No Man's Sky Wiki
The subject of this article is from the Worlds Part I update.
The information from this article is up-to-date as of 3 September, 2024.
Ship inventory v2

Inventory page for a ship

Upgrade Bonus is a page on game mechanics.

Summary[ | ]

Based on where upgrades are positioned on the inventory page of a starship, exo-suit, or multi-tool, additional bonuses may be awarded.

Every technology in the game belongs to a hardcoded "family". When technologies of the same "family" are placed adjacent to one another, the technologies will gain a colored border around them to indicate that it is benefiting from the adjacency bonus.

Bonus Calculation[ | ]

The adjacency bonus is calculated for every side of every technology, and added to total additively, before the tool/ship's class bonus is calculated. It is calculated by multiplying:

  • The hidden "bonus power" stat of the technology in possession of the side
  • The hidden "bonus multiplier" stat of the technology the side is facing towards.

For an example, Emergency Warp Unit, Cadmium Drive, Emeril Drive, and Indium Drive all have 0 bonus power, meaning a cluster of those 4 exclusively will yield a 0 extra hyperdrive range bonus no matter how you arrange them. This holds true even if you arrange them in a 2x2 square in an attempt to maximize the number of boosted sides. When you introduce an upgrade module with 100ly hyperdrive range bonus into the cluster, however, you can start collecting the bonuses, as the upgrade module has 5% of its 100ly, 5ly, as its bonus power. When you surround the upgrade module with the 4 technologies into a cross, you get 5ly from adjacency to Cadmium, Emeril, and Indium Drives. Even though both situations had 4 adjacent sides in total, the second one provides 20.5ly more bonus because you placed the upgrade module in the center. The Emergency Warp Unit is the only hyperdrive technology to offer 6% links instead of 5%. Most modules offer a 6% bonus between each other for a total of 12% (Multiplier 1.25).

To maximize the bonuses obtained from adjacency, place your strongest technology (usually upgrade modules) in the smallest cluster possible, then surround them with the rest of the modules into a square (or as close to it as possible).

Since the introduction of supercharge, only the tech-inventory accepts technology. Thus any pattern considerations outside of a basic pattern are removed.

Supercharge[ | ]

Supercharge replaced the old double module placement of inventory and tech-slots and offers bonuses to the base abilities of parts placed inside. Most parts without inherent abilities have no effect and should not be placed in supercharged slots.

The higher base stat of a supercharged technology is used for link symbiosis. For example, a 125% hyperdrive range would gain an additional 5% of those 125% in fuel efficiency and range, effectively making it 6.25%.

Supercharge-bonuses seem to have a range and are not multipliers, thus components bonuses can vary from 25-30% for maneuver of pulse drives. It was tested for modules 7% (getting 26% to 33%) to 14% (getting 28% to 44%) and 16% (getting 29% to 45%). It likely caps out at 20% getting 30% to 50%. Better modules still get better results! To find out all ranges, it is proposed to check C and S modules.

For some bonuses given by base technology, like the Deflector Shield, there seems to exist an inverse supercharge bonus. As such for new pilots and travellers, supercharging their core-tech over their modules can be a difference of +20% Shield Strength, while a high end ship only gets about 5%. Since any supercharged shield at best reaches +38% Shield strength (with +8% from supercharge), a basic ship will always profit more, while an endgame ship will prefer the S-Module. They both converge.

Difference from Pre-Waypoint[ | ]

Even with all three modules placed in supercharged slots and surrounded by boosts on all sides, the final result for hyperdrives is still less than the former six modules, effectively causing an enforced tech-crunch on the galaxy. The final boost together would roughly equate in the best case in plus 75% + 12x1.25% = 88.25%. Thus six modules have become 3.88 modules in the optimal case. This levels the playing field between high-tech freighters and high-tech ships again, as ships constantly out-jumped the mobile bases.

The change ultimately nerfed endgame entities and boosted early game entities with the use of the slots for those unable to afford many high tier modules.

Listing[ | ]

Following is a comprehensive list of the families, with their corresponding bonus stats.

Note: same color does not always mean the two are boosting each other! Test them next to each other and then by themselves!

Exosuit[ | ]

Technology Bonus Power Bonus Multiplier
Life Support ? ?
Oxygen Recycler ? ?
Life Support Upgrade ? ?
Hazard Protection ? ?
Coolant Network ? ?
Thermic Layer ? ?
Toxin Suppressor ? ?
Radiation Deflector ? ?
Aeration Membrane ? ?
Shield Lattice ? ?
Life Support Upgrade ? ?
Jetpack ? ?
Neural Stimulator ? ?
Rocket Boots ? ?
Efficient Water Jets ? ?
Airburst Engine ? ?
Movement System Upgrade ? ?
Defence Systems Upgrade ? ?
Artemis' Translator ? ?
Simple Translator ? ?
Superior Translator ? ?
Advanced Translator ? ?
Star Seed ? ?
Remembrance ? ?

