No Man's Sky Wiki
The subject of this article is from the NextGen update.
The information from this article is up-to-date as of 16 February, 2021.
Y. Xenooundae
Galaxy Euclid
Region Kaleibn Cluster
Star system AGT Daniso X
Planet Cel-Oxand
Description Rare / Ground / Always Active
Bait Scented Herbs
Gender Prime
Behaviour Inattentive
Diet Processes dirt
Height 2.4 m
Weight 121.3 kg
Genus Hexungulatis
Notes Vestigal udders
Mode Normal
Territory Alliance of Galactic Travellers
Discovered by celab99
Discovery platform PC
Discovered on 12-Nov-2020
Updated NextGen

Y. Xenooundae is a creature.

Summary[ | ]

AGT-Bzoological research

AGT Bureau of Zoological Research

Y. Xenooundae is a creature in the No Man's Sky universe.

It is a member of the Hexungulatis genus. The fauna is normally found in the ground ecosystem. The typical diet consumed classifies this creature as a(n) pica. Y. Xenooundae's period of activity is classified as always active.

Appearance[ | ]

Alias names[ | ]

All Original: Y. Xenooundae
PC Current: Y. Xenooundae

Discovery Menu[ | ]

Additional Observations: Vestigal udders

Location[ | ]

It can be found on the planet Cel-Oxand in the AGT Daniso X star system.


223302AEC312223302AEC312 (Planet Glyphs)

Measurements[ | ]

Gender Weight Height Notes
Prime 121.3kg 2.4m
N/A kg m

Additional information[ | ]

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Videos[ | ]

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