No Man's Sky Wiki
The subject of this article is from the Prisms update.
The information from this article is up-to-date as of 31 August, 2021.
Yihelli Quadrant - Phantom Stars
Yihelli Quadrant - Phantom Stars
Galaxy Euclid
Region Yihelli Quadrant
Type Phantom Stars
Description Phantom Stars
Claimed by Alliance of Galactic Travellers
Updated Prisms

Yihelli Quadrant - Phantom Stars is a subset table of Phantom Stars.

Summary[ | ]

This article provides a list of documented Phantom stars in Yihelli Quadrant.

List of Phantom Star[ | ]

The following stars are Phantom systems in Yihelli Quadrant.

System Color Economy Coordinates Planets Moons Release
AGT Veiled Void Red 043D:0072:0D44:0000 6 0 Expeditions
AGT Ermlertom Yellow Mercantile 043D:0072:0D44:0202 4 2 Expeditions
AGT Takaeyj-Sopi Yellow Shipping 043D:0072:0D44:0205 4 0 Prisms
AGT Uridirs-Dunogo Yellow Shipping 043D:0072:0D44:0207 2 0 Prisms
AGT Ompling XVIII Yellow Nano-construction 043D:0072:0D44:020C 5 Prisms
AGT Rayskyv-Obor Yellow Prospecting 043D:0072:0D44:0239 4 2 Expeditions
AGT Veskagit Yellow Industrial 043D:0072:0D44:0258 3 0 Frontiers
AGT Enbrei-lot Yellow Construction 043D:0072:0D44:07D0 3 0 Companions
AGT Ritunut Yellow Commercial 043D:0072:0D44:07D1 6 0 Expeditions
AGT Grimmo Yellow Commercial 043D:0072:0D44:07D2 4 2 Expeditions
AGT Stmera-Cid Red 043D:0072:0D44:07D3 3 0 Expeditions
AGT Liarin Yellow Experimental 043D:0072:0D44:07E4 4 0 Expeditions
AGT Achard-Nehe Yellow Manufacturing 043D:0072:0D44:07E5 5 1 Expeditions
AGT Niberind XVIII Yellow Nano-construction 043D:0072:0D44:07E6 3 0 Expeditions
AGT Omqvist Yellow Experimental 043D:0072:0D44:07E8 5 1 Expeditions
AGT Elsentha Yellow Commercial 043D:0072:0D44:07E9 3 0 Expeditions
AGT Rialekt Yellow Manufacturing 043D:0072:0D44:07EA 4 1 Expeditions
AGT Romokop Fuel Generation 043D:0072:0D44:08F9 6 0 Desolation

Additional information[ | ]

Gallery[ | ]
