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Void Mote
Void Mote
Used as currency with the Autophage.
Category Special
Type Essence of Atlantid
Rarity Uncommon
Blueprint Value 380 Units
Symbol V
Updated WorldsOne

Void Mote is a resource.

Summary[ | ]

Void Motes are a resource and constitute a currency of exchange with the Autophage.

They are required to purchase unique Appearance Modifier cosmetics, Voltaic Staff crafting components, and Rebuilt Exosuit Modules from Autophage Synthesis Terminals and Harmonic Interfaces.

Game Description[ | ]

A purified drop of Atlantideum, refined to its very essence. This precious material is acquired by earning favour with and assisting the Autophage.

Visit the Autophage Synthesis Terminal found at all Autophage Camps to exchange Void Motes for unique customisation options.

Source[ | ]

Use[ | ]


Void Mote is not used as an ingredient for crafting.


Void Mote is not used as an ingredient for refining using a Refiner.


Void Mote is not used as an ingredient for cooking using a Nutrient Processor.

Release History[ | ]

Additional Information[ | ]

Gallery[ | ]
