell/Buy modifiers have increased effect on Trading Post market commodity prices (~55-75% greater Sell modifier effects and ~150-350% greater Buy modifier effects).

Icon Economy Supplies Demands



Trade Commodity:
1. Teleport Coordinators
2. Ion Sphere
3. Comet Droplets
4. Star Silk
5. Decrypted User Data

ScientificStar Scientific Components:
1. Neural Duct
2. Organic Piping
3. Instability Injector
4. Neutron Microscope
5. De-Scented Pheromone Bottle


Advanced Materials

Material Fusion
Metal Processing
Ore Processing

Advanced Construction Materials:
1. Superconducting Fibre
2. Five Dimensional Torus
3. Optical Solvent
4. Self-Repairing Heridium
5. Nanotube Crate

TradingStar Trade Commodity:
1. Teleport Coordinators
2. Ion Sphere
3. Comet Droplets
4. Star Silk
5. Decrypted User Data




Scientific Components:
1. Neural Duct
2. Organic Piping
3. Instability Injector
4. Neutron Microscope
5. De-Scented Pheromone Bottle

AdvancedMaterialsStar Advanced Construction Materials:
1. Superconducting Fibre
2. Five Dimensional Torus
3. Optical Solvent
4. Self-Repairing Heridium
5. Nanotube Crate



Ore Extraction

Tradable Minerals:
1. Re-latticed Arc Crystal
2. Polychromatic Zirconium
3. Bromide Salt
4. Unrefined Pyrite Grease
5. Dirt

PowerGenerationStar Tradable Energy Source:
1. Fusion Core
2. Experimental Power Fluid
3. Ohmic Gel
4. Industrial-Grade Battery
5. Spark Canister



Mass Production

Industrial Components:
1. High Capacity Vector Compressor
2. Holographic Crankshaft
3. Six-Pronged Mesh Decoupler
4. Non-Stick Piston
5. Enormous Metal Cog

MiningStar Tradable Minerals:
1. Re-latticed Arc Crystal
2. Polychromatic Zirconium
3. Bromide Salt
4. Unrefined Pyrite Grease
5. Dirt



High Tech

Technology Parts:
1. Quantum Accelerator
2. Autonomous Positioning Unit
3. Ion Capacitor
4. Welding Soap
5. Decommissioned Circuit Board

ManufacturingStar Industrial Components:
1. High Capacity Vector Compressor
2. Holographic Crankshaft
3. Six-Pronged Mesh Decoupler
4. Non-Stick Piston
5. Enormous Metal Cog


Power Generation

Energy Supply
Fuel Generation
High Voltage

Tradable Energy Source:
1. Fusion Core
2. Experimental Power Fluid
3. Ohmic Gel
4. Industrial-Grade Battery
5. Spark Canister

TechnologyStar Technology Parts:
1. Quantum Accelerator
2. Autonomous Positioning Unit
3. Ion Capacitor
4. Welding Soap
5. Decommissioned Circuit Board

Additional information[ | ]

Release history[ | ]

  • Release - Introduced to the game.
  • NEXT - Renamed to Trade item; formerly known as Trade commodity.
  • Visions - Hidden changes: The information panel has an additional icon indicating its purpose.
  • ??? - Renamed to Tradeables, cf. decision
  • Outlaws - Added Smuggled Goods.