No Man's Sky Wiki
No Man's Sky Wiki
The subject of this article is from the Orbital update.
The information from this article is up-to-date as of 28 May, 2024.

Wanted Level is a game mechanic.

Summary[ | ]

Wanted Level determines the level of attention a player receives by the Sentinels. It is normally at Level 0, with a maximum level of 5. A status bar in the upper right-hand corner of the Heads-Up Display keeps track of the current level. The level determines what amount of reinforcements will be sent after the player, and response will increase along with wanted level.

Raising the Wanted Level[ | ]

  • Sentinels generally react to players when witnessing them violating a universal law (such as killing an animal unprovoked, or over-mining a planet's resources).
  • Engaging in combat with Sentinels will accrue wanted levels. As this level increases, the number of Sentinels will increase, and stronger Sentinels will start to reinforce.
  • Collecting Vortex Cubes, Sac Venom, and Gravitino Balls will often cause an immediate increase to Level 3, resulting in Sentinel intervention.
  • Harvesting too many resources on a planet, or using certain weapons may also raise a player's wanted level.
  • Attacking a Space Station (SWL 4)
  • Attacking a Space Fleet (SWL 1-2, depends on whether you shoot a cargo pod(1) or a defence turret(2))
  • Attacking a System Authority starship after summoning the authorities to deal with pirates. (SWL 1).

Reducing the Wanted Level[ | ]

The wanted level will decrease over time if no additional infractions are committed. Leaving a planet will change wanted level to space wanted level 1. Also, entering a building or cave and hiding in there will slowly reduce wanted level.

Additional Information[ | ]

  • At level 1, the unit/s that spotted the player breaking the law will attack.
  • At level 2, 5 Drones will reinforce.
  • At level 3, two Quads will also attack.
  • At level 4, a lot of Drones and one Sentinel Hardframe Battle Mech will come.
  • At level 5, two Quads, a lot of Drones, one mech and a walker will attack. The wanted level will reset to 0 after all drones are defeated and the Sentinel Pillar location will be revealed.
  • At Space wanted level 1, a single starship will attack.
  • At level 2, two will engage the player.
  • At level 3, 4 will arrive.
  • At level 4, 6 will come.
  • At level 5, a carrier will warp in and will attack the player with its turrets and send out 3-5 starships at a time indefinitely. It will disappear when SWL drops lower than 5 or the carrier is destroyed.