Multi-Tool[ | ]

Technology Bonus Power Bonus Multiplier Supercharged
Mining Beam ? ? -10% Mining Speed
+25% Heat Dispersion
Advanced Mining Laser ? ? +17% Mining Speed
Optical Drill ? ? +28% Resources Mined
Mining Beam Upgrade ? ?
Scanner ? ? +25% Scan Radius
+25% Recharge Time
(Note: recharge time and scan radius are not linked)
Waveform Recycler ? ? -16% Recharge Time
+27% Scan Radius
Analysis Visor Upgrade ? ? None
Survey Device ? ? None
Boltcaster ? ? +25% Damage
+16.67% Fire Rate
+20% Reload Speed
-15% Burst Cooldown
+16 Clip Size
+1 Shots Per Burst
Barrel Ioniser ? ? -13% Recoil
-18% Burst Cooldown
+0.2 Shots Per Burst
Boltcaster Ricochet Module ? ? None
Boltcaster Upgrade ? ?
Plasma Launcher ? ? +25% Damage
Plasma Launcher Upgrade ? ?
Geology Cannon ? ? +25% Damage
+15% Explosion Radius
Geology Cannon Upgrade ? ?
Neutron Cannon ? ? +25% Damage
+2 Spheres Created
+20% Charge Time
+15% Ion Sphere Speed
P-Field Compressor ? ? +0.5 Spheres Created
-18% Charging Speed
+7% Ion Sphere Speed
Neutron Cannon Upgrade ? ?
Blaze Javelin ? ? +25% Damage
+20% Time to Full Power
Mass Accelerator ? ? +3% Damage
Waveform Oscillator ? ? +1 Second Stun Duration
Blaze Javelin Upgrade ? ?
Scatter Blaster ? ? +25% Damage
+25% Fire Rate
+30% Reload Time
+20% Burst Cooldown
+2 Pellets Per Shot (from 8 to 10)
Shell Greaser ? ? -17% Reload Time
Scatter Blaster Upgrade ? ?
Pulse Spitter ? ? +25% Damage
+20% Fire Rate
+25% Reload Time
+20 Clip Size
Amplified Cartridges ? ? +5 Clip Size
Impact Igniter ? ? +20 Impact Fire Damage
Pulse Spitter Ricochet Module ? ? None
Pulse Spitter Upgrade ? ?

Starship[ | ]

Technology Bonus Power Bonus Multiplier Supercharged
Pulse Engine Prevents 5.5% links of other modules +4% Total Maneuver per link +20% Total Maneuver
(worse than S-Rank)
Instability Drive No Bonus 0 +14% Pulse Engine Fuel Efficiency
Sub-Light Amplifier No Bonus 0 +33% Drive Power
Photonix Core Bonus blocked if paired with base Engine +5.5% Total Maneuver per link +17% Pulse Engine Fuel Efficiency, +29% Boost, +27% Maneuverability
Flight Assist Override Bonus blocked if paired with base Engine +5.5% Total Maneuver per link +27% Maneuverability
Pulse Engine Upgrade Bonus blocked if paired with base Engine +5.5% Total Maneuver per link Pulse Drive Fuel Efficiency at base 20 around 16%
Boost up to 30%
Maneuver 25-30%
Hyperdrive 5 ly per base tech link 1 (5%) 25 ly (S-Modules give more than double)
Cadmium Drive Base Tech 1 (5%) None
Emeril Drive Base Tech 1 (5%) None
Indium Drive Base Tech 1 (5%) None
Emergency Warp Unit Pseudo-Module 1.25 (6%) None (less damage?)
Hyperdrive Upgrade Module 1.25 (6%) Warp Cell Efficiency up to 25%
Hyperdrive Range up to 25%
Launch Thruster ? ? +4% Launch Cost
(Is it faster, more Boost? Else it is bad!)
Efficient Thrusters ? ? -16% Launch Cost
Launch System Recharger ? ? None (No faster recharge)
Launch System Upgrade ? ? -16% Launch Cost
+27% Boost
Deflector Shield +1 Strength per Dual Link
(0.2 with Ablative Armour)
? +20% Base Strength down to +5%
(worse the higher your overall stat)
Ablative Armour +1.5 Strength per Dual Link ? Shield Strength +2%
Deflector Shield Upgrade +2.5 Strength per Dual Link ? Shield Strength up to +8%
Photon Cannon +5.5% per link ? +40% DMG
+20% Fire rate
+25% Heat Dispersion
Nonlinear Optics +5.5% per link ? +29% Heat Dispersion
Photon Cannon Upgrade ? ? ?
Rocket Launcher 5.5% DMG per link ? 20%-60% DMG (scales with damage potential of the ship)
+25% Projectile Speed
(Effectively increases range by +25%)
Large Rocket Tubes 5.5% per link ? +16% Heat Recovery
Phase Beam Module links only count module link ? +25% down to +15%
(inverted with total DMG)
+20% Heat Dispersion
Fourier De-Limiter 4% per dual link (with Phase Beam)
Module links only count module link
? +27% Heat Dispersion
+12% Shield Leech (total 62%)
Phase Beam Upgrade +1.25% per link ? Damage up to +6%
Heat Dispersion up to +42-47%
Positron Ejector ? ? +25% Damage
+10% Fire Rate
+25% Heat Dispersion
+50% Projectile Speed
(Effectively increases range by +50%)
Fragment Supercharger ? ? +16% Accuracy
+32% Range
Positron Ejector Upgrade ? ?
Infra-Knife Accelerator ? ? +25% Damage
+25% Fire Rate
+33% Heat Dispersion
Q-Resonator ? ? nothing (tooltip is bugged)
Infra-Knife Accelerator Upgrade ? ?
Cyclotron Ballista ? ? +25% Damage
+20% Fire Rate
+25% Heat Dispersion
Dyson Pump ? ? +27% Heat Dispersion
Cyclotron Ballista Upgrade ? ? ?

