No Man's Sky Wiki
The subject of this article is from the Endurance update.
The information from this article is up-to-date as of 6 October, 2022.
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Upgrade Control terminal

Upgrade Control is a terminal.

Summary[ | ]

Upgrade Control is a research terminal on board freighters.

It is located on the central console in your freighter's control room, and was originally known as a Freighter Research Terminal.

Purpose[ | ]

As a technology research terminal, it allows various freighter and Frigate upgrades:

  • Freighter and frigate blueprints in exchange for Salvaged Frigate Modules
  • Freighter construction modules in exchange for Salvaged Frigate Modules
  • Freighter recolouring (10 different colour schemes, 5,000 NANITES each)
  • Freighter slots upgrade (requires Cargo Bulkhead)

The following Freighter and Frigate technologies can be researched at the terminal:

The following Freighter construction modules can be researched at the terminal: Freighter Base Building products

Additional information[ | ]

As of Endurance, 78 Salvaged Frigate Modules are required to unlock all upgrades; 63 for Craftable Upgrade Blueprints, and 15 for Freighter Construction Modules. Some recipes may be unlocked by other means; such as unlocking frigate fuel by building and interacting with a Fleet Command Room.

Release history[ | ]

Gallery[ | ]
