No Man's Sky Wiki
No Man's Sky Wiki
The subject of this article is from the Aquarius update.
The information from this article is up-to-date as of 22 October, 2024.

Weather is an environmental modifier.

Summary[ | ]

The Weather influences the intensity of the present environmental hazard. Weather conditions can be sorted into several general categories (Note that all environmental hazard values are approximate).

  • For a list of weather types, see weather types.
  • For a list of weather types for each biome, refer to the specific biome pages.
  • For further information on storms, see storm.

Protection against hazards[ | ]

NmsShip HUD HazardBars

Hazard bars for cold, hot, and radioactive climates

There is insulation in your suit that protects you from these dangers; once it wears out you will start to take damage.

To recharge it you must go to a location sheltered from the specific hazard (for example, a cool place on a hot planet). Caves often serve this purpose if they can be found. Exosuit insulation can also be upgraded to last longer.

Heat[ | ]

Value to activate hazard shield: more than 60 °C

  • Heated?:
    • Average Hazard Intensity: less than 60 °C
    • Frequency of Storms: rare (less than 130 °C)
  • Scorching Heat:
    • Average Hazard Intensity: less than ?? °C
    • Frequency of Storms: common (less than ?? °C)
  • Incendiary Dust:
    • Average Hazard Intensity: less than 150 °C
    • Frequency of Storms: frequent (less than 360 °C)

Cold[ | ]

Value to activate hazard shield: less than -20 °C

  • Wintry:
    • Average Hazard Intensity: more than -40 °C
    • Frequency of Storms: rare (more than -110 °C)
  • Freezing:
    • Average Hazard Intensity: more than -?? °C
    • Frequency of Storms: ?? (more than -?? °C)
  • Whiteout:
    • Average Hazard Intensity: (more than -70 °C)
    • Frequency of Storms: frequent (more than -110 °C)
  • Icy:
    • Average Hazard Intensity: (more than -70 °C)
    • Frequency of Storms: frequent (more than -?? °C)

Radioactive[ | ]

Value to activate hazard shield: more than 4 RAD

  • Radioactive Dust:
    • Average Hazard Intensity: less than 5 RAD
    • Frequency of Storms: rare (less than 10 RAD)
  • Extreme Radiation:
    • Average Hazard Intensity: less than 10 RAD
    • Frequency of Storms: common (less than 35 RAD)
  • Nuclear Extermination
    • Frequency of Storms: frequent (less than 35 RAD)

Toxic[ | ]

Value to activate hazard shield: more than 40 Tox

  • Acidic Dust:
    • Average Hazard Intensity: less than 60 Tox
    • Frequency of Storms: rare (less than 100 Tox)
  • Poisonous Rain:
    • Average Hazard Intensity: less than 70 Tox
    • Frequency of Storms: common (less than 120 Tox)
  • Extreme Acidity:
    • Average Hazard Intensity: less than 100 Tox
    • Frequency of Storms: frequent (less than 120 Tox)

Other[ | ]

Other type of weather can be hot or cold. No storms occurr.

  • Light Showers:
    • Average Hazard Intensity: between 15 °C to 36 °C
    • Frequency of Storms: rarely (less than -40 °C)
  • Balmy:
    • Average Hazard Intensity: ??
    • Frequency of Storms: none
  • Unclouded Skies:
    • Average Hazard Intensity: -50 °C -60 °C at night.
    • Frequency of Storms: none

Extreme Hazard Planets[ | ]

As of 1.03, extreme planets are added. These planets contain dangerous, turbulent climate. When landed on, these types of planets will drain Hazard Protection quicker than normal. Extreme Planets also contain extreme storms. These storms are very powerful and drain Hazard Protection even quicker. The weather descriptor is written in red to warn the player about the extreme climate. Hazards on these planets depend on the biome.

These planets also contain activated stellar metal (always, such as Activated Copper) - if a planetary scan reveals these metal, the planet will be extreme.

Atmospheric Events[ | ]

As of Origins, there are five atmospheric events that can occur in conjunction with an ongoing storm. With this update, the Exosuit can now take advantage of the extreme conditions: superheated temperatures can be processed into improved jetpack efficiency; freezing temperatures prevent Mining Beam overheating; high radioactivity increases mining yield; dense toxic gases can be recirculated for additional stamina[1].

  • Firestorms
    • Occur on extreme temperature worlds
    • Fire will damage players if they get too close
    • Fire dissipates after a storm subsides
  • Gravitational Event
    • Occur on anomalous planets
    • Will exhibit sudden low-gravity shifts on the planet's surface
  • Lightning
    • Can occur with any storm
    • Can occasionally strike the ground near the player and cause damage
  • Meteor Showers
    • Can occur independently of a storm at the horizon, or as its own event close to the player
    • Meteoroids can damage the player, with the strike zone being indicated with a red circle on the planet's surface
  • Tornadoes
    • Can rarely occur with storms, and is indicated with an "extreme wind event" Exosuit warning
    • Will pick up nearby players and creatures

Extreme Planet Chance[ | ]

Yellow Red Green Blue
0.2 0.25 0.2 0.6

Additional Information[ | ]

The Extreme Planet Chance values have been extracted from the 3.75 version of the GCSOLARGENERATIONGLOBALS.GLOBAL.MBIN game file.

References[ | ]
