No Man's Sky Wiki
No Man's Sky Wiki
The subject of this article is from the Waypoint update.
The information from this article is up-to-date as of 21 February, 2023.
Uwakiku XIV-LU
Uwakiku XIV-LU
Galaxy Nepitzaspru
Region Hulayshe Sector
Colour Yellow
Spectral class F7f
Distance to centre 3,105 light‑years
Galactic coordinates 07FB:0086:0800:0118
Planet(s) 5
Waterworld Yes
Faction Gek
Economy Fuel generation
E-Sell 78.7%
E-Buy -16.1%
Wealth Destitute
Conflict level Stable
Claimed by The Luminumbra Collective
Discovered by therealmortaine
Game Mode Normal
Updated Waypoint

Uwakiku XIV-LU is a star system.

Summary[ | ]

Uwakiku XIV-LU is a star system in the Hulayshe Sector.

Alias Names[ | ]

Original: Uwakiku XIV
Current: Uwakiku XIV-LU

Discovery[ | ]

By PC explorer Mortaine on January 17, 2023.

Planets & Moons[ | ]

Planet Image Planet Name Type Extreme
AutinosXVI Autinos XVI Lush NO NO
Resources: Ancient Bones, Star Bulb, Silver, Paraffinium, Copper Notes: 14 species of fauna make this planet their home.
Obas Obas Anomalous NO YES
Resources: Salt, Gold Copper Notes: Notes
OscoVII Osco VII Scorched YES NO
Resources: Solanium, Silver, Phosphorus, Activated Copper Notes: Notes
WaporP44 Wapor P44 Frozen NO NO
Resources: Frost Crystal, Sodium, Dioxite, Copper Notes: Notes
XaleycIV Xaleyc IV Swamp NO NO
Resources: Silver, Faecium, Copper Notes: Notes

Location Information[ | ]

Coordinates[ | ]


Glyphs[ | ]


Navigation Images[ | ]


System Location[ | ]

Space Station[ | ]

The space station merchants include those for Multi-tool/Starship/Exosuit Tech, as well as the Vehicle Shop. They offer the following items for sale:

Additional Information[ | ]

Explorer Notes[ | ]

I visited Autinos XVI and found this paradise planet excellent for any would-be chefs. The local fauna are abundant and provide Tall Eggs, Wild Milk, Fresh Milk, Regis Grease, and Foraged Mushrooms when collected with the Livestock Unit. No sentinel activity and pleasant weather make it a good location for colonization. A large prehistorical record can be found in the numerous fossils buried throughout the planet. The main hazard is an aquatic species that explodes dangerously when touched, but is not specifically aggressive.

Gallery[ | ]
