No Man's Sky Wiki
The subject of this article is from the Desolation update.
The information from this article is up-to-date as of 22 September, 2020.
NmsMisc NotAvailable
Galaxy Euclid
Region Sea of Owdava
Colour Yellow
Spectral class F8p
Distance to centre 1,008,297 light‑years
Galactic coordinates 0240:0083:0FFE:0034
System ID 0052
Planet(s) 3
Moon(s) 0
Faction Gek
Economy Mathematical (Research)
Wealth Low Supply (1)
Conflict level Belligerent (2)
Claimed by Forgotten Colonies
Discovered by Thamalandis
Discovery platform PC
Game Mode Normal
Updated Desolation

Uxtonbro is an inhabited star system.

Summary[ | ]

Uxtonbro is a research star system at the end of the Beta in the Euclid galaxy. It is the exit star for the Yadhyade Terminus region black hole and the system of Afangdi 2.158.894 ly away.

The system is under supervision of Gek Exporter Redsli who represents the local merchant republic towards outsiders. They are assisted by their fellow trade leaders and the Vy'keen security. The Synergy of the Traveller's Guild has an embassy here, led by Traveller Hens.

Piracy exists and should be considered during visits. The security is MEDIUM! Its isolated position left the economy in bad shape.

Aboard the space station the merchants offer their supply depot to visitors.

Location[ | ]

Uxtonbro is a lone star.


  • 3

Natural Bridges:

  • None

Planets & Moons[ | ]

  • 1.
  • Uxtonbro Prime is a continental gaia world.
    • Oceanic Climate (13°C+)
  • 3.

Resources[ | ]


Excavations[ | ]


Lifeforms[ | ]


Starships[ | ]

Space Station


Technology[ | ]

Exosuit[ | ]

MultiTool[ | ]

Starship[ | ]

Exocraft[ | ]

Trade[ | ]

Exports[ | ]

Left Terminal

Right Terminal

Gallery[ | ]

External links[ | ]