Living Ship[ | ]

Technology Bonus Power Bonus Multiplier
Neural Assembly ? ?
Neural Assembly Node ? ?
Pulsing Heart ? ?
Pulsing Heart Node ? ?
Scream Suppressor ? ?
Scream Suppressor Node ? ?
Singularity Cortex 0 1
Singularity Cortex Node 5% of shown stat 1.2
Spewing Vents ? ?
Spewing Vents Node ? ?
Grafted Eyes ? ?
Grafted Eyes Node ? ?

Exocraft[ | ]

Technology Bonus Power Bonus Multiplier Supercharged
Drift Suspension ? ? +75% Forwards Grip
-14% Angular Grip
Grip Boost Suspension ? ? -11% Forwards Grip
+53% Angular Grip
Hi-Slide Suspension ? ? -11% Forwards Grip
-14% Angular Grip
Exocraft Signal Booster ? ?
Advanced Signal Booster ? ?
Exocraft Signal Booster Upgrade Tau ? ?
Fusion Engine ? ? +25% Top Speed
Fusion Engine Upgrade ? ?
Exocraft Boost Module ? ? ~15% Boost Power +33% Tank Size
Exocraft Boosters Upgrade ? ?
Exocraft Mining Laser ? ? +25% Mining Laser Power
Advanced Exocraft Laser ? ? +16% Mining Laser Power
+25% Advanced Exocraft Mining Laser
(Note: this does nothing)
Exocraft Mining Laser Upgrade ? ?
Exocraft Mounted Cannon ? ? +20% Damage
+25% Fire Rate
+20% Weapon Efficiency
Exocraft Mounted Cannon Upgrade ? ?
Exocraft Radar ? ? None
Radar Amplifier ? ? +25% Scan
(Note: this does nothing)
Radar Power Resonator ? ? +25% Scan
(Note: this does nothing)

Nautilon[ | ]

Technology Bonus Power Bonus Multiplier
Humboldt Drive ? ?
Osmotic Generator ? ?
Humboldt Drive Upgrade ? ?
Nautilon Cannon ? ?
Nautilon Cannon Upgrade ? ?

Minotaur[ | ]

Technology Bonus Power Bonus Multiplier Supercharged
Daedalus Engine ? ? None
Ariadne's Flame ? ? +25% Boost Tank Size
Self-Greasing Servos ? ?
Minotaur Engine Upgrade ? ?
Environment Control Unit ? ? None
Minotaur Radar Array ? ? None
Minotaur AI Pilot ? ? None
Minotaur Laser ? ? +25% Mining Laser Power
Precision Minotaur Laser ? ? +16% Mining Laser Power
+25% Advanced Exocraft Mining Laser
(Note: this does nothing)
Minotaur Laser Upgrade ? ?
Minotaur Cannon ? ? +25% Damage
+25% Fire Rate +25% Weapon Efficiency
Precision Minotaur Laser ? ? +16% Mining Laser Power
+25% Advanced Exocraft Mining Laser
(Note: this does nothing)
Minotaur Laser Upgrade ? ?

Freighter[ | ]

Technology Bonus Power Bonus Multiplier
Freighter Hyperdrive 0 1
Amplified Warp Shielding 2.5 ly 1.2
Chromatic Warp Shielding 2.5 ly 1.2
Temporal Warp Computer 2.5 ly 1.2
Warp Core Resonator 10 ly 1.2
Plasmatic Warp Injector 15 ly 1.2
Reality De-threader 40 ly 1.2

Version Differences[ | ]

  • Waypoint: Supercharged slots added to technology. Removal of general inventory, reducing the maximum equippable modules from 6 to 3

Gallery[ | ]

Video[ | ]
